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A Wayƒarer′s Glossary

  A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |   1

The Glossary A Go Down Go Back
(a·bate) v. [ME] 1. To reduce in amount, degree, intensity. 2. Lessen, diminish.
abbr. Abbreviation: abbreviation. n. gram. 1. Abbreviation for.
abide (a·bide) vi. arch. 1. To stay; reside, continue.
acr.Abbreviation: acronym. n. 1. A word formed from the first (or first few) letters of a series of words.
actualize (ac´tu·a·lize´) vt. 1. To realize in or by action. 2. To make real or come to fruition.
ADA Acronym: American with Disabilities Act.
adieu (a·dieu) n. [French, from a (to) and dieu (God)] 1. Goodbye, farewell
adj.Abbreviation: adjective. n. gram. 1. Words used to modify a noun or other substantive, as by describing qualities, stating its limits, quantity, or distinguishing it from other. (exam: good, every.).
ado (a·do) n. 1. Fuss, trouble; excitement
adv.Abbreviation: adverb. n. gram. 1. Words used to modify a verb, an adjective, another adverb, a phrase, or a clause by expressing time, place, manner, degree, cause etc, often ending in ly. (exam: fast, carefully, then.)
affront (af·front´) vt. 1. To offend by a show of disrespect. -n. remark or act that is personally offensive.
afield (a·field) adv. [ME, before 1000 CE] 1. In, on or to the field. 2. Outdoors. 3. Away from one′s usual surroundings or home. -n. jour. 4. That time in a wayƒarer′s life journey when during the journey on, usually after achieving need level (or somewhat close to it), he travels and lives in a small vehicle.
afoot (a·foot) adj. adv. 1. On foot, walking. 2. Travel by walking. n. jour. 3. That time in a wayƒarer′s life journey when, after achieving need level, he travels by foot, walking on the mountain.
aggregate (ag´gre·gate) adj. 1. Formed by the collection of items into a mass. -n. 2.a sum or assemblage.
agog (a·gog´) adj. 1. Highly excited by eager anticipation, excitement or interest.
akin (a·kin) adj. 1. Of one′s family; related through ancestors. -adj. (often followed by: to) 2. Having similar characteristics and properties.
albeit (al·be´it) conj. [ME] 1. Although; even if: 2. Even though 3. From a contraction of although it be
allay (al·lay) vt. 1. To put to rest, to lessen or alleviate. -yment -n
alpenglow n. astr. 1. An atmospheric phenomenon occurring when the sun is just below the horizon, in which a horizontal red glowing band is observed on the horizon opposite to the sun. This occurs when the sun is below suntouch and is caused by the sunlight being reflected off airborne ice, snow or water. (See Alpenglow Gallery)
alt.Abbreviation: alternate. n. gram. 1. Words used in place of another.
alt.Abbreviation: altitude. n. gram. 1. The measurement of the height of an object in relation to fixed point. (-n. astr.) 2. The apparent height of a celestial object above the horizon, measured as an angle.
ambiguity (am·bi´gu·i·ty) n. [Late ME] 1. Doubtfulness or uncertainty of meaning or intention. 2. An unclear, indetherosclerosisinite, or equivocal word or meaning. -adj. -guous
amidst (a·midst´) prep. 1. In the middle of. Amid, 2. Amongst.
amiss (a·miss´) adj. 1. Improper, faulty. -adv. 2. Out of the proper order. Take amiss, be offended at.
anc.Abbreviation: arcient. n. gram. 1. Words belonging to an ancient period of a language. n. anc. 2. The people who lived on the earth during the ancient history of man.
andesite n. geol.. 1. A fine-grained tan or grey volcanic rock consisting of mainly of sodium-rich plagioclase and one or more mafic minerals such as biotite, hornblende, or pyroxene. andesitic adj. 2. That which consists of andesite.
anent (a·nent´) prep. arch. [OE, before 900 CE] 1. In regards to, about.
anew (a·new´) adv. 1. Once more, again.
anon (a·non´) adv. arch. 1. Soon.
annular eclipse n. astr.. 1. An annular solar eclipse occurs when the Sun and Moon are exactly in line, but the apparent size of the Moon is smaller than that of the Sun. Hence the Sun appears as a very bright ring, or annulus, surrounding the dark disk of the Moon.
antisolar point n. astr. 1. The antisolar point is the imaginary point on the celestial sphere exactly opposite the sun from the view point of the observer. On a sunny day, this point is located at the shadow of the observer′s head. 2. The point, during suntouch, where anticrepuscular rays seem to converge near the horizon.
apace (a·pace´) adv. Lit. 1. Quickly.
aphe. Abbreviation: aphelion (uh·fee´lee·uhn) n. astr.. 1. The point in the orbit of a celestial object where it is furthest from its orbital object. 2. The point in the orbit of a planet or comet at which it is farthest from the sun. The earth′s aphelion occurs on or near to the fifth of July. (See also perihelion)
aplenty (a·plen´ty) adj. 1. More than sufficient quantity; in generous amounts. adv. 2. Sufficiently; more than enough; more than sparingly.
apog. Abbreviation: apogee (ap´o·gee) n. astr. 1. The point in the orbit of a celestial object, either the moon or a man-made satellite when it is at it′s farthest distance from the earth. (See also perigee.)
apothecary (a·poth´e·car·y) n. 1. A druggist, a drugstore.
appulse (ap·pulse´) n. 1. The closest approach of two celestial bodies in conjunction, but only when no eclipse or occultation occurs. Abbreviation: appul.
approach trail (ap·proach´) n. 1. The act of coming close. (approach trail) -n. jour. 2. That part of the path to climb a mountain which is on the lower slopes and within the fully forested areas. -n. jour. sym. 3. The time in a person′s life when first studying and meditating on Bible truth to learn of God′s Will. 4. The path one steps when he begins to drop all of his connections to the world with it′s many entanglements and begins to avoid the traps of the great bird catcher (Psalms 91: 3) and desires to begin walking faultlessly upon the mountain of God. (Psalms 15: 1, 2) -n. jour. fig. 5. The path of coming to know what kind of person God is and developing a close friendship with Him. (See also: ascent trail)
AR Acronym. After Retirement. (See also: time period)
arbitrary (ar·bi·tra·ry) adj. 1. Subject to individual judgment. 2. Capricious or unreasonable.
arc-degree (arc´-degree) n. 1. A measurement of a plain angle in which one full rotation is 360 degrees, each degree is divided into sixty arc-minutes and each arc-minute is divided into sixty arc-seconds. n. astr. 2. In astronomy, the earthbound viewer is at the center of the circle and measurement of the arc-degree is the distance between two celestial objects on the celestial sphere in the sky.
Also referred to as: arc degree, degree, or degree of arc and is usually denoted by ° the degree symbol.
arch.Abbreviation: archaic. n. gram. 1. Words belonging to an earlier period. Words that have ceased to be used except for some special purpose, as in poetry, rituals, etc. (exam: Thou is an archaic form of you.) n. arch. 2. The people who lived on the earth during the early history of man.
archae.Abbreviation: archaeology.
archaeology n. 1. The study of man′s steps on the earth and their cultures, primarily through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artifacts and other physical remains.
arrant (ar´rant) adj. 1. Completely such, thoroughly. (exam: Arrant fool.)
artist n. jour. 1. A person who works with his hands, his mind and his heart. See also: craftsman and laborer.
ascent trail (as·cent´) -n. 1. The act of rising up. (ascent trail) -n. jour. 2. The path that continues from the approach trail and leads up to the summit of a mountain. -n. jour. sym. 3. A journey to the place above the treeline where a wayƒarer seeks to gain access to the view. -n. jour. fig. 4. The effort made by a person to become known by God. (See also: approach trail)
ascetic (as·cet´ic) adj. 1. Self denying. -n. 2. One who lives a life of contemplation and strict self-denial for religious purposes.
aspiring (as·pir´ing) v.i. 1. To be eagerly desirous.
asterism (as·ter·ismr) n. astr. 1. A prominent pattern or group of stars, typically having a popular name but smaller than a constellation. Example: Pleiades, the Seven Sisters.
astir (a·stir) adj. [OE] 1. Moving or stirring, especially with much activity or excitement.
astr.Abbreviation: astronomy n. 1. The branch of science that deals with celestial objects, their interaction, space, and the physical universe as a whole. astronomical -adj. 2. Words used to describe objects and events within the realm of astronomy.
assuage (as·suage´) vt. 1. To make (a burden or pain) less intense or severe. -ging, -ged. -n. -gement.
astrometry n. 1. The branch of astronomy that deals with the precise measurement of the positions and movements of stars and other celestial bodies.
astrophysics n. 1. The branch of astronomy that deals with the physical properties and the space between stars and other celestial bodies, and the application of the laws and theories of physics to the interpretation of astronomical observations.
AT, PCT, CDT.Acronyms: Appalachian Trail, Pacific Crest Trail, Continental Divide Trail, know collectively as the Triple Crown for backpackers, those hikers who often refer to themselves as trekkers. n. 2. The Appalachian Trail is a 2100 mile footpath transecting fourteen states in the eastern mountainous areas of the US.
atherosclerosis n. 1. Atherosclerosis is a specific type of arteriosclerosis, but the terms are sometimes used interchangeably. Atherosclerosis refers to the buildup of fats, cholesterol and other substances in and on your artery walls, called plaque, which can restrict blood flow, causing heart attack. (For information as to what causes it and how to prevent it, please see The Methinks on Heart Attack.)
athirst (a·thirst´) adj. arch. 1. Thirsty.
au (AU)Abbreviation: n. astr. Astronomical Unit. 1. The average distance from the Sun to the Earth: 93 million miles
aught pron. 1. Anything whatsoever.
augment (aug·ment) v. 1. To make greater in quality or quantity. To increase. -n. 2. An Increase.
austere (aus·tere´) adj. 1. Lacking luxury. 2. Showing self-discipline and self-denial.
autonym n. 1. A name used by a social, cultural, or linguistic group to refer to themselves or their language. 2. self-designation, endonym.
aurora (au·ro´ra) n. 1. An atmospheric phenomenon seen above the magnetic poles of the northern and southern hemispheres. They are known in the north as Aurora Boreales; in the south as Aurora Australis. These lights are the result of collisions between between gaseous particles in the Earth's atmosphere with electrically charged particles that arrive from the sun's atmosphere. Depending on the gas particles in the collision, the Auroral displays will appear in different colors. The most common color, green is produce with oxygen gases at lower altitudes (60 miles above the earth) and at the highest altitudes (up to 200 miles above the earth) oxygen produces rare red auroras. The yellow and pink auroras are a mix of the green and red. Below 60 miles, Nitrogen is more common and produces blue or purplish-red auroras. The lights appear in many forms from patches or scattered clouds of light to streamers, arcs, rippling curtains or shooting rays that light up the sky with an eerie glow. 2. In the northern hemisphere, this phenomenon is also know as Northern Lights.
avarice (av´a·rice) n. 1. Extreme greed, cupidity, excessive desire.
avers (a·vers´) vt. 1. To affirm positively; declare.
avouch (a·vouch´) vt. 1.To guarantee. 2. To make frank affirmation of.
AYCE Acronym: All you can eat.
azure (a·zure) adj. 1. Brilliantly blue or violet. -old poet. 2 The blue sky.

The Glossary B Go Down Go Up
n. jour. 1. That time in a wayƒarer′s life journey when he acquires need level and ventures afoot on the mountain.
BAD Acronym: bad food, n. jour. 1. Non-living food. (See also living food)
bade pt. Bid.
baneful (bane´ful) adj. 1. That which is harmful.
banana belt n. 1. A local weather condition often caused due to surrounding and protecting mountains, which area has better climate than other nearby areas. 2. This condition often forms on the lee sides of mountain slopes caused by orographic lift. When air rises over the top of a mountain range, it cools and releases moisture on the windward slope. As the air is pulled down the other side, it is compressed and heated via adiabatic heating, and it warms and dries territory in what is called the mountain′s rain shadow.
banter (ban·ter) vt. 1. Good nature teasing, joking.
basalt n. geol. 1. A dark-colored, fine-grained, igneous rock composed mainly of plagioclase and pyroxene minerals. It most commonly forms as an extrusive rock, such as a lava flow, but can also form in small intrusive bodies, such as an igneous dike or a thin sill.
base vi. 1. Having no honor, courage or decency.
bask adj. [ME basken, before 1400 CE<Old Norse bathask 1. To bathe oneself to pleasant warmth or sunlight. 2. To revel in. -idi. basking in the sun
BCEAcronym. Before Common Era. (See also: time period)
bear bag n. jour. 1. A bag used by backpackers at night to hang food above and out of the reach of animals.
beatific (bea·ti·fic) adj. 1. Making blissful or blessed. 2. Showing happiness or delight; blissful.
beatify (be·at´i·fy) vt. To make blissfully happy.
beatitude (be·at´i·tude´) n. 1. Supreme blessing.
bechance (be·chance´) vt., vi. 1. To happen, (to) befall upon.
becloud (be·cloud´) vt. 1. To darken with clouds. vt. fig. 2. Cause to become obscure or muddled. -ded
bedew (be·dew´) vt. 1. To wet with dew. -wed
bedim (be·dim´) vt. 1. To make dim. -med, -ms
befall (be´fall) vi. 1. To come to pass, occur.
befoul (be´foul) vt. 1. To make filthy. 2. To slander.
befriend (be´friend) vt. 1. To act as a friend, help.
begrudge (be´grudge) vt. 1. To envy the possession or enjoyment of. 2. Give with reluctance.
beguile (be´guile) vt. 1. To deceive by treacherous cunning; skillful deceit; delude. -ed, -es
behest (be´hest) n. [ME, before 1000 CE] 1. An authoritative command. 2. An earnest request.
beholden (be´hold´en) adj. 1. Obliged to feel grateful.
behoove (be´hoove´) vt. 1. To be proper or necessary for. -ed, -es
belabor (be´la·bor) vt. 1. To beat severely. To scold.
belial (be·lial) n. 1. Wickedness as in an evil force.
belike (be´like´) adv. arch. 1. Very likely, perhaps.
Belt of Venus n. See Venus Belt
bemire (be´mire) vt. 1. To make dirty with mud. 2. To bog down in deep mud. -ed, -es
bemoan (be´moan) vt. 1. To moan about or deplore.
benevolence (be·nev·o·lence) n. 1. Inclination to do good, kindness.
benighted (be´night´ed) adj. 1. Caught or surrounded by darkness or night. 2. Unenlightened.
benigh (be´nign) adj. 1. Favorable, beneficial. 2. Good-natured, kindly, gracious.
benumb (be´numb) vt. 1. To deaden the mind, will or feelings.
bereave (be·reave´) vt. 1. To leave desolate or alone, especially by death.
bereft (be´reft) adj. 1. Robbed, devoid, as of life, hope, or happiness. -vt. (alt. pt. & pp of Bereave.)
beseech (be·seech) vt. 1. To ask earnestly, entreat, beg.
beseem (be·seem´) vi. 1. To be suitable, appropriate.
beset (be·set´) vt. 1. To besiege. 2. To surround or attack from all sides.
besetment (be´set·ment) n. 1. A continuous harassment. 2. Surrounded on all sides.
besiege (be·siege´) vt. 1. To overwhelm, harass, surround.
besot (be·sot) vt. 1. To muddle or stupefy as with alcohol. 2. Infatuated. -ted, -ts
bespeak (be·speak) vt. 1. To speak for in advance.
bespread (be·spread´) vt. 1. To spread over (a surface.)
besprinkle (be·sprin´kle) vt. 1. To sprinkle all over.
bestir (be·stir) vt. 1. To stir into action, to busy oneself.
bestrew (be·strew) vt. [OE] 1. To disperse, spread about. 2. To cover a surface.
bestride (be·stride) vt. 1. To straddle, to sit astride on.
betake (be·take´) vi. 1. To go, used reflexively. -betook
bethink (be·think´) vt. 1. To cause oneself to recall or remember. -king, -ks; Be´thought
betide (be·tide´) vt. vi. arch. 1. To happen (to).
betimes (be·times´) adv. Lit. 1. Early, at a good hour.
betoken (be·token) vt. 1. To be a token or sign of. Indicate. 2. Presage, foreshadow.
betroth (be·troth) vt. obs. 1. To promise to marry. -adj. betrothed -n. betrothal
bewail (be·wail´) vt. 1. To wail over, complain about.
bewhape (be·whape´) [Old English, from be (to be) and whape (confound)] vt. arch. 1. To bewilder; amaze; confuse; utterly confound.
bewhiskered (be·whis·kered) adj. 1. Having grown whiskers.
Bib.Abbreviation: Biblical. adj. 1. Words or expressions used in the Bible. (Unless otherwise indicated, the King James Authorized Bible is used on this website and publications by the wayƒarers.)
Bible n. [ME.<OF<Latin<Koine Greek: (ta biblia) the books] 1. The sacred scriptures given to man by God. 2. God′s Word
   [ASV] Acronym. American Standard Version.
   [BY] Acronym. Byington Translation.
   [KJV] Acronym. King James Version.
   [NWT] Acronym. New World Translation. 2
   [ROT] Acronym. Rotherham Translation.
big day n. [jour.] 1. The day in a person′s life, after waiting fifty years or more to achieve, (at least on this continent) when a person no longer is required to work. 2. Retirement.
bigot n. [ME.] by God 1. A person who holds blindly to a particular creed or opinion. 2. A narrow minded prejudiced person.
biting insects n. 1. A creature believed by most people to be annoying, useless and requiring of death. -n. jour. sym. 2. One who deters from the path of righteousness and causes others to follow them. -n. jour. fig. 3. An apostate.
bird.Abbreviation: birding terminology (Ornithology). n. 1. Words or expressions used in the description and study of birds.
black moon n. new. [astr.] 1. A recently created name, (about 2016) given to various new moons or the absences of them, within a year. Currently, it is not been accepted in astronomy, nor is there a single accepted definition. n. proposed 2a. A second new moon in a calendar month. 2b. The third new moon in an astronomical season with four new moons. 2c. An absence of a either a new moon or a full moon in February. (The event of a black moon is an artefact of how the Gregorian calendar or the seasons map onto the lunar month.)
black zone n. jour. 1. Death zone, specifically an area where people die from a epidemic diease or cataclysmic catastrophe. 2. When Fucashima occured in 2012, the black zone was within one mile of the site. People going into the black zone would die in a few days from the radiation. 3. Further from the black zone are verying degrees of danger designated with a descending scale of colors. Black, Purple, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green. Green being the safe zone.
blood moon n. new. 1. A celestial event during a lunar eclipse at which time the moon takes on a red hue. 2. A phenomenon when the full moon is red from sunlight filtered and refracted by the earth′s atmosphere.
blueglow n. 1. An atmospheric phenomena during both dayspring and evenfall, occurring in the first two of the three stages of the twilight period. Depending on the latitude of the observer, this event will last about twenty minutes, during the time when the sun is between 4° and 8° below the horizon. During the blueglow, typically about 20 minutes long, red light passes straight into space while blue light is scattered in the atmosphere and therefore reaches the earth's surface. Because of the quality of this light, this period is treasured by artists and photographers alike. See also Blueglow Gallery
blue moon n. astr. 1. The second full moon in a calendar month. Full moons occur about 29 1/2 days apart, so, the first of the two moons must occur on the first or second day of the month with the second moon occurring on the 30th or 31st day. 2. Blue moon can also refer to a moon that appears blue due to atmospheric effects.
blues, the blues n. 1. A genre and music, originating with southern American blacks, that is marked by the frequent occurrence of blue notes. 1a. Of or relating to such genre.
-n. jour. new. 2. The normal Summer attire worn by the wayƒarer consisting of appropriate footwear, blue polo shirt, blue shorts, blue underwear and blue bandana of which attire he owns numerous sets. Spring and Fall: All of summer blues plus blue-grey (or tan) trousers. Winter Blues: All of fall blues plus a hoodie and/or a long sleeve shirt. Boreal Blues: All of winter blues plus gloves, sweater cap and nylon windbreaker. Tropical Blues: Just the underwear and shorts.
BLM Acronym. Bureau of Land Management. 1. A government organization that manages tracts of government owned land.
board n. [OE, before 900 CE] 1. A table; a place used for the purpose of eating a meal.
boulders n. 1. Large rocks. -n. jour. sym. 2. Obstacles in one′s life journey. n. jour. fig. 3. Commercialism.
bounce box n. jour. 1. A container of surplus, unnecessary and/or unseasonable gear sent to an upcoming mail stop. Also called a surplus or traveling gear box.
boreal (bo´re·al) adj. 1. Of or relating to the north.
brain fog n. 1. A symptom of chronic inflammation which is indicated by a lack of focus and reduced mental acuity.
bramble (bram´ble) n. 1. Thistle. A prickly shrub or vine.
brave, -s vt. Lit. 1. To exhibit courage in the face of great danger or odds. brave all. -n. Scout. 3. The tenth article of the Scout Law. A Scout is Brave. -n. sym. jour. 3. Challenge or obstacle to the Wayƒarer while on the summit path. -n fig. jour. 4. Obstacles while taking steps on the way that are overcome, and/or given up for The Truth. (ie. bad habits, choice of career, unbelieving family or friends, mundane things, etc.)
brotherhood n. 1. The relationship between brothers. 2. An association of people linked by a common interest. -n. Bib. 3. The association of Christ′s disciples in his day. (Matthew 23:8) (1 Peter 2:17) -n. jour. fig. 3. Associations of those herein called wayƒarers.
of the wayƒarers -n. jour. sym 4. The entirety of those true worshipers (John 4:23) of Jehovah, (Psalms 83:18) who when living in the Last Days (Acts 2:17; 2 Timothy 3:1; 2 Peter 3:3) will pass through the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:21) unharmed, and enter into the restored Paradise.
BTAcronym. Before Truth. (See also: time period)
burden (bird´n) [ME birthen < OE byrthen, before 1000 CE.] n. 1. Things that one possesses. 2. Anything that one has to put up with. -n. sym. 3. The emotional or mental load one bears in life. -n. fig. 4. The total collection of material things a person possesses. (See chattel) -n. sym. jour. 5a. Those things which provides for or supports a person. 5b. That which serves to cover, ensconce, protect, and sustain a person during the journey. -n. fig. jour. 6. That which a person accepts as part of taking on Jesus′ yolk. (Matthew 11:30)
Note: The original concept of calling the entirety of the possessions within the backpack, the burden developed during Tommy Michel′s journey on the Appalachian Trail when the pack he was carrying at the onset of the journey weighed seventy pounds. It was then that he began to think to himself Methinks that this is too much of a burden to carry. Thereafter, due to that oppressive weight, he devised a way to lessen the weight of his burden. However, that expression stuck and from that point on, his backpack and ever thing in it came to be known as the burden. Later, of course, Tommy Michel came to encompass all that he owns as his burden. (See Episode One, page 139-142)
burin n. 1. In archaeology and the field of lithic reduction, a burin is a type of stone tool, a handheld lithic flake with a chisel-like edge which prehistoric humans used for carving or finishing wood or bone tools or weapons, and sometimes for engraving images.

