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The Mountain

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The Appendix

The Wayƒarer
The Mountain
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(mount´n) [ME mountaine] n. 1a. Naturally raised area of the earth. -n. jour 1b. The Mountain Passage is a wayƒarers′ photojournalist gallery. (See definition 3 & 4 of the mountain in the Glossary.)

The Quest for Life′s Meaning Go Down Go Up
THE MOUNTAIN is truly an amazing gift from God, one promising to augment the entire selƒ. The mountain physically embraces and satisfies every need of the Me, it mentally consoles and encourages the Myselƒ and it spiritually enlightens the I profoundly.
The physical abode of the mountain is a place that remains in all respects remote and difficult to achieve.
Mentally, the braves achieved upon it provide untold feelings of accomplishment despite any number of attempts necessary.
Emotionally, the needs of a wayƒarer diminish proportionally to time spent thereupon.
Spiritually, the mountain provides abundant time of silence during a wayƒarer′s quest for God which exposes him from atop its summits, to a wide vista stretching across valleys, lakes, forest, and ridges to the fog-enshrouded horizons; a perspective which enhances his spiritual pursuit.
   The Wayƒarer
Too, the mountain is often used to represent what many yearn for; the means to achieve a personal relationship with God. Thus it is thereupon, after achieving the remote and difficult, that one can find that much needed solace.
Every thing that is part of and within the realm of the mountain: the braves, the fauna, the flora, the forests, the paths, the rocks, the roots, the ruts, the rain, the simplicity, the sky, the snow, the solitude, the sun, the toils, the views, the waters, and even the human inhabitants are all included in that which a solace seeking wayƒarer may partake of and share with others, in the search for guiding principles for his betterment and to ultimately achieve his goal of spiritual enlightenment.
And as a wayƒarer journeys, much wax will be burned to provide light for reading the Bible. Yes, a wayƒarer can not but learn much from his experiences on these juxtaposing paths; the path afoot or afield and the path traveled within God′s word.

A Wayƒarers′ Photojournalist Gallery
The Mountain
Since the inception of the journey on, each of the wayƒarers, have as part of the burden, begun to carry a digital camera and in doing so, have the desire to capture as photographs the wonders found upon the way.
Too, The Mountain passage is now being used as the medium where which these many photos are displayed and interpreted.
Almost all of the subject matter of this gallery will be from the North American continent due to the travel destinations currently available for photography.
The pages that follow are the subjects covered in a wayƒarer′s photo gallery, the list being in the menu above and to the left under The Mountain Passage.
The Galleries
There are, in total, seven Galleries in the Mountain Passage and each has content of different but specific subject. Too, each of the seven galleries will contain their own specific Quest and by going to these several galleries, one can find out the Quest as well as the explanation of the content found within. I must say that the compilation of these seven galleries are the work of a lifetime.
The Life Gallery
This gallery is one which is near and dear to me in that it has been a life of photography of the living creation of God.
Classification of The Creation
Many people are interested in ways to classify all aspects of the natural world, which, methinks is a natural human instinct to try and give labels to all things. This is not a bad instinct as many times it allows an easier path to understanding that which is being classified.
However, when a person endeavors to classify natural things, it must be with the understanding that any classification design is entirely man made and the creation may not necessary follow their classification design exactly as they would desire.
In fact, there will always be exceptions to any classification design, and more often than not, many things will fall into more than one category in the classification.
Keep this in mind when you examine this photo gallery, that the classification design may not fit the design of the creation, sometimes, not even coming close.

Artwork Credits
Artwork-Map Credits: Owned by TWJ
(m#-???-??-title), This format indicates that the artwork-map drawing has been created by a staff artist. This credit designates first both the file location and the name of the artwork or map drawing. Maps are primarily located in the file location m0-maps-???-??, with the ???-?? being the sub-directories, if any of m0-maps.
Some of the newest artwork will also have yyyy-mmdd-hhmm attached to the file name, however, this is only in recent years and done to keep track of the art or map while it is being created.
Artwork-Map Credit: Outside Sourced
Any artwork created by or belonging to an outside source will have the format of (m#-???-??-title-owner) (art/map title, Art-Map Credit: Copyright of this artwork belongs to the listed named owner and/or website.
Photo Credits
Photo Credit: Owned by TWJ
(m#-???-??-www-yyyy-mmdd.hhmm) This format indicates that the photo was taken by a staff photographer. This credit first designates the file location in the format: (m#-???-??). The first letter indicated which Passage where the photo is displayed, m is for the Mountain Passage which is the primary photo gallery. (Other passages have similar designated usually with their first (or last) letter: j for Journal Passage, w for Wayƒarer′s Passage; s for the Self Passage; y for the Journey Passage, b for Burden Passage; and a for Appendix Passage.)
The next designation, the # sign, indicates The Episode (or Quest Level) of that Passage up to the seventh level, all of which will be listed as a numeral, 1 through 7.
The third designation, the ???-??, indicates the path to the actual file.
The fourth designation, the www, indicated the US state where the photo was taken.
Finally, in the second area of the photo credit, (-yyyy-mmdd.hhmm), this indicates the Year, Month-Date, and the Time at which the photo was taken. The time is shown in twenty-four hour time, also known as military time. 1
Photo Credit: Outside Sourced
(m???-??-title-owner) Example: [photo credit:] indicates someone not associated with The Wayƒarer′s Journal. Copyright of these photos belongs to the named owner and/or website.
Photographs from outside sources may be used for a time until a photographer associated with The Wayƒarer′s Journal provides a suitable replacement.
All credit will begin with the file location and then follow with the copyright owner information: (m#-???-??-owner). Thus, throughout this web site: photos, art work and maps, will have photo credits with two format types.

© Copyright
Copyright of all photos, art, maps and all written content created by this website, including: from the owner, the staff and/or any employees, are the property of TWJ (The Wayƒarers Journal) which is the website.
See Copyright notice below at the bottom of this page and if you have not done so yet, please read and comply with the Terms of Use of this website.

Previously, this format was in the form: m#??-yyyymmdd.hhmm and this format may still be seen in some places in this photo gallery. However, this format is fast being changed to the new format as shown above in the paragraph.

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See Ya above the Treeline!

This Page Last Updated: 07 July 2024

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The Wayƒarers Journal © ::: Come Join the Journey ™
by Thom Buras
Come Join the Journey ™