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On Heart Attack

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In this day and age, with all the law suit crazy people in this world, we here at TWJ must needs put the above information in it′s place for everyone′s protection.
Yes, it has become a sad state of affairs when doing such becomes not only necessary but also the norm.
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  A Wayƒarers Quill Strokes
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The Scourge of Heart Attack
What is a Heart Attack?
What causes a Heart Attack?
What is French Paradox?
What can cure and prevent a Heart Attack?
These questions and their answers are the subject of the following information.

For Answers to these questions, please see the below sections.
For more information, click on any blue links on this page.

The Cure for Heart Disease
Quote from a Pharmaceutical-Medical Industry (Health Industry) Web Site
According to the Health Industry:
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the biggest killer of Americans, and the bad guy in this national tragedy is low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLC) which not only clogs arteries but triggers heart attacks and strokes.
For people diagnosed with CVD, taking a LDLC lowering statin medication, like Lipitor or Crestor is a scientifically proven strategy reducing the blockages in arteries and blood vessel.
Why Does the Health Industry Make the above Claim?
Due to Health Industry claims such as the one above, medical professionals worldwide tell their patients: "the only way to prevent heart disease is to reduce the LDLC in your blood." Thus hundreds of millions of people are prescribed LDLC lowering statin medications (drugs), which drug sales add fourteen billion dollars ($14,000,000,000.00) to drug company coffers each and every single year.

There is a Flaw in the Health Industry Claim!
The problem with this claim by the Health Industry is that the large majority of the people put on the statin drugs have not been diagnosed with a CVD, but instead have only had a simple blood test showing that the person has high cholesterol.
Once the blood test results comes back, the doctor prescribes the drug to the patient with the assurance that now, the patient will not have a heart attack or stroke, well only as long as the patient keeps taking his medications.
This the primary snare the Health Industry sets and once a person becomes caught in this trap, the Health Industry tries to keep you addicted to their lies.
Notwithstanding, this way of trying to stop heart attacks is totally flawed as the information located on this page and the linked pages shows. Please read on.

The Drugs to Prevent Heart Attack
What is the Truth about LDLC Lowering Medications
A scientific review of 14 studies shows that statin drugs are virtually useless for prevention. 1 Shockingly, when reading this review, I found that it reports that over half the people on satin drugs get coronary artery disease anyway, plus, in a lager percent of the paitents, the drug set them up for Alzheimer′s disease and an avalanche of pharmaceutical-induced nutrient deficiencies that propel them toward accelerated aging.
In fact, there is a small but growing core or doctors, researchers and other health professionals who believe that cholesterol and fat have been wrongly convicted as the primary cause of heart disease. These health professionals have come to find the true cause of CVD, which as they tell it is: inflammation, oxidative damage, stress, and sugar. (Reference: Doctor Oz)
The link above, as I have come to find out has been coming back broken, most likely due to the threats of lawsuits by the Medical Industry.
What is Cholesterol?
Cholesterol lowering via statin drugs has become a national obsession to such an extent that many think cholesterol is the primary cause of heart disease. Yet 50% or more of heart deaths have normal cholesterol levels.
There are many more serious and common causes that are ignored, yet curable without drugs. (Reference: UCLA Health)
Why Treat Only The Symptoms?
The drug companies claim that high LDLC is a symptom of heart disease which needs to be lowered so as to prevent heart disease, but the facts of the matter is that your blood cholesterol level has absolutely no effect on whether you will have a heart attack or not.
Many people with low cholesterol have heart attacks. Too, many people with high cholesterol don′t have heart attacks. Most people think of cholesterol in a negative way, as if it were a poison. However, cholesterol actually plays a very important role in the functioning of the body and is found in every cell in our body; without it our bodies would not function properly.
Most would agree that true healing and a healthy lifestyle is the real quest. These people want reasonable and scientifically proven cures for life and not merely bludgeoning a symptom with the latest side effect ridden pharmaceutical.
What are the Side Effects of Cardiovascular Drugs?
The American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs list for statin medication, the following confirmed side effects: anemia, acidosis, cataracts, chronic fatigue, Coenzyme Q10 deficiently, immune depression, exercise intolerance, high blood pressure, irritability, memory loss, myalgia (muscle pain), peripheral neuropathy (tingling, numbness or pain in the extremities), sexual dysfunction, sleeplessness, and thyroid disruption.
It goes on to state that these drugs may also cause: cancer, stroke, diabetes, auto-immune disease, digestive problems, kidney failure, liver problems, Luo Gehrig′s disease, lung problems, Parkinson′s disease, weight gain and death.
The Cholesterol Scam
These drugs have proliferated the market in such a way as to make a very impressive testimony to the power of marketing, corruption and corporate greed. Further, the odds are very high, that if you are taking a statin drug, you do not really need to take it.
In truth, more than ninety-nine percent of those who take LDLC lowering medications do not really need to take them.

The Conclusion about Heart Attack
First and foremost, do not believe what anyone from the medical industry says is best for your health because most of the people within the medical will just lie to you, whether they know they are doing so or not.
A thinking person would say that the path recommended by the health industry is flawed, however, most people would add, What other choice do I have, I want to stay healthy and alive. Now, however, there is an alternative path to the totally flawed health industry.
Instead, do the research yourself, and you will, like I have done, find out the truth about what is really the healthy option. This is by no means an impossible task for any one, but a realistic goal that can be set, one which I can personally vouch to, as I did the research about the cardiovascular anti-oxidants in grape seed extract and have never had to bludgeoning a symptom with the latest pharmaceutical drug ridden with side effects, but have made my decision and follow that healthy option that I have found through personal research.
And that path is a working knowledge of what the truth about this matter is. For more information, click on the blue link above in the section entitled The Cure for Heart Disease.

The analysis was published by The Cochrane Collaboration, however, in 2022 when looking for this article, I have found it to be removed even thought there continues to be several references to it in other web sites on the internet. Nevertheless, at least for now, I will maintain the above study reference on this page.

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This Page Last Updated: 23 October 2024

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