The Glossary C Go Down Go Up
Abbreviation: circa. prep. adv. 1. About, as used especially in approximate dates.
cache n. 1. A depository for items, especially one in the ground, for food, money, etc. (From French cacher: to hide.)
cairn n. 1. A pile of rocks used as a monument, marking a trial or summit, appearing only on the paths above the treeline. -n. jour. fig. 2. prayers which ascend to God.
camping n. 1. What Boy Scouts do monthly on a weekend, and what wayƒarers do on the summit path. 2. A word mistakenly used to described what is done in modern times when a person loads up an RV with a ton of his possessions and drives to the local campground to park for the weekend. -n. jour. fig. 3. If it has wheels and doors, it is not camping, it is overnighting in a vehicle.
camp seven n. jour. 1. The final camp prior to the ascent to the summit. 2. The number does not necessary indicate the seventh camp but is symbolic in nature.
careful adj. arch. 1. Troubled, attended with anxiety. (Philippians 4: 6)
CCCAcronym: Civilian Conservation Corps. 1. As part of Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal, The CCC was a public work relief program that operated during the great depression from 1933 to 1942 in the United States for unemployed, unmarried men, ages 18-25.
CEAcronym: Common Era. 1. A nonreligious designation of the period of time referred to as the current or common era in which we live (See also: time period)
CDTAcronyms: Continental Divide Trail. A foot path stretching 3,100 miles between Mexico and Canada in the states of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico. (See also AT)
celestial adj. astr. 1. That which is pertaining to the sky, the visible heavens or the universe outside of the Earth′s atmosphere, (see celestial object below). n. Bib. 2. That which is pertaining to the spiritual or invisible heaven, heavenly, divine.
celestial equator n. astr. 1. An imaginary circle on the celestial sphere directly above the Earth′s equator, which extends outwards in all directions from the earth as an imaginary plane. 2. When the sun passes through this plane, it is the autumnal or vernal equinox. (see also ecliptic)
celestial object n. astr. 1. A natural object located outside of the Earth′s atmosphere, including the moon, sun, stars, planets, comets and asteroids. 2. A point of light on the celestial sphere.
celestial sphere n. astr. 1. The imaginary sphere of arbitrarily large radius, with the Earth located at it′s center. 2. Each objects in the earthbound observer′s sky can be thought of as a light projected upon the inside surface of the celestial sphere, as if it were the underside of a dome or a hemispherical screen. 3. A practical tool for spherical astronomy, allowing observers to plot positions of objects in the sky when their distances are unknown and in fact, to spherical astronomy, even unimportant.
certes (cer´tes) adv. arch. 1. Certainly, verily.
ceuticals (cer´tes) n. 1. A product that has medical or medicinal properties. (Exam.: Whole Ceuticals, Nutraceuticals.) 2. A functional food or supplement shown to have a physiological or medicinal effect on the body.
CGAcronym: Camp Ground. 1. A place where a wayƒarer will stay, especially if there are several amenities. (See also CRS.)
CHAcronym: County Highway. (also CR, County Road) 1. A roadpath which is under the jurisdiction of a county. See also SH.)
chattel (chat´tel) [ME chatel < Old French, 1175-1225] n. Law. 1. All of one′s personal tangible property other than land and buildings. -n. jour. 2. For a backpacker, but especially a thru hiker, there are only two things in his chattel: (1) the burden and (2) the gear box.
character (cha´rac·ter) n. 1. The aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of a person. 2. Moral and ethical quality.
chide vt. 1. To express disapproval of. 2. To scold, reproach, find fault. -adv. 3. Chidingly -n. 4. Chider.
churl n. 1. A rude, boorish person; ill-bred.
Christendom n. 1a. The worldwide body of Christian Churches, especially those after the conversion of Roman Emperor Constantine the Great.
-n. jour. 2a. Churches which display the cross. 2b. In the original Greek Bible Text, 2a Jesus did not die upon a cross, but upon a stake, an upright post without a cross member. (John 19:25) Note: The Romans never used crosses for executional purposes until after Constantine′s rule during the 4th century.
circumspect adj. 1. Watchful and discrete; cautious; prudent. 2. Well considered.
cistern (cis´tern) n. 1. A reservoir for water.
climate divide (cli´mate di´vide) n. 1. A demarcation between the arid dry region and the humid wet region. 2. In the US, this demarcation has previously been given the 100th meridian, but recently has moved eastward.
close approach n. astr. 1. An astronomical event when two celestial objects independently orbiting the Sun pass the absolute minimum distance between each other. (This expression is used to describe the measurement of the distance near-Earth objects achieve to our planet even if that particular approach is not especially close.) Also: closest approach
cobalt sky n. jour. 1. The sky only seen from the summit of a mountain, which from higher altitudes appears an ever deeper cobalt blue.
cockcrow (cock·crow) n. 1. The time when roosters crow; -n. jour. 2. Dayspring.
cognate (cog·nate) adj. 1. Related by birth; Of the same parentage or lineage. 2. Allied or similar in nature of quality. ling. 3. Descended from the same language.
cognition (cog·ni´tion) n. 1. The act or process of knowing or perceiving. Something known. -adj. -nitive
cognizance (cog·ni·zance) n. 1. Perception or knowledge, especially through observation. 2. Awareness
cognizant (cog·ni·zant) adj. 1. Having awareness. 2. Having mental perception of one′s self as a person. -legal 3. Having legal awareness or jurisdiction.
coin toss n. idi. jour. 1. Upon returning to the trail, a thru hiker will toss coins remaining in his pocket to the ground. -n. sym. jour. 2. Prior to a journey on, a wayƒarer will toss all remaining none essential possessions in to the trash.
cold shower n. jour. 1. Often necessary way to keep clean. (see life lesson five) n. jour. sym. 2. The time when a wayƒarer is comfortable with his environment irrespective of the weather, so much so, that he can get into cold water without even a shiver.
col.Abbreviation: 1. colloquial. n. Any thing used in ordinary and familiar conversation; not formal or literary. 2. colloquialism n. The use of ordinary or familiar words in speech.
com.Abbreviation: communication(s). n. 1. Any thing and everything that has to do with keeping in touch, including e-mail, postal mail, text messages, and video chats.
comely (come·ly) adj. arch. 1. Seemly; decorous; proper. Uncomely improper.
compeer (com·peer) n. 1. Equal, companion, comrade, peer.
compel (com·pel) vt. 1. To force or bring about by force. -v. arch. 2. To gather or drive together by force, as a flock.
complacency (com·pla´cen·cy) n. 1. The feeling of security, often while unaware of some potential or lurking danger. 2. Smug self-satisfaction with an existing life style. -n. sym. jour. 3. Contentment with the religion of one′s parents.
comportment (com·port´ment) n. 1. One′s conduct.
comradery (com·rade·ry) n. 1. camaraderie
conj.Abbreviation: conjunction. n. gram. 1. An uninflected word used to connect words, phrases, clauses or sentences. Conjunctions may be coordinating (exam: and, but, or.), subordination (exam: if, when, as, because, though.) or correlative. (exam: either... or, both... and.) 2. n. astr. See conjunction below.
conjoin (con·join´) vi. vt. 1. To join or act together.
conjunction n. astr. 1. An astronomical event when two or more celestial objects (i.e., moon, planets, stars, comets, etc.) appear from the viewers perspective to all be within a five degree circle (Note: to determine if the celestial objects are within five degrees, hold your hand at arm′s length with one finges extended perpendicularly. If the width across the finger cover all the objects, they are within five degrees and are considered to be in conjunction.) 2. A conjunction is an apparent phenomenon cause by an Earthbound perspective only as there is no close physical approach in space between the objects involved. 3. The moment that the conjunction has reached the closest apparent approach is called the appulse. 4. A conjunction and it′s appulse when they involve bright planets and the moon are naked-eye events for general observers and often attract public interest. Conjunction of Planets n. astr. 5. An astronomical event when two, three or more planets appear from the viewers perspective to be aligned within the five degree circle. (See also Planetary Alignment)
cont.Abbreviation: contraction. n. gram. 1. The shorting of a word of phrase by the omission of one or more sounds or letters.
conversation (con·ver·sa·tion) n. arch. [ME] 1. One′s actions.
cookpot (cook´pot) n. jour. new. 1. A term originally created for backpacking to describes what one carries as cooking gear, usually within a nylon sack-bag, when one is upon the high path. 2. The cooking gear, also called the Cook Pot or Kitchen.
coulee (cou·lee) n. 1. A deep ravine, often with an area of lava flow. -n. US and Northwest 3. A deep gulch, usually dry in summer.
coverts n. bird. 1. The patch of feathers, which cover the shoulders behind the scapulars but in front of the speculum. 2. The coverts are not part of the birds: flight feathers; patagium; scapulars or speculum.
corporal (cor´por·al) adj. 1. Of the human body; bodily; physical. 2. as opposed to spiritual.
craftsman n. jour. 1. A person who works with his hands and his mind. See also: artist and laborer.
crag n. [ME before 1300] 1. A rock structure that projects outward and forms an overhang, often used for a protection from inclement weather.
craven (cra·ven) adj. 1. Cowardly. -n. 2. A coward.
crazy, crazies (cra·zy) n. jour. 1. In this failing system of things, many people have seriously abused drugs only to come under the influence of demons. These ones are those seen walking aimlessly about yelling at the tops of their voices at those demons in their heads. 2. A worldly person who lives life in the extreme, seeking selfish gratification, often at the expense of others. 3. A wicked, even treacherous person. (Proverbs 2:22) -n. [US] 4. A mentally deranged person.
credence (cre´dence) n. 1. Belief as to the truth of something.
crepuscular (cre´pus·cu·lar) adj. 1. Of, pertaining to, or resembling twilight.
n. 1. A colorful display, usually at sunrise or sunset formed from rays of sunlight breaking through the clouds, illuminating dust particles in the air and radiating from the sun in a sweeping arc. These radiating rays can be upward of downward in direction. Anticrepuscualr rays -n 2. These sun rays are similar to crepuscular rays, but are those rays that are seen opposite the sun at the antisolar point. (See The Dayspring)
crescent (cres´cent) n. astr. 1. The shape of the lit side of a spherical body (most notably the Moon) that appears to be less than half illuminated by the Sun as seen by an Earthly viewer. 2. Designation of the moon in that phase where less than half of it′s apparent surface reflects sunlight to the earth.
crimson (crim·son) n. 1. Color: deep red.
cross (cross) n. [Latin: crux] 1. The Douay or Latin translation of the original Greek Text, mistranslated the Greek staurós meaning upright stake or pale to the Latin crux meaning cross. -n. 2. Centuries after Jesus′ death, the churches of Christendom deviated the Jesus′ teachings, and according to The Expanded Vine′s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words new members "were permitted largely to retain their pagan signs and symbols", which evedently included the cross. 3. Before Christendom began using the cross, it was used in Egypt as a pagan worship symbol in the form of the Ankh and the Tau. (Exodus 20: 4 , 5; 2 Corinthians 6:14 , 17)
crossroad (cross·road) n. 1. An intersection with an alternate path. n. fig. 2. The path of looking at another person to lust. 3. Obstacle on the Pathway to Life: lusts, longing, lasciviousness. (Matthew 5: 28)
CRSAcronym: Campsite Rating System. 1. Used by the Wayƒarer to rate campsites. (See the CRS.) 2. Also, the wayƒarer has given names to a few locations that he frequents: The Barn; The Desert House; The Oak Tree House; and The Outback.
CRSAcronym: Can′t Remember Stuff. 1. This website′s founder calls this condition his memory disease.
crucible (cruci·ble) n. 1. A severe test or trial.
cumbrous (cum´brous) adj. 1. Cumbersome, heavy.
cup of hot n. 1. The hot drink, usually two, a wayƒarer drinks in the morning, often coffee but also mela tea or molasses tea.

