The Way it was in Our Grandparents’ Day
Hometown North America in the nineteen-fifties was a much simpler time and place for Tommy Michel as a youth. His daily life often included weekday walking to school and Wednesday night Scout meetings. Saturdays always began with Catechism and depending on the season, the afternoon involved mowing the grass. There was always time for some ball playing or exploring the huge field behind his home, and then Sunday morning was spent in Church with his mom and siblings.
"For the most part" relates Tommy, "I was a healthy child, but occasionally, there was a need for me to visit the family doctor because my parents, especially my mother, believed that if you are sick, you must needs see the doctor." Like most people in north America, his parents believed in the popular notion that physicians knew how to cure what ails you and that the doctors always did what was in the best interests of their patients.
"I suppose", Tommy continues, "that my parents were not entirely wrong to believe in our family doctor to the high degree they did, because methinks, the doctors in that day and age, did know more about caring for people than they knew about the use of drugs; in fact, the pharmaceutical companies were not yet the powerful and influential industry that they would soon after grow to become."
The Way it is Now
Soon after leaving home in the late nineteen-sixties, Tommy came to believe that the medical profession, with the backing of the fast growing pharmaceutical industry became to be like a religion to most people of America in the day.
To quote the way the Tommy tells it, "Good health became the worship, the pharmaceutical companies began dispensing the holy grail (drugs) which came to be called silver bullets (the cures). The temple priests (doctors) would dispense new life (prescriptions) to the worshipers (patients) who would then give praises (payments) at the altar of the temple (pharmacy) and be healed from all their grievous ailments.
"The doctors, now, no longer just men, became high priests to the gods and thus given entrance to the inner chambers within this temple of worship and no one was allowed to question what they would preach about healing.
"However, this path is not one I could pursue, because I well knew that these doctors are men and make mistakes like the rest of us. I became more determined to refrain from seeing a doctor for any reason except if I were to break a bone or cut myself too severe to be fixed with the first aid that I learned while in Boy Scouts.
"My mother, however, never saw through this facade created by the combined commercial medical-pharmaceutical industry." (Health Iindustry) He continues, "Maybe she had been too deeply indoctrinated in this worship to desire a way out because she continued taking extremely large quantities of pharmaceuticals every single day for the rest of her life. Sadly, for some time before she passed, she no longer recognized me, nor most of my siblings.
"When she had reached a point when it was no longer safe anymore to leave her alone, my youngest sister took mom into her home where mom stayed for several of her last years but even then, mom was in the final stages of totally loosing her ability of being cognizant.
"Mother then lost her memory including any real cognizance of who she was, she lost the ability to control her bodily functions and then she began loosing her ability to have meaningful communication or any relationship with most of those around her, including family.
"Some time later, it was necessary to admit her into a facility which could better care for mother in the condition she was in." Tommy continued, "My sister told me that after she began to loose her memory, she would say, ‘Momma, I want to go home’ and my sister told me that she understood that mother meant that she wanted to go to her childhood home to be with her mom."
By this time, Tommy′s mother had lost all of her recent memory, everything that made here who she was and all that she had left and could remember was bits and pieces of her childhood. Tommy′s mother finally succumbed to pharmaceutical induced toxin overdose on 01 November 2008 at the age of eighty-four years.
Ironically, this is the Only Way that the pharmaceutically created silver bullets has to offers all those who choose to worship at the temple of this holy grail.
This is Not the Way!
The combined agriculture, grocery and manufacturing industries ( Food Industry), together with the backing and blessings from the government ( FDA) are involved in a massive cover up and
deception about which food is in reality healthy to eat.
For example, the food industry hides the truth about the bad ingredients contained within their products, particularly, their wide spread use of toxic products including high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), monosodium glutamate (MSG), soy lethician, polysorbate 80, propylene glycol and many other toxic
food additives.
Look at the ingredients on commercially processed food products and you will find HFCS is not only in most products but is sometimes even one of the top ingredients, which means that the amount of HFCS in that product is very high.
The food industry continues to claim HFCS is no different than sugar despite repeated clinical studies and scientific tests showing that HFCS is the cause of cancer, dementia, heart disease, liver failure, obesity, tooth decay, and much more.
There is A Better Way
Howbeit, there is another way in which to walk, one that does not end in total loss of everything that is the self, but instead results in a much more desired outcome.
This better way is the path called The Real Way within this website, the path Tommy has chosen to walk and which may very well leads to what is called in the Bible the
real life.
(1 Timothy 6: 19)
This section of the web site, The Methinks will deal with information that exposes bad practices of both the food industry and the Health Iindustry in their advancement of extreme greed.
To learn more about The Real Way or The Methinks subject of discussion, click on the item in the menu above and to the left.