The Glossary D Go Down Go Up
Acronym. Days Alive. A designation of time (in days) a person is alive. (See also DA, DR70, and DR80 in the listing for Time)
dat.Abbreviation: dative. n. gram. 1. Designating, of, or in the case of the indirect object of a finite verb. (exam: I gave him the book.)
dayspring (day·spring) n. arch. old poet. [ME] 1. Dawn. -n. jour. 2. The period of increasing light before sunrise including in the order of appearance: even, sunglow and suntouch. -n. fig. jour. 3. The morning of the first day after reaching the Summit. (See also evenfall)
Daystart (day·start) n. new. jour. © ™ 1. The day′s first meal, consisting of living food, partaken of to nourish the body. The daystart should be a substantial meal. (See the Wayƒarer′s Daystart recipe.) -n. fig. jour. 2. A morning reading of the living food from the Daily Text. 2b
DBRAcronym. Days Before Retirement. 1. The number of days left before retirement, a count that is often done for those looking to journey on. (See also: time period)
de. Abbreviation: double entendre. n. 1. Double meaning. 2. A word or expression used in a given context so that it can be understood in two ways.
dearth n. [ME, before 1200 CE] 1. An inadequate supply; scarcity; lack. 2. Famine
declination n. astr. 1. The angular distance of a point north or south of the celestial equator. Example: The ecliptic is 23.5° from the celestial equator. (See also celestial sphere)
deem vt. 1. To think, believe or judge.
defiance (de·fi·ance) n. 1. Open, bold resistance.
def.Abbreviation: definite. n. gram. 1. Describes the use of an article (exam: the) that limits and specifies or refers to specific or previously identified person, place, thing, etc.
deft adj.[ME, before 1200 CE] 1. Skillful in a quick, sure and easy way. 2. Clever. -n. deftness.
delve vi. [OE] 1. To carry on extensive research for data or information. -v. pt. dealf .n delver
demulcent adj. [OE] 1. (of a substance) Relieving inflammation or irritation. 2. Soothing or mollifying, as a medicinal substance.
desolate (des´o·late´) adj. Feeling alone, abandoned.
dichotomy (di·chot´o·my) n. 1. A division into two (or more) mutually exclusive, opposed, or contradictory groups or ideas. -n. jour. 2. A list of names, developed by a wayƒarer, to describe different non thru hikers on the Appalachian Trail with varying nefarious traits, including: selfishness, immoral and ungodliness. as opposed to those with a caring attitude with rectitude. (goofers, turkeys, weekend warriors, thru hikers, wayƒarers, need greaters.)
din n. 1. A loud continuous noise; clamor or uproar. -v. 2. To assail with loud noise.
dispensation (dis´pen·sa´tion) n. 1. A distribution or giving out. 2. Anything distributed.
disquiet n. 1. A feeling of anxiety or worry. v. 2. To make someone worried or uneasy.
disquietude n. 1. A state of anxiety or uneasiness.
dissolute (dis´so·lute´) adj. 1. Lacking in moral restraint.
doest (do·est) vt. vi. arch./i> 2nd person singular present indicative< of Do (Used with thou. exam: Thou doest right.)
doeth (do·eth) vt. vi. arch. 3rd person singular present indicative of Do.
doff vt.[ME, c.1300] 1. To take off, clothes. 2. To get rid of.
dogged (dog·ged) adj. 1. Persistent, stubborn.
dolor (do´lor) n. Lit. 1. Sorrow, grief.
dolorous (do´lor·ous) adj. 1. Painful.
don vt. 1. To put on or dress in. (exam: Don a wool hat.)
dote vi. Lit. 1. To bestow excessive love.
doth vi. arch. 1. 3rd person singular present indicative of Do. (Used as an auxiliary verb.)
Draconic n. astr. 1. A lunar Draconic month is time required (27.2122220 days, or 27d, 5h, 5m, 33.2s) for the Moon to travel from one of its two orbital node, through the second orbital node and back to the first node. (also, nodal or nodical month) 2. Draconic refers to a mythical dragon, who is said to live in the lunar orbital nodes and eats the Sun or Moon during an eclipse.
One saros equals 241.999 Draconic months.
droll adj. 1. Amusingly odd, whimsically comical.
dry side n. 1. A geographical climate region located in continental North America, where such areas have 25 or less inches of rainfall annually. (See also Wet Side)
durst v. arch. 1. Past tense of dare.

The Glossary E Go Down Go Up
Abbreviation: Episode One, Volume One. (See The Store)
earnest adj. 1. Serious and intense. In earnest. 2. In a serious and determined manner.
Earth, The (1.) n. [Heb.: ′e′erets. Greek: gē physical earth] 1a. The third planet from the sun. 1b. The earth as opposed to the Heavens. (Genesis 1:1) n. sym. Bib. 1c. land, country, region (Genesis 10:10) n. sym. Bib. 1d. ground, soil, human habitat, land surface, material from which Adam was made. (Genesis 1:26; 2:7; Matthew 13:5, 8; 1 Corinthians 15:47)
(2.) n. fig. jour. Bib 2a. All humans. (Genesis 11:1, 18:25b)
(3.) n. fig. jour. Bib. 3a. God′s promised paradise. (Psalms 37:11, 29, 46:9a; Revelation 21: 3 , 4)
3b. The Earth created by God will endure forever. (Psalms 78:69, 104:5, 119:90; Ecclesiastes: 1:4; Isaiah 45:18)
3c. Since the old Earth can not be destroyed, (see 3b. above) it will become the New Earth, which is a figurative Earth and represents the restored Old Earth, "wherein dwelleth righteousness." (2 Peter 3:13, Revelation 21: 1)
earth′s axis n. astr. 1. The imaginary line that the Earth rotates around, which runs through the north and south poles. 2. Earth′s orbital plane is know as the ecliptic plane, and Earth′s tilt is know to astronomers as the obliquity of the ecliptic which is the angle between the ecliptic and the celestial equator on the celestial sphere.
earth shadow n. astr. 1. Earth shadow (also known as the dark segment) is the shadow that Earth itself casts onto its atmosphere and into outer space, toward the antisolar point and only occurs during twilight as a dark band just above the horizon. 2. A definitive line does not divides the Earth shadow and the Belt of Venus as one colored band blends into the other in the sky. (See also the Earthshadow Gallery)
earthshine n. astr. 1. Earthshine, also called Moon′s ashen glow, is the dim illumination of the otherwise unilluminated portion of the moon, by sunlight reflected from the day side of the earth. 2. Earthshine occurs during a thin crescent moon phase, either waning or waxing.
ebb vt. 1. The return flow (of the tide.) 2. A point of decline. vi. 3. To flow back or away. 4. To decline or decay.
eke vt. 1. To add to to make sufficient. 2. To just get by. -adv. arch. 3. Also. (exam: And eke.)
eclipse n. astr. 1. An obscuring of the light from a primary celestial object by the passage of another celestial object between the primary and the observer, or, between the object and its source of illumination. 2. Eclipse occur depending upon their alignment, as either Lunar (Sun-Earth-Moon) or Solar (Sun-Moon-Earth)
n. bird. 1. The simultaneous molting of flight feathers by adult ducks. (For more about bird feather eclipse, see Hybrid Mallard)
eclipse season n. astr. 1. A 35 day period during which it is inevitable for at least two and possible three eclipses to occur. Typically, there are two eclipse seasons each year recurring in 173.3 days. 2. During an eclipse season, the inclination of the Moon′s orbit is within the ecliptic plane, and only then will the Sun, Moon and Earth become aligned straight enough (syzygy) for an eclipse to occur.
ecliptic (e·clip´tic) n. astr. 1. The imaginary line forming a great circle on the celestial sphere representing the apparent annual path of the sun. 2. The path, as seen from earth to be the apparent route of the sun, the moon and planets as they travel though the sky. 3. The imaginary line where lunar and solar eclipses can occur only when the moon crosses it at one of the moon′s orbital nodes (see also celestial equator)
ecliptic plane n. astr. 1. The ecliptic plane is the plane created by the Earth′s orbit around the Sun. 2. The plane upon which all of the solar system planets travel around the Sun.
elongation n. astr. 1a. Typically Greatest Elongation. A time during which is the best time to observe one of the inferior planets (also known as the inner planets), Mercury or Venus. 1b. Greatest Elongation: West (GEW) is viewed in the morning before sunrise. 1c. Greatest Elongation: East (GEE) is viewed in the evening after sunset.
embolden (em·bol´den) vt. 1. Encourage. 2. To make bold or bolder.
enamor (en·am´or) vt. 1. To inflame with love.
encumbrance (en´cum·brance) n. 1. A thing that impedes or is burdensome; a hindrance. (exam: Walls are an encumbrance to a wayƒarer.)
endemic (en·dem·ic) adj. 1. To be native of and restricted to a certain location.
endo.Abbreviation: endonym adj. 1. A common, established, native name for a group of people, geographical place, language, and/or dialect, that is used inside and by a particular group or linguistic community to identify or designate themselves, their place of origin or their language. Example: Delaware nation call themselves Lenape Also known as an autonym. (See also exonym)
endorheic (en·do·rhe´ic) [Greek endor: within, heic: to flow] adj. 1. Of or relating to interior drainage basins. 1a. The condition of a region in which little or none of the surface drainage reaches the sea.
endorheic basin n. 1. An endorheic basin (variations include: endoreic basin or endorreic basin. Also called terminal lake) is a limited drainage basin that normally retains water and allows no outflow to other external bodies of water, such as rivers or oceans, but converges instead into lakes or swamps, permanent or seasonal, that equilibrate through evaporation.
Eng. Abbreviation: English. n. lan. 1. The English language spoken by the Anglo-Saxons on the English Islands, a language divided into specific time periods as follows:
   [OE]Acronym: Old English. 1. The language of the Anglo-Saxons (Germanic origin) spoken and written in England from 450 to about 1100 CE. The Latin script, introduced by Christian missionaries, began to replace the Anglo-Saxon futhorc (runic alphabet) from about the 7th century.
   [ME]Acronym: Middle English. 1. The English language spoken and written between about 1100 and 1500 CE preceded by Old English and followed by Early Modern English. The Norman Conquest of 1066, brought a French (Latin) influence to English.
   [EModE]Acronym: Early Modern English. 1. The English language spoken and written from 1500 to 1700 CE and the language of the King James Version written in 1611 CE. During the English Renaissance, thousands of words were borrowed from Latin.
   [ModE]Acronym: Modern English. 1. The English language spoken and written from 1700 CE to present.
enjoin (en·join´) vt. 1. To urge or impose with authority; order, enforce, command.
ennoble (en·no´ble) vt. 1. To elevate in degree or respect.
enow (e·now) adj. n. adv. arch. 1. Enough.
ensconce (en·sconce) vt. 1. To cover or shelter; hide securely.
ensue (en·sue) vi. 1. To come afterward; follow immediately.
envelop (en·vel´op) vt. [ME] 1. to wrap up in or as in a covering; to cloak. 2. to surround entirely.
ephemeral (e·phem´er·a;) n. adj. 1. something that lasts for a very short time.
epiphany (e·pi´phany) n. 1. A sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple or commonplace occurrence or experience.
episode (ep´i·sode) n. 1. One of a number of connected and thematically related stories constituting a literary work. -n. jour. 2. A complement of quires used to form a story consisting of one or more volumes.
episode level n. 1. The second level menu choices on TWJ website.
episodic memories n. 1. The age when children start remembering things consistently. This age, about three or four years is during the time of rapid language development. Too, these memories involve the hippocampus, a part of the brain not fully developed at birth.
equinox (e´qui·nox) n. 1. One of two days that occur in the year which mark the start of spring and fall. 2. The exact time when the sun crosses over the plain extended outward from the equator of the earth. [Latin Aequus, meaning equal, and Nox, meaning night.] (See also solstice and celestial equator)
ere prep. old poet. 1. Before, (in time). -conj. 2. Sooner than; rather than.
errant (er´rant) adj. arch. Lit. 1. Wandering, in search of adventure.
erstwhile (erst´while) adj. 1. Former or previous. -adv. arch. 2. Formerly.
eschew (es·chew) vt. 1. To avoid, shun.
espy (e·spy´) vt. 1. To catch sight of something partially hidden or distant. 2. Glimpse.
essay (es·say) v. 1. To make an attempt at, try.
estrange (es·trange´) vt. 1. To make hostile or alienate.
-eth suf. 1. Variant of -th , 2. Used to make ordinal numbers from cardinal number ending with -y: Twenty becomes twentieth; Thirty becomes thirtieth; and etc. 3. Ending of the third person singular present indicative of verbs, now occurring only in archaic forms or used in poetic language. (exam: doeth; hopeth; sitteth.)
ether (e´ther) n. 1. Substance believed by the ancients as filling all space beyond the sphere of the moon. 2. The upper regions of space. Outer space.
even (e·ven´) n. arch. Lit. 1. Evening. 2. Twilight. n. arch. Bib. 3. That time, referred to in the Bible, before the full darkness of night, which is the first of the two evenings during which the Passover was to be celebrated. (Numbers 9: 3, 5, 11) -n. Lit. jour. 4. The period of time when the sunlight is first seen on the eastern horizon during dayspring and last seen on the western horizon during evenfall. This period is when the light coming from the sun is not bright enough to overpower the light of the stars. (See also the Even Gallery)
evenfall n. old poet. 1. Twilight, dusk. -n. jour. 2. The sometime lengthy period of decreasing light after sunset including suntouch, sunglow and even. -n. fig. jour. 2. The evening of the last day in this system of things to be followed by the beginning of the earthly paradise. (See also dayspring)
evensong (e´ven·song) n. Lit. 1. A prayer said at eventide. n. jour. 2. The cries and howls given by several of the Canidae family at sunset or moonrise.
eventide (e´ven·tide) n. Lit. 1. Evening.
evermore (ever·more) adv. arch. 1. Constantly, forever. -adv. obs. 2. For all future time. (exam.: The Earth abideth evermore)
exam.Abbreviation: example n. 1. an instance serving for illustration. 2. a pattern or model, as of something to be imitated or avoided.
extant adj. 1. in existence; alive, not extinct.
exo.Abbreviation: exonym. n. gram. 1. An established name, often a non-native name for a group of people of geographical place, language or dialect, that is only used outside that group, place, language or dialect, and is often considered a derogatory word by that place or group. Also known as xenonym. (See also endonym)
exuberant (ex´u·ber·ant) adj. 1. Abounding in high spirits. 2. extremely joyful.

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adv. 1. Glad, eager. -adv. arch. 2. Gladly.
faint n. 1. Lacking courage; cowardly; 2. timorous.
faithful and
  wise servant
n. Bib. 1. In an illustration as part of the sign of the last days, Jesus describes a servant [Greek doûlos: sing. meaning one servant] who is to be appointed ruler over their master′s household [Greek: therapeía, meaning: attendance, domestics, servants] and who is to provide that household their meat [Greek: troph-é, used lit. or fig.: meaning food, nourishment, wages]. (Matthew 24:45)
n. Bib. fig. 2. In the last days, there′s only one servant, (religion) who, Jesus appoints to provide meat (accurate spiritual food) to his household (body of true Christians). (Matthew 7:13 - 14)
fall back n. 1. The day near the fall equinox when the clock falls back one hour (in daylight savings time) and opposite the spring forward. Normally used with "the" as in the fall back.
fare vi. old poet. [ME, before 1000 CE] 1. To travel, wander. (exam: wayƒarer) -n. old poet 2. diet, food.
farthing (far·thing) n. 1. A former British coin of little value; 2. A thing of little value, the least amount.
fathom (fa·thum) n. [ME fathme, OE faethm] 1. A nautical unit of depth in the imperial and the U.S. customary systems equal to Six feet. 1a. An Old English word originally meaning outstretched arms. v. 2. To comprehend, understand completely.
faze vt. 1. To disrupt the composure of; disconcert. -ed, -es, -zing
feather (feath·er) n. 1. Class, form, kind, type, level, mark, nature. (exam: The wayƒarers are of the same feather.) -idi. In fine feather. 2. In good humor or form. -n. jour. 3. An example to live up to. (exam: Jesus set the feather for us to go by.) -n. sym. jour. [primary level] 4. Acquaintances, friends. -n. sym. jour. [secondary level] 5. Those with the characteristics and qualities which bond true friends. -n. fig. jour. [tertiary level] 6. Those who are holding to the Christian standard for righteousness.
feeble (fee´ble) adj. 1. Lacking strength, weak.
feign vt. 1. To put on an elaborate and false appearance. 2. To pretend, not sincere. (exam: feign affection.)
felicitous (fe·lici·tous) adj. 1. Appropriate; suitable to occasion.
fetter (fet´ter) n. 1. A restraint, or shackle. -v. 2. To restrain.
fig.Abbreviation: figurative.
figurative adj. gram. 1. Having the nature of or involving a figure of speech, especially a metaphor; metaphorical and not literal. -jour. 2. A word used in The Wayƒarers Journal to represent something else. -Bib. 3. A word used in the Bible to represent something else. -atively adv. 1. word used to describe some that is figurative.
final day n. 1. A The last day of one′s life. n. jour. Bib. 2. The last day of the wicked system of things. (Pslams 37:9) 2a. The Biblical Lord′s Day. (Revelation 1:10)
flight n. bird. 1. The flight feathers, are large wing and tail feathers that provide lift and maneuverability in flight. 2. The flight feathers are not part of the birds: coverts; patagium; or scapulars.
fleur de lis n. 1. A flag flown by France.
FM n. Acronym: Farm to Market Road 1. 1. A highway found in Texas.
fog n. Atmospheric. 1. A visible mass of airborne water droplets near the surface of the earth, appreciably reducing visibility. -n. 2. A state of mental confusion or stupor. -n. sym. jour. 3. The confused state of mankind in general about belief in God. -n. fig. jour. 4. False teachings promoted by the churches of Christendom.
folly (fol´ly) n. 1. Foolishness.
folksy (folk´sy) adj. 1. Sociable or neighborly. 2. Casual or familiar.
fool′s paradise (fool′s par·a·ise) n. A state of happiness based on false beliefs or hopes; a state of illusory joy.
footslog (foot´slog) -n. 1. A long and exhaustive walk. vi. 2. To trudge along a pathway as if through mud. Footslogger. Footslogging.
footsore (foot´sore´) adj. 1. Having sore feet from walking.
footweary (foot·wear·y) adj. 1. Weary from foot travel.
forbearance (for·bear´ance) n. 1. Patient and long suffering.
fordid (for·did´) vt. pp. arch. 1. To cause to become exhausted. For·do, For·done.
forgather (for·ga´ther) vt. 1. To assemble of gather together. 2 to For·gathers, For·gathering.
forlorn (for·lorn´) adj. 1. Wretched and lonely. 2. Forsaken or abandoned. -n. Forlornness.
forwarn (fore·warn) vt. 1. To give prior warning.
forest (for·est) n. 1. A large area thickly covered with trees and underbrush; woodlands. -n. jour. 2. That which has or is capable of impeding the view. -n. sym. jour. 3. That which distracts the view and prevents the taking of steps on the Way of Holiness. -n. fig. jour. 4. False Religion.
forsooth adj. arch. 1. In truth, indeed. (See sooth)
forthwith (forth·with) adv. 1. At once; immediately.
fortnight (fort´night´) n. [UK] 1. Two weeks.
fount n. Lit. A fountain, spring.
fowler (fow´ler) n. [ME, before 900 CE] 1. A hunter of birds, bird catcher. (Psalms 91: 3)
FR n. Acronym: Forest Road. or FS road Acronym: Forest Service road. 1. Highways found in national forests (NF).
frangible (fran´gi·ble) adj. 1. Easily broken, fragile.
fraught adj. 1. Filled, charged, loaded with. (exam: a sky fraught with clouds)
fray n. 1. A scuffle, a brawl.

The Glossary G Go Down Go Up
(gain·say´) vt. 1. To declare false, deny.
gall n. 1. Something bitter to endure.
gear box n. 1. All those possessions tossed into containers for storage at designated locations and not normally carried as part of the burden. 2. During an extended backpack, this is the mail bound gear box, known by some as the bounce box.
Note: To achieve need level, a wayƒarer must reduce not only the burden of all unnecessary gear, but the items in the gear box must also be diminished to insignificance.)
GEE Acronym: Greatest Elongation East n. astr. 1. Best time to observe an
geochronol.Abbreviation: geochronology. n. 1. A science of determining the age of rocks, fossils and sediments using signatures inherent in the rocks themselves. 2. A branch of geology involved in investigation and reflecting the chronology of the all earth physical elements that constitute our planet.
geographical adj. n. 1. Of or relating to geography. 2. of or belonging to the characteristics and/or features of a specific region and/or ecoregion of the earth′s surface.
geol.Abbreviation: geology. n. 1. A science that studies rocks, layers of soil, and other physical aspects of the planet in order to learn about the history of the Earth and its life forms.
gerund n. gram. 1. A word form, which is a word derived from a verb but functions as a noun. In English, this word form ends with ing. (Exam.: Camping in a vehicle is overnighting.)
gest, geste n. 1. A notable adventure. 2. A tale of adventure or romance, especially in verse.
GEW Acronym: Greatest Elongation West n. astr. 1.
gibbous n. 1. Protuberant, rounding and bulging. n. astr. 2. Designation the moon in that phase where more than half but not all reflects sunlight to the earth.
gird v. To put on, to fasten on with a belt.
gist n. The main of essential part of a matter.
glaciated adj. Geology. 1. To be covered with one or more glaciers.
GMO n. Acronym: genetically modified organisms (See also living food.)
gnarled trees n. The trees found at the treeline high on a mountain. 2. Trees which struggle to live in an environment hostile and near impossible to live in. -n. jour. fig. 3. The faith of a Christian. That which is often tested but stands true to it′s provider, God.
godsend (god·send) n. 1. Anything receive that is unexpected although needed, as if sent by God. 2. That which is provided by God, and unmistakably so.
Godspeed (God·speed) n. int. A wish of safety and success to someone starting on a journey.
goodly adj. arch. [ME, before 1000 CE] 1. Of a good quality. (exam: goodly gift) adj. 2. Of good or substantial size or amount. 3. Of good or fine appearance.
goofer n. [US] 1. The absolute worst of all the mountain goers, one which would even risk his or her life for the thrill obtained in the wild. -n. sym. jour. 2. Part of the dichotomy used by the Wayƒarer on Appalachian Trail to distinguish thru hikers from all the other non thru hikers. -n. fig. jour. 3. Those who have taken a stand against the truth. An apostate. -syn. crazies. (See also turkey and weekend warriors.)
gorp n. 1. Acronym: good old raisins and peanuts. 2. Trail food. 3. The basis ingredients for any mixture of nuts, dried fruit, and chocolate.
gram.Abbreviation: grammar. n. 1. That part of the study of language that deals with the forms and structure of words.
grand view n. idi. jour. 1. An idiomatic expression used by the wayƒarer. See view.
grass mowing n. sym. jour. 1. An expression used by the wayƒarer to represent home ownership. Also known as a grass mowing job. (see also mowing grass)
gruel n. [ME before 1300] 1. Cooked cereal made by boiling meal, usually oatmeal, in water or milk.
guile n. Insidious cunning in attaining a goal.
guise n. 1. Appearance. -n. arch. 2. Manner or way.

The Glossary H Go Down Go Up
adj. 1. of or relating to the greatest ocean depths. 2. of the region at the ocean bottom below the abyssal zone.
hand(s) n. jour. A measurement using open flat hands, one atop the other, fingers together at right angle to the arms, with unbend elbows and at arm′s length. At this discipline, each four fingers of width equal to one hour of travel by a celestial object or fifteen arc-degrees (15°) between celestial objects. A skill learned as a Boy Scout that has come in handy, especially for determining how much daylight left before dark. (exam: The sun is two hands above western horizon. Thus, it is two hours until sunset.)
haunt n. 1. A place frequented. vt. 2. To visit a place frequently.
hearken v. arch. Lit. [OE] 1. To give heed or attention to what is said; listen.
hearkeneth v. arch. Lit. third-person singular simple present indicative form of hearken. [OE] 1. Is listening. (exam.: But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell in safety. Prov. 1:33)
heath v. 1. Open and uncultivated land. 2. Low evergreen shrubs common on wasteland.
health industry n. 1. The combined medical-pharmaceutical industry. 2. The creator of the so called Silver Bullets in order to scam the American public to fill their coffers to the tune of fourteen billion dollars per year.
hence adv. 1. Away, from this place. (exam: go hence) 2. Thereafter, from this time. (exam: a year hence.) -conj. adv. 3. Therefore. -arch. int. 4. Depart; go away.
henge n. archae. 1. A prehistoric ring shaped earthwork consisting of a ring-shaped raised bank with a circular ditch on the inside, and together mark out a central, circular area. 2. Some henges have additional structures inside the earthwork, such as standing stones or timber posts. 3. Some henges have multiple rings of bank-and-ditch.
HFCS n. Acronym: high fructose corn syrup. (See also living food)
hiatus n. 1. A break in the continuity or rest from work, action or a period of life. n. jour. 2. A time rests from the journey on during which a wayƒarer pursues spiritual endeavors.
Heb. n. [Language] 1. Abbrevation: Hebrew.
hie n. [late OE] 1. To hasten, speed, to go in haste.
high path n. 1. The path that leads one to the top of a mountain. -n. jour. 2. The journey taken by a wayƒarer. -n. sym. jour. 3. The journey that takes one to the worship of the most high God. -n. fig. jour. 4. The location where the dwelling of God is with his people. (Revelation 21: 3)
high place n. 1. A location on the mountain found above the treeline. -n. sym. jour. 2. The location where a wayƒarer seeks to gain access to the views. -n. fig. jour. 3. The place of worship for the congregation of the true God. (2 Chronicles 1:3) 4. True worship.
high wind n. 1. A cloud moving wind. -n. sym. jour. 2. Words of wisdom. -n. fig. jour. 3. God′s Holy Spirit. (Greek: pneuma. translates: wind, spirit.) (John 3:8, Acts 2:2)
hike on the trail n. jour. 1. The Journey of the Me. -n. sym. jour. 2. The journey of reading the Bible daily in search of truth. -n. fig. jour. 3. Learning and applying Bible principles in one′s life so as to please the most high God. Psalms 83:18 (See also walk on the path and steps of the way.)
hill n. [ME, before 100] 1. A natural elevation of the earth's surface, smaller than a mountain. -n. jour. sym. 2. Those elements among mankind that have been raised above common people. -n. jour. sym. 3. Political organization.
hoodie n. slang. jour. 1. A part of the a wayƒarer′s winter blues which is an outer garment. 2. A zip up hooded sweater.
hot adj. 1. Hot, hotter, hottest. A wayƒarer uses special terms when describing a hot shower. (See footnote on the Campsites CRS
house of God n. Bib. 1. The physical place of True Worship. (2 Chronicles 36:19; -n. jour. fig. Bib. 2. The location of the congregation of True Worshipers, the People of God. Hebrews 10:21)
howbeit (how·be´it) adv. arch. 1. However it may be, nevertheless. -conj. obs. 2. Although.
hypothermia n. 1. A reduction of body temperature brought on by: (a) exposure in the outdoors to excessive cold and (b) lack of food stores to maintain body heat.

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n. jour. © 1. The spiritual legs available to one on a journey. n. sym. jour. 2. The spiritual selƒ. 3. That part of a person′s persona which indicates that the person has begun to think about matters concerning God, God′s Will and how that person may become a doer of it. -n. fig. jour. 4. A wayƒarer who′s journey is above the treeline. (See also The Me and The Myself)
[IE]Acronym: Indo European. A family of languages that include most spoken in Europe and many spoken in southwest Asia.
igneous (ig´ne·ous) n. 1. A type of rock formed when lava cools. (See All About Volcanoes)
idi.Abbreviation: Idiom. n. gram. 1. 1. A word that is part of a language or dialect of a people, region or class. 2. A expression or phrase that is recognized in a given language that has meaning different from the literal meaning of its parts taken together. (exam: I heard it straight from the horses mouth.) -jour. 3. An idiomatic expression used by a wayƒarer.
IHAcronym: Interstate Highway. n 1. A type of interstate highway, which has controlled access and supported by federal funds. 2. In some areas of the country, an IH is call by the number only. (exam: In southern California, IH 10 is call The Ten and IH 5 is call The Five.)
illume (il·lume) vt. old poet. 1. To illuminate
imbibe (im·bibe) vt. To drink, (especially alcohol).
imbue (im·bue´) vt. To fill with (color, dye, tinge). 2. To permeate, inspire with principles, ideas, power, etc.
impel (im·pel) vt. 1. To push, drive, propel. 2. To compel, urge, incite.
impiety (im·pi´e·ty) n. Lack of piety or respect.
impa.Abbreviation: imperative. n. gram. 1. A designation of a verb in the imperative mood, often in the form of a command occurring (exam: Go and make disciples!)
imps.Abbreviation: impersonal. n. gram. 1. A designation of a verb occurring only in the third person singular, usually with it as the indefinite subject (exam: It is snowing.)
imm.Abbreviation: immature. n. bird. 1. A bird which is in the first or second year of life.
inauspicious (in·aus·pi´cious) adj. 1. Not auspicious, boding ill; ill-omened; unfavorable.
inanition (in´a·ni´tion) n. Exhaustion from a lack of food.
inapt (in·apt´) adj. 1. Not inclined by nature. 2. Not likely. 3. Not suited for the purpose.
incertitude (in·cer´ti·tude) n. 1. Lack of confidence. 2. Insecurity or instability.
ind.Abbreviation: indefinite. n. gram. 1. Describes the use of an article (exam: a, an) or pronoun (exam: any) used to describe another word but does not limit or specify nor refer to a specific or previously identified person, place, thing, etc.
(in·eq´ui&middo;ty) n. Injustice; unfairness.
inf.Abbreviation: inflected. n. gram. 1. A form of a word changed by inflection, as in conjugation or declining.
ingenious (in·gen´ious) adj. Cleverly inventive or resourceful.
ingress (in´gress) n. Lit. The act of entering.
innate (in·nate´) adj. 1. Existing in one from birth. 2. Inherent in the character of something. 3. Originating in or arising from the constitution of one′s mind, rather than learned through one′s life experience.
insurmountable (in´sur·mount·a·ble) adj. Incapable of being overcome.
int.Abbreviation: interjection. n. gram. 1. An exclamation inserted into an utterance without grammatical connection to it. (exam: Ah! I declare.) Any word used in this way. (exam: Ouch!; Well!)
intolerance (in·tol·er·ance) n. Bigotry, lack of tolerance.
intrinsic (in·trin´sic) adj. Belonging to something by its very nature.
introverted (in·tro·vert·ed) adj. One who has directed all attention to oneself; unconcerned with others.
inure (in·ure´) vt. 1. To make accustomed to something difficult or painful by extended subjection or experience. vI. 2. To come into use; take or have effect. 3. To become beneficial or advantageous to oneself.
inutile (in·u·tile) adj. 1. Useless, unprofitable. -n. Inutility
inv.Abbreviation: invasive. n. bird. 1. A bird species (or plant, fungus, or other animal) that is not native to a specific location, and which has a tendency to spread to a degree believed to cause damage or disruption to the environment, human economy or human health.
irascible (i·ras´ci·ble) adj. Easily provoked.
irksome (irk·some) adj. 1. Tending to be tiresome or annoying.
ire n. Lit. 1. Anger.
irony adj. jour. 1. That which is not wrinkly.
irrepressible (ir´re·press·i·ble) adj. Incapable of being repressed or restrained.
irksome (irk·some) adj. 1. Tending to be tiresome or annoying.
island n. 1. An area of land surrounded entirely by water but not big enough to be called a continent. -n. jour. 2. Whidbey Island, especially in Oak Harbor which is the location in Washington where the wayƒarer lived for twenty five years prior to the journey on.-n. fig. jour. 3. Obstacle on the Pathway to Life: Spiritual complacency.

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v. to talk or utter rapidly, indistinctly, incoherently, or nonsensically; chatter.
jaded (jad·ed) adj. Worn out, wearied or tired.
jammer n. Abbreviation: windjammer n. 1. The vehicle used by TWJ′s founder as his home and sleeping birth. Some of the locations where the jammer is has been know to be docked include: the shop in Oak Harbor, Washington; the outback in Yucaipa, California; the barn in Spring Hill, Tennessee, the ranch in Wimberly, Texas; under the oak tree in League City, Texas and the valley plain in Hemet, California.
Jehovah n. 1. The name of the Most High God in English. (Psalm 83:18, KJV)  2. The name of God has also been transliterated as Yahweh in the English Rotherham Bible. (Psalms 83:18 ROT)
JDAcronym: Jehovah′s Day. (See also: time period)
JO Acronym: Journey On. (See also: time period)
jot n. The smallest bit.
jouissance -n. French 1. Great enjoyment, extreme joy. n. jour. 2. The intense feeling of joy received when a wayƒarer begins (or resumes) the journey on. -n. sym. jour. 3. The joyful feeling one receives when overnight on the Mountain, but especially when enjoying the evening with friends, a warm crackling fire, good food, great laughs, and tales of past wanderlust. Oftentimes this feeling is so intense, that nothing else in the universe matters at all. -n. fig. jour. 4. The feeling a wayƒarer receives from taking steps on the way above the treeline. 5. The feeling between those in a tertiary feather level of friendship.
jour.Abbreviation: journal. n. 1. An abbreviation which is used to show that the use of a word with the definition is only found in The Wayƒarers Journal or other writings by the wayƒarers. -n. jour. 2. A personal opinion of this website′s owner, associates and/or publishers.
journal n. jour. 1. A daily chronicle that a wayƒarer will write. (See also quire) -n. sym. jour. 2. A complement of journals from several wayƒarers combined together into a series of episodes. (See also episode) -n. fig. jour. 3. God′s Word the Bible.
journey n.[ME, before 1200 CE journee] 1. Travel from place to place. 2. A course of passages from one life experience to another. -vi. 3. To travel. -n. old poet. 4. A course or series of passages from one place, stage or life experience to another. -n. jour. 5a. What a wayƒarer does. 5b. Migration -n. sym. jour. 6. Life Journey: The path one takes during one′s life, including the physical and spiritual aspects. -n. fig. jour. 7. The eternal life journey of learning about the most high God, Jehovah. (James 4:8)
journey of a   thousand days n. jour. © 1. The time period, (in this website′s online journal) which has come to be called a Journey of a Thousand Days, has it′s beginning with Quire Ten, The Quest for the Journey On.
life journey of a   thousand days n. Bib. jour. 1. According to the Bible at Psalms 90:10, we have 70 or 80 years to live. If these limitations of years are converted to a number of days, that would mean that we, as humans, all humans, have from 25,568 to 29,220 days as our lifespan. Thus, we humans have from 25 to 29 of what the writings with this website calls the Journey of a Thousand Days for us to live here on this earth. Being aware of this limitation can help one to be humble about his dealing with others and to be especially thankful to the creator of life, Jehovah God.
journey on n. jour. © 1a. That time in a wayƒarer′s life journey when he travels afield on the mountain. 1b. The migration by a wayƒarer when traveling to and from his summer or winter hiatus. -n. sym. jour. 2a. Life without the mundane. 2b. A period in the life of a wayƒarer marked by existence at or near the need level. -n. fig. jour. 3. The time in a wayƒarer life when walking upon the summit path. n. spirit. 4a. A designation of the period of time during which the wayƒarer desires to locate a home in a place were the need for Kingdom publishers is greater. 4b. The ongoing quest of spiritual pursuits throughout the life journey of a wayƒarer.
journey′s end n. jour. 1. A time in the life of a wayƒarer when mowing grass. n. jour. sym.2. Waiting for the next journey on. n. jour. fig. 3. That time when the people of God arrive at the summit.
journey′s end   syndrome n. jour. 1. A time in the life of a wayƒarer when feelings of both weal and woe (happiness and sadness) because the journey on has come to an end. n. jour. fig.2. The intense feelings while waiting for the next journey on.
juxtaposing adj. Those which are put along side one another.
adj. jour. The side by side paths experienced by the Wayƒarer during his journey. The two main paths are (1) walking the Appalachian Trail and (2) reading the Bible. However, there are other paths which were experienced while hiking on the trail, walking on the path and taking steps upon the way.

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n. Mental perception, range of knowledge.
keep-worthyadj. jour. 1. A term depicting the value of a wayƒarers′s possessions. 2. A possession that should be part of the burden, not one which requires storage at some remote location in a container, or one that is actually mundane and should be tossed into the trash. -n keep-worthiness
key poundingn. jour. 1. The practice of writing with a computer by using the fingers to strike the appropriate keys in the precise order so as to create words on the computer screen. 2. the act of authoring a book. pounding keys 3. v. jour. See: pounding keys.
kingdom of Godn. Bib. jour. 1. The heavenly government of the Most High God (See the footnote at mountain definition 4.) by his son, Jesus.
KHAbbreviation: Kingdom Hall n. 1. The place of worship for the People of God.
KJVAbbreviation: King James Version. n. 1. A version of the word of God commonly known as the Authorized Version or King James Bible; an early English version of the Bible completed in 1611. The then King of England authorized the version and instructed the translators to conform this version to the belief system of the Church of England including its ecclesiology and episcopal structure.
knights-errant (knights-er´rant) n. Medieval knights who journey in search of ad venture or to redress wrongs.

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n. jour. 1. A person who works with his hands. See also: craftsman and artist.
lachrymal (lach´ry·mal) adj. Of or producing tears.
lachrymose (lach´ry·mose´) adj. Lit. 1. Given to shedding tears. 2. Tending to cause tears.
lade v. To burden or oppress. To load.
laden (lad´en) adj. Loaded, as with cargo. -adj. Lit. Heavily or painfully burdened.
latitude (lat´i·tude) n. Geology 1. An imaginary line that circles the earth parallel to the equator. 2. Latitudes are designated by there degree from the equator, thus the equator is at zero degree latitude and the geological top of the earth, the North Pole is at ninety degrees north latitude. Likewise the geological bottom, the South Pole it is ninety degrees south latitude. 3. There are two other named latitudes, the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer. These are at approximately latitude 23.5 degrees north and south respectively.
latent (la·tent) adj. 1. Present or potential but not evident or active.
lamentations (la·men·ta·tions) n. A weeping, wailing, grieving.
lan.Abbreviation: language. n. gram. 1. A body of words and the systems for their use common to a people who are of the same community, geographical area, or cultural. 2. The words used as a means of communicating thought, emotion, and meaning.
languor (lan´guor) n. 1. Physical weakness or faintness. 2. Lack of energy or vitality.
lasciviousness (las·civ´i·ous·ness) n. 1. Sexual loose conduct. Wantonness.
lassitude (las´si·tude) n. 1. Fatigue or weariness of body or mind, as from strain.
Last Days n. Bib 1. This and similar expressions found in different Bible books and different translations, [Latter Days; Final part of the Days] describing the period prior to and during God′s destruction of the ungodly and wicked people (Ezekiel 38:16; Daniel 10:14; Acts 2:17; 2 Peter 3:7, 10).
n. Bib. prop. 2. Those of the true worshipers (James 4:8, 9, 10); who, in the Last Days Acts 2:17; 2 Timothy 3:1; 2 Peter 3:3; as a group will pass through the Great Tribulation unharmed. Revelation 7:13, 14)
Bible Prophecy Time Line
Already Fulfilled:
War Breaks out in Heaven:
Michael battles the Devil, Devil loses and hurled to earth.
Devil Causes great woe. (Revelation 12:7-12)
Last Days Begin [October 1914 CE]
Fulfilling the prophesy of the Sign of the End of the World.
The Presence of Jesus Christ [Beginning of Jesus Rulership]
[Greek: parousía. meaning: be near, presence. Not Coming]
Presence is over a period of time, where coming is an arrival.
The Presence of Jesus Chris begins when he sits down on
his throne & continues until he stands up at Armageddon.
Jesus Sits Down on the Throne
Kingdom of God Established in Heaven [1914]
Jesus enthroned as King in heaven & Jehovah now has a
ruler to represent Him who is an heir of faithful King David.
(Luke 1:32, 3:31; Matthew 1:1, 1:20, 21:19; Romans 1:1-3)
Times of Restoration of All Things
[1914 to End of the Millennial Reign]
Begin with Christ′s enthronement and continues to the end of
Millennial reign, when the Messianic Kingdom has restored
mankind to perfection and return the earth to a paradise.
(Acts 3:21; Isaiah 2:2-4; Ezekiel 11:17-20)
Pure Worship Restoration Begins
[1914 forward to the Paradise]
After establishing the heavenly Kingdom, God directs His
son, Jesus to restore pure worship on Earth, which begins
with a small group of men and women on earth who are to
become the People of God
(Matthew 7:13, 14; Ezekiel 11:17-20; 2 Chronicles 7:14
Isaiah 2:2-4; Isaiah 54:13, 14, 17)
The Good News Will Be Preached [1914 to Armageddon]
1. In all of the earth, God′s Kingdom preached to everyone.
(Matthew 24:14; Mark 13:10)
2. Preaching work will teach God′s Will, make disciples, and
then baptize those interested ones as The People of God.
(Matthew 28:19-20; 1 John 3:23)
Unbelievers Blinded [1914 to their destruction]
The God of this system of things, who is Satan the Devil,
is powerless to stop the preaching, teaching work,
disciple making and baptism.
(2 Corinthians 4:4; John 14:30; 1 John 5:19)
Anointed Followers of Jesus are Raised to Heaven
[First Fruits, Greek: aparché, meaning: beginning of sacrifice]
Those in Christ who have died are raised
[1919 to Great Tribulation]
Bible Prophecy Time Line
Future Fulfillment
Cry of Peace and Security [Just Prior to Armageddon]
Just prior to Armageddon, the nations will all come together
and Cry Out: Peace and Security. (1 Thessalonians 5:3)
Sudden Destruction [Immediately]
That proclamation will cause many to think the world will be
safer. But in reality, sudden destruction follows.
Great Tribulations
There will be unprecedented tribulations for the entire Earth.
[Immediately after Cry of Peace and Security]
A large crowd of The People of God survive that tribulation.
Heavenly Resurection
Great Day of God Almighty [Armageddon Begins]
Jehovah, through Jesus executes all not doing God′s Will.
All Wicked ones destroyed [During Armageddon]
All nations and wicked people destroyed forever
(Psalm 9:5; 37:38; Proverbs 14:11)
The World (Greek: kosmos, meaning: All not God′s People
the mass of mankind with the commercial, military, political,
religious and unrighteous elements will all come to their end.
(1 John 2:15-17)
Beast and False Prophet [During Armageddon]
For their part in the opposition to God, these are cast into the
Lake of Fire; symbolic of total and eternal destruction.
(Revelation 20:10)
Satan Bound-Abyssed [At the End of Armageddon]
Satan will be hurled into the bottomless pit for 1000 years.
(Greek: Abyssos), meaning: depthless abyss, bottomless pit
(Revelation 20:1-3)
Millennial Reign of God′s Son [Begins after the Abyss of Satan]
All true worshipers will enter the 1000 year rule of
God′s Kingdom by his Son, Jesus Christ.
(Revelation 20:4-6)
The Releasing of Satan At End of 1000 Years
Satan released from abyss for a little while.
He will deceive, misleads and gather nations for the war.
Gog and Magog The nations who have been mislead by Satan, gathers to the battle against God. (Revelation 20:8-9)
Fire Comes down from God The nations are devoured by the Fire from God. (Revelation 20:9
Jesus hands over the Kingdom to Jehovah For he (Jesus) must rule as king until God has put all enemies under his feet. 26 And the last enemy, death, is to be brought to nothing. (1 Corinthians 15: 24, 25)
Jesus Hands over the Kingdom to God After all the nations are destroyed, Satan is cast into the Lake of Fire, symbolic of total and eternal destruction. (Revelation 20: 10)
The Righteous Inherit restored Paradise Those of the true worshipers, who continue to remain faithful, will then be able to continue living in the new earth that will be restored to the prophesied coming Paradise of Jehovah. (Psalms 37:9-11)
The Resurrection of the Dead Earthly Resurrection (Psalm 37: 11, 29; Matthew 5: 5; Luke 23: 42, 43; John 5: 28-29 Revelation 2:7; Acts 24;15)
Earth Become a Paradise God′s original purpose was for the Earth to be a paradise (Isaiah 45; 18; Psalms 25: 12,13; Psalms 37:29; Matthew: 25:46)
The Earth Remains Forever Despite what the churches teach today, the Earth will remain forever. (Psalm 78:69; 104:5 119:90; Ecclesiastes 1:4)
laudable (laud´a·ble) adj. 1. Highly praiseworthy.
LCE n. jour. Acronym: life changing event. 1. An event in one′s life that significantly alters what happens afterwards. (Exam.: Getting married; getting divorced; having a baby; through hiking the AT; learning the truth; living at need level, serving where the need is greater; retirement; death of a loved one.)
len.Abbreviation: Lenape. n. Man 1. The nation of indigenous people whose autonym is Lenni Lenape, or Lenape. 2. The language that the Lenape speak.
Lenapehoking (len·ah´pay·ho·kin) n. 1. Lenape language word for: Land of the Lenape. 2. The Lenape are called by many the Delaware Indians.
Lenni Lenape (Len·ni Le·na·pe) n. 1. The autonym of the Delaware Indians. 2. The Lenape language word for: Original Man.
lenticular (len·tic´u·lar) adj. astr. 1. of or relating to a galaxy with a large central bulge, small disc, but no spiral arms, intermediate in shape between spiral and elliptical galaxies. -adj. 2. descriptive of a cloud or other formation resembling the shape of a galaxy.
LDC n. pure. Acronym: local design committee. 1. Previously called RBC).
leucism n. 1. A condition in animals characterized by reduced pigmentation resulting in either the entire surface or patches of body surface not having pigmentation, but not affecting the eyes and the colors of other facial features. (See also pigl.)
LFC n. jour. Acronym: Limited-Free Camping. 1. An automotive trail in the Texas panhandle, comprised of over ten city park locations, all of which offer a limited number of free camping nights (from one to five) to RV travelers most of which sites include water and electric hookups, some include sewer hooks. Of the several that I have visited, I only found one with a restroom facility with hot showers. All the rest of these free campground that I did visit, not only did not have hot showers but also did not have rest rooms, or if they did have rest rooms, they were either permanently closed or seriously disgusting. Thus, I have listed all of the LFC and only the ones that I have rated with a zero or higher are worthy of my return to camp again in the future. With the exception of Dumas, Texas, which I have rated three on my rating scale, I have not created a separate page for any of them.
licentiousness (li·cen·tious·ness) n. 1. No moral restraint.
life changing evt (life chang·ing e·vent) n. jour. 1. See LCE.
life journey n. 1. That path one walks during life on earth. -n. jour. 2. The path of becoming proficient in walking the seven steps. -n. jour. sym. 3. The path one walks, including the physical, mental and spiritual aspects. -n. jour. fig. 4. The eternal path one walks learning about God and doing his will. (Jeremiah 6:16; Matthew 6: 9-10)
5. The steps upon the way one takes as a servant of God by following the examples set by God′s son, Jesus Christ and the disciples of Jesus. (Matthew 10:5, 7, 9, 10;  John 4:34)
life path n. See life journey above and also see journey, definition 6 & 7.
ling.Abbreviation: linguistics. n. gram. 1. The scientific study of language, including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and historical linguistics.
listric n. 1. A type of fault with a curved fault plain sloping into a basin.
lit.Abbreviation: literally adv. 1. In a literal manner or sense; exactly.
Lit.Abbreviation: literary. n. gram. 1. Words used primary in works of literature and not necessarily in common speech. Characterized by the more formal, balance, and polished language of literature rather then the informal language of speech. Often, many of the words used in the King James Bible are considered to be literary or poetical words. (The King James Version of the Bible is often referred to by many people as a literary or poetical work of Old English.) (Also see Eng.)
living food n. jour. © 1. Living food includes: berries and fruits (dried or raw); microalgae (spirulina, chlorella, & etc.); herbs; wild caught meats; teas; vegetables (dried or raw); unrefined sweeteners (monk fruit, stevia); and lots of pure alkaline water. (See also The Quill Strokes The Real Way) -n. fig. jour. 2. Spiritual instruction as provided by the faithful and wise servant. (Matthew 24:45)
living water n. 1. The churches of Christendom uses this phrase in various ways but primarily in reference to the words of Jesus at John 4:10 where he answered the woman at the well, "If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water." However, any spiritual living water that may have existed in the churches of Christendom have all dried up. Christendom now preaches a social gospel and their teachings are replete with pre Christian pagan doctrines and idolatry. (See chapter fifteen of the book: What does the Bible Really Teach?
-n. jour. 2. Living water, in the physical sense, is those waters which are clean, fresh, healthy and pure, often found only at mountain springs. -n. sym. jour. 3. Like the physical waters that are clean fresh, healthy and pure, so are the spiritual living waters. -n. fig. jour. 4. The teachings and understanding of the scriptures that are provided by the faithful and wise servant. This spiritual feeding provision was prophesied to be part of the sign of the last days. (See Matthew 24:3, 45)
loathsome adj. 1. Causing feelings of loathing; disgusting; revolting; repulsive. 2. That which is most often disliked.
long since adv. 1. Long ago. Exam.: A time long since forgotten. 2. For a long time.
lope vt. 1. To move or run with bounding steps, as a quadruped, or with a long, easy stride, as a person. -n. 2. A long, easy stride.
LORD n. 1. An expression that is used in the KJV (and other versions) to replace the name of God, which is written in the Hebrew portions as four letters and called the Tetragrammaton (יהוה) Nevertheless, the KJV kept four occurrences of the divine name, using the most common English translation of the divine name, Jehovah. These occurrences are found at: Exodus 6:3; Psalms 83:18 Isaiah 12:2; and Isaiah 26:4. However, the Bible identifies Jehovah′s people as those known by their relationship with his name. Micah 4:5, Acts 15:4
lore n. 1. Knowledge or that which is taught. 2. n., bird. An area of a bird′s face just in front of the eyes.
lorn adj. 1. Bereft; forlorn.
lovelorn (love´lorn) adj. Forsaken by one′s lover.
lowland n. 1. A place inhabited by low life and lowlanders. -n. jour. 2. A highly populated location because of it′s access to an abundance of worldly things. -n. jour. sym. 3. An area a wayƒarer circumnavigates; a red zone to be avoided. -n. jour. fig. 4. A place that is most likely set for destruction during the great tribulation and subsequent war of God.
lowlander n. 1. One who inhabits the lowland. -n. jour. 2. A person who lives in the lowlands, usually in or nearby a city because of the convenience of access to all the things it provides. 3. See also Low life.
low life n. [US] 1. A despicable person, especially a degenerate or immoral person. -n. jour. de. 2. A person who lives in the city but ventures to the mountain on weekends and holidays. 3 -n. jour. sym. 3. weekend warriors.
lpd.Abbreviation: leucism pigmentation disorder. n. bird. 1. See leucism

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n. Biology 1. An aquatic plant, especially one of a size observable by the naked eye, as compared with a microphyte. 1a. Macrophyte plants may be either emergent, submerged or floating. (Examples include: cattails, hydrilla, water hyacinth and duckweed.)
maniacal (ma·ni·a·cal) adj. 1. Excessive or persistent enthusiasm. 2. Of or related to mania.
mark time idi. 1. To march in one place and not move forward. 2. To wait in one place for something to happen. Also: marking time
mart n. [late ME] 1. Market; a store used for the sale of items or services. 2. trading center. obs. 3. fair.
   a-martAcronym: auto-mart. 1. A store where you can: fuel your vehicle (af-mart); purchase parts to repair your car yourself (ap-mart;); have maintenance and repairs done (ar-mart); have transmission work done (at-mart;); or to wash your car (aw-mart.)
   b-martAcronym: beauty-mart. 1. A small retail store with beauticians who cut and style hair, and sell hair products. Also called hair salon.
   c-martAcronym: convenience-mart. 1. A small retail store with many types of quick snacks, both packaged and heated, together with a large selection of drinks, especially alcoholic ones.
   d-martAcronym: department-mart. 1. A large store separated into departments, sometimes open twenty-four hours, which sells all types of retail items. 2. Then, in the early 2000′s, a new type of store became popular, one which came to be called the "Dollar Mart", which, on this website, will also be referenced as a d-mart.
   e-martAcronym: electronic-mart. 1. A store which sells electronic items: cameras, computers, phones, tablets, food processors, appliances and more.
   f-martAcronym: food-mart. 1. A restaurant which serves cooked food to you while sitting at a board. Even though the food is often very tasty, most of it is laden with sugar, salt and fat, ingredients that are not healthy in the large quantities found in restaurant food. (See living food) 2. ff-mart: A type of restaurant which sells quickly or previously prepared food, many provideing free WiFi.
  . g-martAcronym: grocery-mart. 1. A large store which sells groceries, primarily food items that are highly processed.
   hc-martAcronym: hair-cut mart. 1. A salon where I go to have my hair cut, not a barber shop but to a salon for a scissor cut.
   hf-martAcronym: health-food mart. 1. A store which sells foods healthier than processed foods, but often most items are very expensive.
   hg-martAcronym: health-food grocery (hg-mart) 1. A type of health-food market (of which there are a few across this continent) selling living food and operate as a grocery market having prices somewhat reasonable.
   hw-martAcronym: hardware-mart. 1. A store which sells all types of repair items for the home. Since I have given up home ownership, going here means that I am working again.
   l-martAcronym: laundry-mart (laundry mat). 1. A store in which to do laundry. More often than not, there is WiFi available.
   m-martAcronym: money-mart (bank). 1. A store in which to do financial business. Never would I include a payday loan store ps-mart to be a part of my financial transactions.
   o-martAcronym: outfitter-mart. 1. A store which sells backpacking, camping and outdoor gear. One of the bigger chains has WiFi at many of there locations.
   p-martAcronym: phone-mart. 1. A store which sells phones, phone service and related items.
   of-martAcronym: office supply-mart. 1. A store which sells paper, pens, pencils, and every thing else for use in the office. Also, I can come to this store to print documents that I need to mail, like tax papers.
   t-martAcronym: turkey-mart. 1. A road side souvenir store, usually in a tourist area that caters to goofers, turkeys and weekend warriors, all of whom spend lots of money, gobbling up expensive, valueless souvenirs.
   w-martAcronym: WiFi-mart. 1. A cafe which sells hot coffee and a limited amount of food, provides free internet access, but also provides a place to sit down, enjoy the meal and plug your electronic device into a charging port.
   x-martAcronym: WiFi-mart. 1. A so called cafe which sells hot coffee and food, provides free internet access, but DOES NOT provide a place inside to sit down to enjoy the meal nor plug your electronic device into a charging port. 2. The national chain, Starbucks, which sets up this type of cafe is revealing their true motivation by creating this type of cafe, GREED, and I personally will never purchase anything from any cafe that is set up like this.
mast (mast) n. [Old English mæst,] 1. Mast is the fruit of forest trees and shrubs that accumulate upon the ground and is eaten by wildlife. 2. Hard mast includes nuts and seeds, such as acorns, hickory nuts, and walnuts. Soft mast includes berries and fruits such as crab apples, blueberries, and service berries.
maxim (max·im) n. 1. A concisely expressed principle or rule of conduct. A statement of truth, especially an aphoristic or sententious one. 2. A truism.
Me, The n. jour. © 1. The hiking legs one obtains upon beginning a journey. n. jour. sym. 2. The physical selƒ 3. That part of a person′s persona which indicates that the person is egotistical, greedy, selfish, and motivated only by those thing which bring personal glory, fame or riches. -n. fig. jour. 3. A wayƒarer, upon whose Journey involves learning God′s Will from his study of God′s Word and then striving to apply the principles and requirements in his life. 4. A wayƒarer who′s journey is on the approach trail. (See also The I and The Myself)
meal n. 1. The food, often cooked and served hot, that is eaten to sustain life. n. 2. A time when one person or a family sits at the board to eat and/or share a reasonably large amount of food. n. arch. [OE, c. 900] 3. Unsifted powder ground from the edible seeds of any grain or nuts. (See also porridge)
   f-mealAcronym: first-meal. n. jour. 1. The first meal eaten after rising from a night′s sleep, colloquially referred to as breakfast.
   m-mealAcronym: midday-meal. n. jour. 1. The mid-day meal eaten so as to sustain ones energy for the ensuing day′s work.
   e-mealAcronym: even-meal. n. jour. 1. The last meal eaten, usually after the sun has set and before retiring for ones nightly sleep.
meek adj. wise. 1. Spineless, spiritless, week.
adj. Bib. jour. 2. Mild, patient, and teachable, 3. gentle, kind.
megalopolis n. 1. A city or metropolitan area with millions of inhabitants.
n. jour. 2. A red zone. 3. A place that must meed be circumvented.
melanism n. 1. A congenital pigmentation disorder causing the excess of melanin in an organism resulting in dark pigmentation. (See also pigm.)
mela tea n. 1. A tea, usually hot, made by steeping leaves from a melaleuca alternifolia tree, also known as the tea tree.
met.Abbreviation: metonym. n. gram. 1. A word or phrase used as a substitute for or to represent another word. (exam: Solitude used in The Wayƒarers Journal to represent one′s conscience.)
meteor shower n. astr. 1. A celestial event in which a number of meteors are observed by earthbound perspective, to radiate, or originate, from one point in the sky on a specific date each year. Meteor showers (MS) are named after the constellation in which the radiant is situated. 2. A meteor shower occurs when the Earth passes through the trail of debris left by a comet or asteroid.
meteor storm n. astr. 1. A rare and short-lived celestial event that occurs when a meteor shower produces over 1,000 meteors per hour, and one which is caused when Earth passes through a dense part of the debris cloud left by a comet or astroid, or when Earth passes through a denser part of a meteor stream.
Metonic cycle n. astr. 1. A period of very close to nineteen years that is nearly a common multiple of the solar year and the synodic month, used in calendar studies. 2. From Greek astronomer Meton of Athens of fifth century BC, who observed that 19 years is almost equal to 235 synodic months and rounded to full days equals to 6940 days, the difference being only a couple of hours. 3. This cycle was used in the Babylonian calendar and ancient Chinese calendar systems.
meknows (me·knows´) v. impa. jour. new. 1. It is known to me. -v. impa. jour. new. 2. This is a fact.
methinks (me·thinks´) v. impa. arch. 1. It seems to me. -v. impa. jour. 2. In my opinion. 3. -v. pres. jour. I think. -v. impa. pt. Methought.
Methylation n. biology 1. Methylation is a simple biochemical process – it is the transfer of four atoms - one carbon atom and three hydrogen atoms (CH3) – from one substance to another. 2.
micromoon n. 1. A full moon or a new moon which coincides with the point in the moon′s obit when it is the farthest away from the earth. 2. The full moon or new moon at its apogee.
midnight sun n. astr. 1. The midnight sun is a natural phenomenon that occurs in the local summer months in places north of the Arctic Circle or south of the Antarctic Circle, when the sun remains visible at the local midnight. 2. The duration of sunlight increases from one day during the summer solstice at the polar circle to six months at the poles.
midsummer (mid·sum·mer) n. 1. Middle of summer, commonly referred to as June 21. 2. This word more often than not refers to a cultural event and/or a religious holiday, and not the actual physical celestial event.
mien n. 1. Bearing or manner, as it reveals an inner state of mind. [ ME demeanor]
moil vi. To work hard. -n. 1. Toil, drudgery.
molasses tea (mo·lass·es) n. jour. 1. A hot drink made by adding molasses to a cup of hot water. (see recipe for molasses tea)
moon n. 1. A celestial object in orbit around a planet. 2. The Earth′s moon.
moonglow n. astr. 1. Light from the moon which is shining upon the Earth. -n. jour. 2. A dim light in the sky above the horizon, caused by the moon that is below the horizon, either at moon set or moon rise.
moontouch n. astr. jour. new 1. Used collectively for both moonrise and moonset, this is those few moments during the moon′s travel in the night sky when, from the perspective of the earthbound viewer, the moon seemingly touches the earth. 2. Moontouch is the precise moments when the moon passes through the plane where the sky and the earth meet 3. In places where mountains are seen rising above the eastern or western horizon, the moontouch may be at a somewhat different time than the actual moonrise or moonset. (See also the Full Moon Gallery)
moniker n. slang A person′s name, especially one which is an alias, handle, nickname or pseudonym.
monotypic adj. 1. In scientific nomenclature, a monotypic genus is a genus in the special case where a genus and a single species are simultaneously described. 2. A Hans Solo.
morrow (mor·row) n. arch. 1. Morning.
morningtide (mor·ning·tide) n. poet. 1. Morning time.
mote n. 1. Small particle, speck.
mountain n. 1a. Naturally raised area on the surface of the earth, higher than hills. -n. jour. 1b. The photojournalist gallery for The Wayƒarers Journal. -n. Bib. sym. 2a. The earth. (Isaiah 11:9) 2b. The ruling powers of the earth; governments. (Isaiah 34:2 -3) -n. jour. 3. Remote lofty and lonely location where a wayƒarer quests for Solitude, Simplicity and Solace. -n. jour. sym. 4. The place of worship of the most high God. (Psalms 83: 18) 4 -n. Bib. fig. jour. 5. God′s Kingdom. The government that, during the last days, will set up an administration over all the Earth, which will first of all provide a worldwide educational program as part of true worship. Then, after it has done away with all manmade governments and wicked people, it will then provide everlasting life on a paradise Earth for faithful mankind, where they will never again have to deal with sickness, death, sorrow, crying or pain. (And this is the short list!) (Psalms 37: 9, 11, 29) (Isaiah 2: 2, 3, 4) (Revelation 21: 3, 4) (Matthew 6:9, 10, Luke 4:43)
mowing grass v. jour. 1. What a wayƒarer does in his life journey when he resides in a dwelling which requires the grass to be mowed. (see also grass mowing)
MP n. Acronym: Memorial Parkway 1. 1. A type of protected area reserved for recreation, designated in some jurisdictions, and administered by one of several different government agencies.
MRP n. Acronym: Meal Replacement Powder 1. A powder made from super food powders with enough protein, nutrients and food value to replace a meal. (See recipe at A Wayƒarers Cook Pot) As of winter 2018, my supplements powder mix ( SPM) has been added.
MSR n. Acronym: Mountain Safety Research 1. A manufacturer of lightweight backpacking gear.
Mtn. or MtnAbbreviation: Mountain. n. abbr. 1. (See Mountain)
MUFA n.Acronym: mono-unsaturated fatty acids. 1. Essential fatty acids which include many important compounds needed for health. High levels of mufas are found in: avocados; cocoa; oils (canola, coconut, olive, sesame, sunflower, walnut); nuts and nut butter (almond, hazelnut, Macadamia, pecan, pine nut, walnut, and etc.); olives; and seeds (roasted pumpkin, sesame, dry roasted sunflower.) This list is not comprehensive. (See also PUFA)
mundane adj. 1. Of or pertaining to this world or earth as contrasted with heaven; worldly; earthly. 2. common, ordinary -adj. jour. 3. That of the want. -n. sym. jour. 4. Those possessions that can be done without; for a wayƒarer, those which would be better done without. 5. Things considered normal to possess in this system, but are unnecessary, even impractical when pursuing life as a servant of God. -n. fig. jour. 6. That part of a life journey involved with the unnecessary and the unimportant.
muse vi. 1. To be absorbed in one′s thoughts. -sed, -ses, -sing -n. a state of meditation or deep thought, often unaware of one′s surrounds.
must needs idi. 1. needs to, requires (See also ‘needs.’)
MYA n. (also: mya) Acronym: Million Years Ago 1. An expression in geological time.
Myselƒ, The n. jour. © 1. The mental legs available for one to obtain upon a journey. n. sym. jour. 2. The mental selƒ 3. That part of a person′s persona which indicates that the person has begun thinking about things other than just himself. -n. fig. jour. 3. A wayƒarer whose journey involves searching for the truth while avoiding all the obstacles put in the way by the ruler of this system of things. 4. A wayƒarer who's journey is coming near to the treeline. (See also The I and The Me)

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Abbreviation: noun. n. gram. 1. Words naming or denoting a person, thing, place, action, quality, etc. (exam: woman, water, New York, talking, beauty) Nouns can be either proper (exam: New York, Paul) or improper (exam: city, man.)
naked eye n. astr. 1. Eyesight, unaided by equipment such as a telescope, a microscope, binoculars or even a digital zoom camera. 2. The eye unaided by any instrument that would changes the apparent size and/or distance of an celestial object.
naught n. 1. Nothing.
naut.Abbreviation: nautical. adj. 1. Of or pertaining to sailors, ships, or navigation.
necessity n. jour. 1. A thing or things which belong to the category of need. [Often preceded by of.] (exam: there are those things that are of necessity.)
need n. 1. Something useful and necessary. -n. sym. jour. 2. That which can not be done without during the journey on. -n. fig. jour. 3. An art form developed by a wayƒarer so as to allow the journey on. (Compare: want and true need)
need level n. jour. 1. A level of existence in one′s life where what is carried as the burden has been reduced to only items of need. n. sym. jour. 2. The level of possessionship that readily allows a person to pursue the journey on. n. fig. jour. 3. An existence when the art form of developing the need has been fully ennobled. 4. Trusting God to provide all of what you need. (Matthew 6: 9, 11, 19, 20)
-need level: The Art Form n. jour. 1. The formula to obtain the perfect balance between the want and the need; and ultimately brings the Wayƒarer to the need level. formula 2. Lessen the Want to near nonexistence and Ennoble the Need to an art form.
needs adv. 1. Necessity; necessarily. Used with must and is similar to the expression ′needs to′ (he must needs go). n. Bib. spiritual n- 2. That which is provided by God through the faithful and wise servant, (Matthew 24:45) to those who trust whole heartily in Him by putting His Kingdom and His Standards first in their life. (Matthew 6: 33)
need greater n. jour. 1. One who serves where the need for publishers of the good news from the Bible is greater. (See wayƒarer, definition 7) -n. jour. sym. 2. One who has made serving God their priority in life and has given serious consideration to entering the full time ministry.
neer adv. Lit. Never. (sometimes written ne′er)
nettlesome adj. 1. Causing irritation, vexation, or annoyance.
neo.Abbreviation: Neologism. n. 1a. The introduction, accepted use of or coinage of a new word in any language. (exam. brunch, spork) 1b. The introduction of a new definition for an existing word.
new.Abbreviation: new word. n. jour. 1a. A neologism created by the founder of The Wayƒarers Journal. (exam: daystart; suntouch) 1b. Words used by The Wayƒarers Journal, but with a new definition. (exam: )
NF n. Acronym: National Forest. 1. A large expanse of forest in the US that is owned, maintained, and preserved by the federal government, in which trees may be harvested or animals hunted under controlled conditions. FR -n Acronym: Forest Road. 2. A type of roadway in the US supported by federal funds which enter and traverses the national forests.
NFDC n. Acronym: National Forest Dispersed Camping. 1. An area in the US, within a national forest where people may drive into and camp in a designated primitive camping site. Normally, there is no fees for this type of campsite, however, no amenities are provide to the campers. A fire ring built from native rocks are provided in some sites.
NHA n. Acronym: National Heritage Area. 1. An area of historic preservation in the United States, a NHA is a site designated by Act of Congress, intended to encourage historic preservation of the area and an appreciation of the history and heritage within the site. There are currently 62 NHAs, some of which use variations of the title, such as National Heritage Corridor.
NHP n. Acronym: National Historical Park. 1. A park in the US maintained and preserved by the federal government, in which there is national historical value.
NHS n. Acronym: National Historic Site. 1. A site maintained in the US and preserved by the federal government, in which there is national historical value.
nigh adv. 1. Near, nearly, almost. (often followed by on or onto) exam.: Having lived nigh unto fourscore years. -adj. prep. 2. near; approaching. -v. arch. 3. To approach.
NM n. Acronym: National Monument. 1. A historic site or geographical area in the US set aside by a national government and maintained for public use. In the US, this is the only type of national park that can be created by a sitting president.
noble adj. 1. Of an exalted moral or mental character or excellence. 2. Notably superior; excellent.-bler, -blest
noisome (noi´some) adv. 1. Offensive or disgusting, as an odor. 2. Harmful or injurious to health; noxious
nonpareil (non·par·eil´) n. 1. Something with no equal. -adv. 2. Having no equal; peerless.
normal life n. 1. Life in this system of things which usually includes working for fifty weeks to earn a two week paid vacation. 2. The lifestyle which includes making as much money during the early years of one′s lifespan to be able to spend one′s retirement period in luxury. -n. jour. 3. A lifestyle contradictory to Doing God′s Will. (Matthew 6:24) (See also mundane and real life)
northerner (non·par·eil´) n. col. 1. A word used in Texas to describe a very cold winter storm that would come down from the north and cover most of the continent.
nova (no·va) [Latin: novus meaning new] pl.: novae or novas n. astr. 1. A rare stellar event in which a star shows a sudden large increase in brightness and then slowly returning to its original state over a period of weeks to years. 2. Unlike a supernova which results in the death of the star, a nova allows the star to remain active after the event.
NP n. Acronym: National Park. 1. A scenic or historically important area in the US countryside protected by the federal government for the enjoyment of the general public and for the preservation of wildlife and natural beauty.
NPR n. Acronym: National Preserve. 1. A scenic or historically important area in the US countryside protected by the federal government for the enjoyment of the general public but focused on the preservation of wildlife and natural beauty.
NRA n. Acronym: National Recreation Area. 1. An expanse of US coast, waterway or woodland, or any combination thereof, protected and maintained by the federal government for the study of wildlife and for recreational use by the public.
NS n. Acronym: National Seashore. 1. An expanse of US sea coast protected and maintained by the federal government for the study of wildlife and for recreational use by the public.
NSA n. Acronym: National Scenic Area. 1. A US scenic area protected and maintained by the federal government for the study of wildlife and for recreational use by the public.
NR n. Acronym: National River. 1. A river or portion of a river, in the US, maintained by the federal government and protected from development that would substantially change their wild or scenic nature. Known as the National Wild and Scenic River System, it protects 203 rivers and over 12,500 miles of river in 38 states.
NW n. Acronym: National Wilderness. 1. A federally managed wilderness area in the US, designated for preservation in their natural condition.
NWR n. Acronym: National Wildlife Refuge. 1. A wildlife refuge or federally managed wilderness area in the US designated as a refuge for wildlife. 2. A private, state or other government wildlife refuge.

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Abbreviation: obsolete. n. gram. 1. A word that is no longer in common use.
obliquity n. astr. 1. The obliquity is the angle between the planet′s axis of rotation and a line perpendicular to the ecliptic (its orbital plane). Also known as the Angle of Obliquity and/or the Axial Tilt.
obstacles n. 1. Something that obstructs or hinders progress. n. sym. jour. 2. Distractions and entanglements. n. fig. jour. 3. That which impedes spiritual progress on the Pathway to Life. (see figurative [fig.] definitions of: island, rocks, roots, ruts, web, and crossroads.)
occultation n. astr. 1. The passage of a celestial object across the line of sight between an observer and another more distant celestial object, a celestial event that occults (or blocks from vision) all or part of the more distant celestial object.
OF n. lan. Acronym: Old French.
OSG n. Acronym: Old Faithful Geyser.
OSI n. Acronym: Old Faithful Inn.
oft adv. Lit. var. 1. Often.
ofttimes adv. [ME] 1. Often. -adv. var. 2. Oftentimes.
oldAbbreviation: old. n. gram. 1. Description used with other parts of speech to show that it is from an older language than that currently spoken. (Exam: Old English rather than Middle English.)
olden (ol·den) adj. inf. 1. Of old. 2. Of times past.
omnivore (om·ne·vore) n. 1. an animal or person that eats food from both animal and plant origin.
opposition (op·po·si·tion) n. astr. 1. In positional astronomy, two object, when viewed from a given body (usually Earth) are at opposition when on opposite sides on the Celestial Sphere. 1b. A planet, asteroid or comet is at opposition when it is in opposition to the Sun. n. astr. 2a. The circumstance in which a superior planet (any planet outside the orbit of the earth) is at the closest approach to the Earth while being on the side of the earth opposite from the sun. 2b. In positional astronomy, the moment when one celestial body as viewed from the earth differs by 180° from the apparent geocentric longitude of the Sun. (exam.) 3. At the Full Moon the Sun and Moon are in opposition.
orbital node n. astr. 1. The point in the orbit of the moon when it is also in the ecliptical plane. The moon has two at opposite sides of it′s orbit.
ort n. 1. A small scrap or leaving of food after a meal is completed.
OSR n. Acronym: Old San Antonio Road. Also known as the El Camino Real de los Tejas.
ought v. 1. Should.
overnight -v. jour. 1. Spending the night parked at a particular location for the purpose of sleeping in your vehicle with the intent of leaving the next morning or possibly in a day or more. This is typically done with a motor home, travel trailer and for some, a van or car. Many who do this commonly but mistakenly call it camping. (See also windjamming)
overnightingn. gerund [past participle of overnight] 1. Staying overnight.

The Glossary P Go Down Go Up
n. jour. © 1. That which is caused from walking or climbing mountain paths while carrying a burden, especially when out of condition. When the climbing ceases, the pain caused from it can last for days or weeks before it abates.
paradise n. [Greek: par·ád´ei·sos; Hebrew: par·des´, park or garden] 1. The home that was created for Adam and Eve. -n. Bib. 2a. The physical restoration of the entire Earth into the home originally intended for the People of God. (Revelation 21: 1- , 4) -n. fig. 2b. That which is promised in the Bible for those doing God′s will. (Luke 23:43, Revelation 2:7b) -n. sym. 3. The spiritual paradise even now being experienced within the Brotherhood.
parhelion n. astr. [Latin: beside the sun] 1. Sundog halo. 2. Atmospheric phenomenon caused by sunlight reflecting through ice crystals. 3. The most common parhelion is a sundog which consists of a pair of bright colorful spots on either horizontal side on the Sun. Often co-occurring with a sundog is a luminous ring known as a 22° halo.
passage(pass´age) n. 1. A segment of a written work. (Example: Bible passage) 2. The passing from one place, stage of life or experience to another one. -n. jour. 3. A portion of a journey that one has taken steps upon. -n. fig. jour. 4. The life a wayƒarer lives in his endeavor to take steps on the way.
passage level n. 1. The first level menu choices on TWJ website.
patagium n. bird. 1. The patch of feathers, which cover the leading edge of the wings. 2. The patagium feathers are not part of the birds: coverts; flight; scapulars or speculum.
path n. 1. The place a wayƒarer places his footsteps when on a journey. 2. See walk on the path.
path of totality n. astr. 1. The track of the moon′s umbra shadow during a total solar eclipse as the shadow travels across the surface of the earth.
pathway n. 1. The footpath, roadpath, waterpath (or other type of path) which leads to the destination when upon the journey. -n. fig. 2. The path one walks when on the life journey. See life journey.
Pathway Journeys n. fig 3. Places of the Paths: assemblage of journeys used to explore in detail God′s Creation. (Proverbs 8:2)
Pathway to Life(path·way to Life) n. Bib. jour. 1. The life journey one pursues to achieve physical and spiritual success. (See also Way of Holiness)
paucity(pau´ci·ty) n. 1. Smallness of quantity, scarcity, dearth.
PCTAcronyms: Pacific Crest Trail. 1. A trail stretching 2600 miles between Mexico and Canada in the states of California, Oregon and Washington. (See also AT)
peak n. 1. The place from with one looks out to see the views. -n. sym. jour. 2. That place above the treeline where one ascends to receive grand views. -n. fig. jour. 3. The place in a wayƒarer′s life whereupon that one obtains spiritual awareness and insight from possessing humility. 4. Assemblies and Conventions.
peal n. 1. Any loud, prolonged sound.
peevish (pee´vish) adj. 1. Hard to please, impatient, sullen.
People of God n. Bib. jour. 1. An earth wide congregation of men, women and children who are all united by common goals. We honor Jehovah, the God of the Bible, do our best to imitate God′s son, Jesus Christ and we are proud to be called Christians. Each of us regularly expend ourselves to help others learn about Jehovah, the Bible and how God′s Kingdom will soon restore the Paradise and because we witness (or talk) about Jehovah, we are known as Jehovah′s Witnesses. (Hosea 2:23; Acts 15:14; 1 Peter 2:10) (See also People of God)
penumbra (pe´·num·bra) n. 1. Shade, shadow. astr. 2. The outer portion of the shadow that only partially blocks sunlight. 3. The partially shaded outer region of the shadow cast by an opaque object. See also umbra
peradventure (per´ad·ven´ture) adv. arch. Perhaps.
perambulation (per·am´bu·la´tion) n. Lit. A walk about.
perchance (per·chance´) adv. Perhaps, possible.
peregrinate (per´e·gri·nate´) v. To journey far on foot.
peregrination (per´e·gri·na´tion) n. Lit. A long journey or wandering on foot. -grina´tor.
perforce (per·force´) adv. Lit. By or of necessity. By force of circumstances.
peripatetic (per´i·pa·tet´ic) n. One who walks from place to place. -adj. Lit. Traveling about on foot.
perigee n. astr. The point in the orbit of a celestial object, either the moon or a man-made satellite when it is at it′s closest distance to the earth. (Often used with same meaning as perihelion. See apogee.)
perihelion n. astr. 1. The point in the orbit of a celestial object where it is nearest to its orbital focus. 2. The point in the orbit of a planet or comet at which it is closest to the sun. The earth′s perihelion occurs on or near to the forth of January. See also aphelion
perplexity (per·plex´i·ty) n. [ME] 1. The state of being confused, uncertain. -n. jour. 2. A tangled involvement in a confusing condition or situation.
peruse, -sing (pe·ruse´) vt. 1. To read or examine, especially with care.
pigl.Abbreviation: luecism pigmentation disorder. n. bird. 1. See luecism
pigm.Abbreviation: melanism pigmentation disorder. n. 1. See melanism
pigmn.Abbreviation: pigmentation. n. 1. See pigmentation
pigmn. disorder (pig·men·ta·tion dis·ord·er) n. 1. Skin pigmentation disorders affect the color or skin. 2. When the melanin cells become damaged or unhealthy, it affects melanin production. Some pigm. disorders affect patches of skin, other disorders affect the entire body. 3. Disorders include: Hypo-pigmentation (loss of color); Hyper-pigmentaion (incresed pigmentation) and Dyscromia (alteration of pigmentation).
pigmentation (pig·men·ta·tion) n. 1. Natural coloring of animal or plant tissue. 2. Human skin has special cells in the skin that make melanin, a pigment which provides the skin color.
pineapple express n. weath. 1. A prevailing weather patterns that travel northeastward from the Hawaiian islands towards the northwest coast of North America. 2. This weather pattern may vary somewhat depending on the season, often during winter and spring when the arctic jet stream pushes it southward, causing the pattern to veer towards the southern coastal area of North America.
planetary alignmentastr. n. 1. An astronomical event where multiple planets and/or the moon appear from an Earthbound perspective to be close with each other while on one side of the Sun at the same time. 2. This phenomenon occurs when the several solar system objects alignment closely together along the ecliptic. 3. A planetary alignment can be a conjunction, where the object appear close to each other in the sky, or and alignment, where the planets line up in a row in the same area of the sky.
pl.Abbreviation, grammar: plural. The form of a word that denotes more than one.
plight n. 1. A condition or state of affairs. 2. A dangerous condition. -adv. arch. 3. A pledge. (plight one′s troth) -vt. obs. 4. to pledge one′s word; 5. to make a promise of marriage.
plum1.Abbreviation: first year plumage. n. bird. 1. The appearance of a bird during the first year.
plum2.Abbreviation: second year plumage. n. bird. 1. The appearance of a bird during the second year.
pluma.Abbreviation: autumn (fall) plumage. n. bird. 1. The appearance of a bird during the autumn.
plumb.Abbreviation: breeding plumage. n. bird. 1. The appearance of a bird during breeding.
plumv.Abbreviation: vernal (spring) plumage. n. bird. 1. The appearance of a bird during the spring.
plums.Abbreviation: summer plumage n. bird. 1. The appearance of a bird during the summer.
plumw.Abbreviation: winter plumage. n. bird. 1. The appearance of a bird during the winter.
poet.Abbreviation: poetic. n. gram. 1. A word used primarily in poetry in the time when Old English was a commonly spoke language.
porridge (por·ridge·) n. 1. A food made by boiling coarse meal in water.
possessionship (pos·ses·sion·ship) n. jour. new. 1. The act or capacity of owning possessions. (exam: Home possessionship and all the bills with it ended upon the sale of his house.) See also need level.
posthaste (post·haste) adv. arch. 1. With great haste.
potable (pot´a·ble) n. 1. An expression, usually "potable water or tap water" given to the water in cities to describe it as fit for drinking. -n. jour. 2. Lake or river water to which has been added carcinogenic chemicals to kill pathogenic microbes and thus making the water not fit for drinking. This type of water is not living water.
pottage (pot·tage) n. [ME] 1. A thick soup made by boiling vegetables, grains, and sometimes including meat or fish.
pounding keys (pound·ing keys) v. jour. 1. To type on a keyboard. See key pounding
pp.Abbreviation: past participle. n. gram. 1. A form of a verb having characteristics of a verb and an adjective, used with an auxiliary and ending in ed or en.
prating (prat·ing) n. Vain talk. v. To talk idly and at length.
pre.Abbreviation: prefix. n. gram. 1. An affix placed before a word to modify the meaning of the word. Common prefixes are: be-, de-, non-, re-, sub-, tri-, un-.
prep.Abbreviation: preposition. n. gram. 1. A relation or function word that connects a lexical word, usually a noun or a pronoun, or a syntactic construction, to another element of the sentence: as to a verb (exam: He went to the store); to a noun (exam: The sound of loud music); or to an adjective (exam: Good for her.) 2. A construction of words use in similar function. (exam: The phrase in back of would be equivalent to the word behind.)
prepossess (pre´pos·sess) vt. 1. To possess or dominate mentally beforehand. 2. To impress favorably at the outset.
prepossession (pre´pos·ses·sion) n. 1. Preconception or prejudice.
prepossessing (pre´pos·sess·ing) adj. 1. Impressing favorably, engaging.
pres.Abbreviation: present tense. n. gram. 1. A grammatical tense of a word, whose principal function is to place an action or situation in present time.
presage (pre·sage) n. 1. A sign of warning of a future event 2. A foreboding, presentiment. -vt. 3. To give warning of, portend. To have a foreboding.
primary (pri·ma´ry) n. astr. 1. A primary celestial body, also called a central body or gravitational primary is the main physical object of a gravitationally bound, multi-object system. This object will usually constitute most of that system′s mass and will generally be located near the system′s barycenter. 2. In our solar system, the Sun is the primary for all objects orbiting the star. 3. A planet is the primary of its orbiting moon(s).
privation (pri·va´tion) n. 1. A depriving of or being deprived, deprivation.
probity (pro´bi·ty) n. 1. Complete and confirmed integrity; 2. uprightness.
peruse, -sing (pe·ruse´) vt. 1. To read or examine, especially with care.
profundity, ities (pro·fun´di·ty) n. 1. Something that has the quality of being profound or not easily understood.
prograde (pro·grade) adj. astr. (planetary motion) 1. An object that has an orbital and/or rotational motion which is in the same direction as the rotation of its primary. 2. Solar System. Having a counterclockwise direction of orbit and/or rotation when viewed from above the north pole of the celestial object.
pron.Abbreviation: pronoun. n. gram. 1. Any of a small class of relationship or signal words that assume the functions of nouns within clauses or phrases while referring to other locutions within the sentence or in other sentences. (exam: I, you, them, it, ours, who, which, myself, anybody.)
prop.Abbreviation: prophecy. n. Bib. 1. see Prophecy below.
prophecy (pra´fe·sē) n. Bib. 1. A foretelling of what is to come. -n. Bib. 2. The utterance of future events by divine inspiration. -n. plural prophecies
prophesy (pra´fe·sī) vt. Bib. 1. To foretelling what is to come. -vt. Bib. 2. The uttering of future events by divine inspiration.
prophet (pra·fet) Greek: prophētēs, interpreter, expounder. from pro: before; phētēs: speaker, Hebrew: nâbiy, inspired man] n. Bib. 1. A person regarded as an inspired proclaimer and teacher of God′s Word. 2. A person with more than ordinary spiritual and moral insight. 3. A person who speaks as a messenger of God′s Word.
propitious (pro·pi´tious) adj. 1. Presenting favorable conditions. 2. Favorably disposed.
pt.Abbreviation: past tense. n. gram. 1. A grammatical tense of a word, whose principal function is to place an action or situation in past time.
PUFA n. Acronym: polyunsaturated fatty acids. 1. Essential fatty acids which include many important compounds needed for health. High levels of pufas are found in: fatty fish (herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines, trout, tuna); oils (flaxseed, safflower); seeds (sesame, sunflower, pumpkin); and tofu. This list is not comprehensive. (See also MUFA.)
puissant (pu´is·sant) adj. Lit. Strong, powerful. puissance -n. Lit. 2. Force, might, power
pulchritude (pul´chri·tude) n. Lit. 1. Great physical beauty and appeal.
pulchritudinous (pul´chri·tud·i·nous) adj. Lit. 1. Possessing beauty, comely.
pulse n. 1. Pottage made with seeds of a legume plant. 2. The seed from the legume plant.
pure.Abbreviation: pure language. 1. Words used in connection with the pure language of the truth of God′s Word. (exam: great crowd; faithful slave.)
purlin (pur·lin) n. 1. A horizontal beam supporting a rafter.

The Glossary Q Go Down Go Up
vt. [OE, before 900 CE] 1. To draw away involuntarily, usually due to fear or disgust.
quandary (quan´da·ry) n. A state of perplexity and uncertainty. Dilemma.
quell vt. [OE, before 900 CE] 1. To put an end to; to suppress; extinguish. 2. To diminish.
quest n.[ME, c. 1275] 1. A search or pursuit made in order to find or obtain something. -n. sym. jour. 2. The search for a more meaningful life, one which would lead to unending jouissance. -n. fig. jour. 3. The desire to receive God′s promise of life on the summit.
quintessence (quin·tes´sence) n. 1. The pure and concentrated essence of a substance. 2. The perfect embodiment of
quill n.[late ME, 1375] 1. The pen a wayƒarer uses to write entries in the quire.
quill strokes n. idi. jour. 1. A wayƒarer′s thoughts (or opinion) which can be either written upon a quire, written in this appendix or spoken. 2. Two cents worth. 3. Compare methinks
quire n. arch. [ME quair, 1175] 1. A collection of loose papers of the same size and stock, then sewn together to create a book or writing journal. -n. sym. jour. 2. A wayƒarer′s journal. -n. fig. jour. 3. One of the sixty-six books in the Bible. (See also journal)
quietude n. [ME, 1350] 1. The quality or state of being tranquil; calmness; peacefulness; quiet; serenity.
quixotic (quix·ot´ic) adj. 1. Visionary. 2. Caught up in the romance of noble deeds and the pursuit of unreachable goals. Also Quixotical -adv. Quixotical·ly.

The Glossary R Go Down Go Up
n. Acronym: recreation area 1. A type of protected area reserved for recreation, designated in some jurisdictions, and administered by one of several different government agencies.
raiment (rai´ment) n. Lit. 1. Clothing, garments. Syn. Vesture.
rainbow (rain·bow) n. [OE. regnboga] 1. A colorful display in the sky. -n. sym. jour. 2. The blessings from God. -n. fig. jour. 3. The spiritual paradise. (See also: within the rainbow.)
Rainier Day n. jour. 1. An expression used in Oak Harbor, Washington when Mount Rainier can be seen from Oak Harbor, requiring it to be a very clear day which is not too frequent in the Pacific North West.
rain shadow (rain´ shadow) n. weather. 1. (See Banana Belt)
ratsbane (rats·bane) n. Rat poison.
Rayleigh (ray·leigh) Rayleigh scattering. n. astr. 1. The dispersion of electromagnetic radiation by particles that have a radius less than approximately 1/10 the wavelength of the radiation. Named in honour of Lord Rayleigh, who in 1871 published a paper describing this phenomenon. 2. Rayleigh scattering is what causes blue daytime skies and the red-orange colors at sunset.
RBC n. pure. Acronym: regional building committee. 1. Renamed LDC.
real life, the n. Bib. jour. 1. That life to which the Bible promises to The People of God. (1 Tim. 6:19 KJV) (1 Tim. 6:19 ASV) (Psalms 37: 9, 11, 29) -n. Bib. 2. Everlasting Life. (See also the symbolic and figurative definition of summit)
real way, the n. jour. 1. The path a wayƒarer walks to achieve the real life. (See also The Way and wayƒarer definition 5)
rectitude (rec´ti·tude) n. 1. Conduct in accordance with moral principles. 2. Moral virtue.
redress (re·dress´) vt. 1. To set right, remedy. (often spelled re´dres)
red zone n. jour. [ME] 1. The area in and around a city that the Wayƒarer chooses no longer to go into. For Example: Richard and Kim live in Yucaipa which is near the edge of the red zone around Los Angeles.
relume (re·lume) vt. arch. To light again, rekindle a flame.
remiss (re·miss´) adj. 1. Negligent, careless, or slow, as in performing one′s duty.
repair (re·pair´) vi. 1. To go or betake oneself (to a place), return. -n. arch. 2. The place where one haunts.
Repast ™ (re·past´) n. Lit. [ME] 1. A meal, especially an enjoyable one. 2. The evening or last meal of the day. 3. Mealtime -n. arch. 4. The taking of a meal. -n. obs. 5. Food. vi. 6. To eat or feast (often followed with on or upon, Exam: Repast on porridge) -n. sym. 7. See a Wayƒarer′s Living Food Repast recipe.)
replete (re·plete&acut;) adj. Abundantly filled.
repose (re·pose´) n. 1. The state of being at rest. -vi. 2. To lie or be at rest. 3. To refresh by rest. 4. To rest on something.
resplendent (re·splend´ent) adj. 1. Splendid; shining brilliantly; gleaming.
respite (res´pite) n. 1. An interval of relief and rest. -n. jour. 2. The time a wayƒarer takes for rest and spiritual pursuit between tours.
respite mode (res´pite mode) -n. fig. jour. 1. The t ime during a wayƒarer′s journey when he achieves the mental awareness of being at rest.
retrograde (re·tro·grade) adj. astr. (celestial object motion) 1. A celestial object with an orbital and/or rotational motion which is in the opposite direction as its primary. 2. Solar System. Having a clockwise direction of orbit and/or rotation when viewed from above the north pole of the celestial object. 3. (of an orbital motion) Having the rotation in the opposite directions as its primary rotates.
RGC Acronym: Rio Grande City. n. 1. A small city on the Rio Grande river in Texas, where there is a need for Kingdom publishers.
ridgeline (ridge´line) n.[ME, before 900 CE] A line formed along the highest points of a mountain ridge. -n. jour. 2. The path a wayƒarer takes to the higher elevations. -n. jour. sym. 3. The preaching of the good news of the Kingdom of God.
riparian adj. 1. Of, relating to, or situated or dwelling on the bank of a river or other body of water. 2. A well water zone frequented by abundant wildlife which is often surrounded by austere areas.
roadstead n. Nautical [ME, 1325 CE] 1. A partly sheltered area of water near a shore in which vessels may ride at anchor. -n. jour. 2. Overnight harborage or encampment.
roadway n. 1. A well traveled pathway. 2. Roadway, pathway. (See also pathway) -n. Bib. [Heb. עולמ נחיב] (Translit.: owlam nathiyb. Pronounce: O-lawm' Naw-theeb'. Meaning: ancient roadway) 3. The life path walked by servants of Jehovah God in the old days.
(KJV: old paths, ancient paths: Jeremiah 6:16; Jerimiah 18:15)
rocks n. 1. Toe stumping extrusions on the trail. Also see: Types of Rock -n. fig. jour. 2. Materialism n. Bib.(ME) 3. Obstacle on the Pathway to Life: Mammon, possessions, money, gold.
roots n. 1. Tripping hazards crossing the trail. -n. fig. jour. 2. Selfish pride. 3. Obstacle on the Pathway to Life: Pride and the desire for prominence
rout n. 1. A disastrous defeat. 2. A disorderly retreat after defeat. -vi. 3. To find or get by searching or rummaging.
rove vi. 1. To wander about; go from place to place, with no destination. -vt. 2. To wander over, roam. -n. 3. The act of roving.
RR n. Acronym: Ranch Road 1. A highway found in Texas.
rue vt. 1. To feel remorse. 2. To wish something undone. -ed
rurals n. jour. 1. A place far from any city. n. jour. sym. 2. The place a wayƒarer seeks to live.
ruts n. 1. The mud fill holes on the trail. -n. fig. jour. 2. Loose conduct, obscene jesting. 3. Obstacle on the Pathway to Life: Immorality
rv n. Acronym: recreational vehicle. 1. a vehicle used by many people with the thought that they are going camping. However, their definition of camping is in no sense true to the real meaning of camping but instead involves packing as many possessions that the vehicle will hold and then going on a road trip. (An old Boy Scout principle states: If it has four wheels, then it is not camping.)

The Glossary S Go Down Go Up
(sad´dle) n. jour. Geomorphology. 1. A low spot on a ridgeline between two peaks. A saddle will often have a spring, tarn and an area suitable for a campsite. 2. Also called: col, gap, notch or pass.
salutary (sal´u·tar·y) adj.. 1. Favorable to health; wholesome.
sapiently (sa´pi·ent·ly) adv. 1. Intelligently, wisely.
SFA n. Acronym: saturated fatty acids. 1. Fats consisting of long-chain triglycerides include animal fat products such as cream, cheese, butter, ghee, suet, tallow, lard, and fatty meats. This list is not comprehensive. 2. Some SFA, mostly those in fruits, that are not long-chain but short-chain triglycerides are actually good to consume because they break down quickly and are used in energy production.
sar n. Astronomy 1. One half of a saros, at which time, lunar eclipses occur.
saros n. Astronomy 1. A period of approximately 223 synodic months that can be used to predict eclipses of the Sun and Moon. One saros period after an eclipse, the Sun, Earth, and Moon return to approximately the same relative geometry, a near straight line, and a nearly identical eclipse will occur, in what is referred to as a saros cycle or an eclipse cycle.
saros cycle n. Astronomy 1. A precise period of time (6585.3211 days, or 18 years, 11 days, 8 hours) which is how long before the Earth, Moon and Sun return to the same relative geometry in a straight line. 2. A series of eclipses that are each separated by one saros is called a saros series.
saros series n. Astronomy 1. The periodicity and recurrence of solar and lunar eclipses is governed by the saros cycle. When two eclipses are separated by one saros cycle, they share a very similar geometry. Thus, the saros cycle is useful for organizing eclipses into series (or families.) Each saros series will last between 1200 to 1300 years and contains 70 or more eclipses. 2. There were 116 calculated solar saros series from 2955 BCE which all ended before 1971. 3. Series 117-156 are currently in progress. 4. Series 157-180 carry the eclipse cycles into the year 4004 CE. 5. The lunar saros series are somewhat different
saunter (saun´ter) vi. 1. To walk at a leisurely pace. -n. 2. A leisurely walk.
save prep. [ME c. 1250] 1. Except; but. -conj. 2. Except; but (usually followed by that)
scapulars n. bird. 1. The patch of feathers, which cover the shoulders behind the patagium but in front of the speculum. 2. The scapulars feathers are not part of the birds: coverts; flight; patagium or speculum.
Scout.Abbreviation: Scouting. n. 1. A word that is description of something found within the organization referred to as Boy Scouts.
scrip n. arch. 1. A bag or small satchel, especially for carrying food. 2. A bag carried by wayƒarers.
secular (sec´u·lar) adj. 1. Of or concerned with work, worldly, or other non religious things.
selƒ n. 1a. A person. (John 17:5) 1b. One′s inner person, identity, character, and essential qualities. -n. old poet. 2. The totality of one′s expressions in life, including art, poetry, prose, speech and etc. -n. sym. jour. 3. That which acts as a motivational force within a person. -n. fig. jour. 4. That part of a person as divided into: The Me, The Myselƒ and the I.
seeketh (seek´eth) v. arch. 1. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of seek.
sennight (sen·night´) n. arch. 1. One week.
seven steps n. jour. 1. The seven primary needs for good health and well being. -n. jour. sym. 2. Steps that a wayƒarer becomes proficient at while walking on the life journey.
SHAcronym: State Highway. n 1. A type of roadway, supported only by state funds, which traverses mostly rural areas in a state although some are in the cities. (exam: In Texas, the old route from Houston to Galveston is SH 3.)
shambles (sham´bles) n. arch. 1. A market or stall to sell meat and other food provisions.
shovel throwing n. idi. jour. 1. A idiom used to describe the hard work of using a shovel to move material (dirt, sand, etc.) 2. The manner of a person who has learned how to work hard and practices it when working with his hands.
shrewd n. 1. Quick, discerning, perceptive. 2. Astute in practical matters. n. arch. 3. Malicious.
sidereal month n. astr. Latin: sidera meaning Luminous 1. The period of 27.321661 days or 27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes, 11.6 seconds, required for the moon to complete one orbit around the earth and return to the same position relative to the start. 2. When applied in astronomy, it is usually to planets or asteroids orbiting the Sun, moons orbiting planets, exoplanets orbiting other stars, or binary stars.
sierra cup n. 1. A cup used in backpacking, originally called a Sierra Club Cup is now a generic name of a camping cup. 2. A backpacking cup which is a bit wider at the top to allow stacking, is made of stainless steel (or titanium) and has a fixed wire around the rim of the cup formed downward for use as a handle. Because the stainless steel is rolled over the wire, this helps to drink hot liquids without burning you lips.
silences n. 1. A period of time with the absence of sound or distractions. -n. sym. jour. 2. The time one spends alone on the mountain. -n. fig. jour. 3. The time one spends in meditation. 4. Meditation.
sing. (sing.) n. Abbreviation, grammar: singular. 1. The form of a word that denotes only one. 2. Singular tense, not plural.
simplicity (sim·plic´i·ty) n. [ME] 1. absence of complexity, luxury, pretentiousness. n. sym. jour. 2. The personification of the Wayƒarer′s personal mentor, the only one who would help the Wayƒarer to find the answers to many of life′s daily problems. -n. fig. jour. 3. God′s Word the Bible.
Sins, The
n. jour. 1. The three sins or three food additives that must be avoided when trying to loose weight. The Spanish word for without is sin, (and thus: sin sal; sin sucre; sin grasa.) These three food additives: salt; sugar; and fat, are the worst thing to eat when trying to loose weight. (See more about living food at Appendix Five, A Wayƒarer′s Quill Stroke when it is completed.
SLAcronym. Scout Law. 1. A Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, Reverent.
slake vt. Lit. 1. To satisfy or relieve, as thirst.
slog vt. vi. 1. To make one′s way laboriously. -n. Sloggger. -gging -gged
SMAcronym. Scout Motto. 1. Be Prepared
smitten (smitt´en) vt. 1. To affect sharply with great feeling. To inflict a heavy blow on.
snowbird n. 1. A person who travels with the changing seasons, so as to maintain a comfortable environment which best suits that person′s climate preferences. -n. jour. 2. One who stays in a comfortable latitude during the extreme climate months, (summer and winter) but who then travels during the spring and fall at which time the weather is most suitable for travel. -n. fig. jour. 3. One, who in keeping with the seasonal movement theme, also puts first priority in moving to areas where the need for kingdom publishers is greater.  -birder,
snowbirding vi. 1. What a snowbirder does. -vi. jour. 2. Travel from one hiatus to another hiatus. 3. to sojourn in a location for a short time; to reside seasonally.
SOAcronym. Scout Oath. 1. On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country, and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
sojourn n. jour. 1. A brief or temporary stay, a seasonal hiatus. -vi. 2. To live somewhere temporarily for a seasonal hiatus.
solace (so´lace) n. [ME] 1. something that gives comfort, consolation, or relief. n. sym. jour. 2. The personification of a wayƒarer′s master (teacher) and source of comfort and wisdom. (Matthew 23:8) -n. fig. jour. 2. God′s Holy Spirit, which provides many blessings, often resulting after searching for The Way from within God′s Word.
solitude (sol´i·tude) n. [ME] 1. Time spent alone. n. sym. jour. 2. The personification of the Wayƒarer′s personal confidant, the only one that would really listen to him talk. -n. fig. jour. 3. The conscience.
solivagant (so·liv·a·gant) n. 1. A lone wanderer. adj. 2. Characterized by lone wandering.
solstice n. astr. 1a. Either of the two times a year when the sun is at its greatest distance from the celestial equator: about June 21, when the sun reaches its northernmost point on the celestial sphere, or about December 22, when it reaches its southernmost point. 1b. The precise date and time (twice each year) at which the sun reaches its maximum or minimum declination, marked by the longest day on 21 June and shortest day, usually on 21 December. 2. Either of the two points on the ecliptic at which the sun is overhead at the Tropic of Cancer during summer or the Tropic of Capricorn during winter. {See also equinox)
sooth adj. arch. [ME, before 900 CE] 1. true or real. -n. arch. 2. truth, fact. (exam: in sooth.)
South of
n. jour. 1. The area on the Pacific coast of México that faces the south, which includes the states of Jalisco, Colima, Michoacán, Guererro, and Oaxaca. Federal Highway 200, a scenic route, traverses this coast line.
SP n. Acronym: state park 1. A park owned and run by a state.
Spark n. jour. 1. A powdered drink supplement mix with vitamins and amino acids. (For more information, see Advocare).
speculum n. bird. 1. The patch of often iridescent color on the inner secondary feathers, usually only noticeable during flight or when the bird is stretching, preening or landing. 2. The speculum feathers are not part of the birds: coverts; primary flight feathers; patagium or scapulars.
specific epithet n. Botany, Zoology 1. In binomial (scientific) nomenclature, the specific epithet is the second part, always lowercased, of a living species and follows the genus name, always first letter capitalized. Example: Homo sapiens.
spelunking n. 1. Caving. 2. A technical sport of climbing in and through caves, sometimes involving scuba gear.
spelunking n. 1. Caving. 2. A technical sport of climbing in and through caves, sometimes involving scuba gear.
spice mix n. jour. 1. The Wayƒarers Spice, a copyrighted blend and mix of fifteen spices.
SPMAcronym: Supplement Powder Mix. n 1. A combination of supplement powders, removed from the capsules, mixed together and used to add to other foods to increase nutrition. This is a practice of backpackers who wish to remove bulk and weight of the original product. (See also MRP)
  spring water
n. 1. Water which flows up from the ground. 2. A source of pure water. -n. jour. fig. 3. Knowledge that is provided by God.
spirit. Abbreviation: spiritual. Definition: adj. 1. Of, relating to, consisting of and/or impacting human sacred pursuits, as opposed to material and/or physical pursuits. 2. This does not refer to the supernatural or supernatural pursuits.
SS n. Acronym: social security. 1. Money which the US government repays to citizens who, after a life of gainful work during which, money was subtracted from their paychecks. 2. The government department responsible for collecting and making payment of the money.
stale air n. 1. Air which is laden with poisons and not capable of providing life for those who breath it in. -n. jour. sym. 2. That which is death dealing. -n. jour. fig. 3. False Religion
stalwart (stal´wart) n. 1. Strong and brave, valiant. 2. Uncompromising. adj. 3. Strongly, bravely, robust. -wartly
standardized n. 1. Process of making something conform to a standard. 2. In supplements, manufacturers ensure every batch of their products is produced in a consistent way, with the same ingredients and same concentration of ingredients.
stave n. 1. A stout stick used as an aid in walking.
stealth mode n. jour. 1. A method of parking overnight used by a wayƒarer when there are no affordable campsites nor readily available parking lots. Stealth mode is achieved when a wayƒarer parks his vehicle in such a way that no one notices it, neither does the vehicle nor the wayƒarer disturb the populace in any way. Stealth mode is normally achieved when the vehicle is parked after sunset. Too, after parking the vehicle, the wayƒarer does not get out of the vehicle for any reason, but puts up his window shades and maintains quite. (See also footnote 8)
steps upon
  the way
n. jour. 1. The Journey of The I. -n. sym. jour. 2. The taking on of Jesus′ yoke. (Matthew 11:29) -n. fig. jour. 3. The journey one takes by following in the footsteps of Christ.
stone-tablet n. lit. 1. A writing medium upon which the ancient peoples chiseled into, to record their thoughts. -n. jour. sym. 2. The route that a wayƒarer has traveled upon. -n. jour. fig. 3. The future paradise.
stoical (sto´i·cal) adj. 1. Showing or marked by great self-control in face of emotion or pain.
straightway (straight´way) adv. Lit. 1. At once, without delay.
stratovolcano n. Geology. 1. A large, steep volcano built up of alternating layers of lava and ash or cinders. 2. Also know as a cone volcano, this is one of the three types of volcanoes, the other two types being cinder and shield.
strait n. 1. Difficult situation.
stow vt. 1. To pack or store in an orderly, compact way.
succor (suc´cor) n. Lit. 1. Timely aid in distress.
suf.Abbreviation: suffix. n. gram. 1. An affix placed after a word to modify the meaning of the word. Common suffixes are: -age, -an, -cy, -ed, -est, -ly, -or, -ous, -ure, -ward.
summer n. climate 1. The time between the summer solstice on 21 June and the fall equinox on 22 September. 2. In south Texas, there are four seasons, December, January, February and Summer.
summit (sum·mit) n. 1. A location on the top of a mountain above the treeline. 2. The place where one′s journey culminates. 3. The efforts spent reaching the top of a mountain. -vt. 4. To climb to the top of a mountain. -mited -n. sym. jour. 5. The location of true worship of the Most High God, (Psalms 83:18) especially one where verily a wayƒarer feels at home. -n. fig. jour. 6. The promised earthly paradise. (Psalm 37:11, 29; Matthew 5:5)
summiting n. gerund 1. The act of climbing to the top of a high place.
summit path n. 1. The path one takes to achieve the summit. n. fig. jour. 2. the life one lives as a footstep follower of Jesus. n. sym. jour. 3. The path one takes to arrive at the real life in the paradise.
sunglow (sun´glow) n. astr. 1. A dim light or colored glow seen on the horizon before sunrise or after sunset. 2. This time of day is also known as the Golden Hour. (See also dayspring and evenfall.) (See also the Sunglow Gallery)
sunglowful n. new. jour. 1. The rare time of the day when the sun is in sunglow (and/or suntouch) and causing color in the sky to be in the extreme. 2. That which a wayƒarer seeketh. adj. new. jour. 3. Of or relating to color in the extreme during a sunglow or suntouch.
suntouch (sun´touch) n. astr. jour. new. © ™ 1. Used collectively for both sunrise and sunset, this is those few moments of each day when the sun seemingly touches the earth. Suntouch is the precise moments the sun passes through the plane where the sky and earth meet. 2. In places where mountains are seen rising above the eastern or western horizon, the suntouch may be at a somewhat different time than the actual sunrise or sunset. (See also the Suntouch Gallery)
supermoon (su´per·moon) n. astr. 1. The moon as it appears from the perspective of earthbound viewers when, during the course of it′s elliptical orbit reaches the position when it is closest to the earth its perigee. The term super has reference to the seeming large size. 2. The moon can be a supermoon either when it is a full moon or a new moon.
supine (su·pine´) adj. 1. Lying on the back or facing up.
suppurate (sup´pu·rate) vi. 1. To discharge pus, as from a wound.
surcease (sur·cease´) n. 1. A temporary halt.
surfeit (sur´feit) n. 1. An excessive amount. 2. Overindulgence. 3. General disgust caused by excess. -vi. 2. To bring to a state of surfeit.
surrounds (sur·rounds) n. [UK] 1. Surrounding, border.
swathe v. [OE] 1. to enfold or envelop, 2. to wrap a band or garment around so as to cover completely; swaddle.
sym.Abbreviation: symbolic. n. gram. 1. Of or expressed in a symbol or symbols. 2. That which serves as a symbol of something.
syn.Abbreviation: synonym. n. gram. 1. A word having the same or nearly the same meaning in one or more senses as another word in the same language
synergy (syn´er·gy) n. 1. The interaction of two or more elements (components) that when combined produce a total effect that is greater than the sum of the elements. (also synergism)
synodic n. astr. Latin synodikos, meaning synod [meeting] 1. A period of time that is required for a astronomical body to cycle back to the same position relative to it′s primary, particularly when the primary has advanced in its own orbit. 2. A lunar synodic month is 29.530588 days, which is the amount of time for the moon to complete one cycle of phases from new moon to new moon.
One saros cycle equals 223 synodic months.
syzygy. n. astr. 1. A conjunction of opposition, especially of the moon with the sun. n. astr. 2. The nearly straight line alignment of three celestial objects, the sun, the earth and the moon at a full moon or at a new moon, which can result in an eclipse, either a solar or lunar respectively.

The Glossary T Go Down Go Up
adj. 1. Tightly stretched: as of a rope. 2. Well disciplined, efficient.
taxonomy n. Biology. 1. The branch of science concerned with the categorization or classification of organisms 2. A system of classification, based on a hierarchiacal structure, in which organisms are grouped according to their (DNA) types. 3. Units of a taxonomy are known as taxa, (singular taxon). See also: type species)
tectonic plates n. 1. Tectonic plates are pieces of the Earth′s crust and uppermost mantle. Major plates comprise the bulk of continents.
temperament (tem´per·a·ment) n. 1. The unique balance of emotions that affects a person′s character. 2. Personal nature.
temperance (tem´per·ance) n. Se 1.lf restraint in action or statement.
tempestuous (tem·pes´tu·ous) adj. 1. Tumultuous; stormy. Of or from a tempest. (Ezekiel. 1:4)
temporal (tem´por·al) adj. 1. Of, relating to or limited by time. 2. Of or concerned with the present life or world. 3. Temporary.
therein adv.[late OE, before 1000] 1. In or into that place or thing. 2. In that matter, or circumstance.
third coast n. [US] 1. The third coast is a term that refers to coastal areas in the United States that are distinctly not the East Coast or the West Coast. The moniker Third Coast, is most often applied to the Gulf Coast of the southern United States, but has also been used to refer to any of the coasts along the great lakes.
thrashing (thrash´ing) vt. 1. To beat soundly in punishment. -n. 2. A beating.
threadbare (thread·bare) adj. 1. Worn out, down to the threads.
three-cup meal n. 1. Normally, this is a f-meal (breakfast) consisting of a cup of Daystart, a cup of hot coffee and a cup of hot tea.
throes n. 1. A violent spasm or pang. 2. A violent convulsion or struggle.
thru hiker n. [US] 1. A person whose purpose is to hike from one end of a trail through to the other. 2. A hiker whose goal is to complete the entire 2175 miles of the AT, and if possible in one hiking season. YMWV. -n. jour. 3. A person who cares for the trail, the mountain and the animals wherever he journeys. (See also trekker)
′tis cont. old poet. 1. It is.
time (period) n. 1. A period that covers a certain era or significant event.
   AR Acronym. After Retirement. (dk blue) 1. A designation of the period of time after one retires.
   BCE Acronym. Before the Common Era. 1. A nonreligious designation of the period of time referred to as before the current or common area.
   CE Acronym: Common Era. 1. A nonreligious designation of the period of time referred to as the current or common era in which we live.
   AT Acronym. Appalachian Trail. (color: Blue) 1. A designation of those days when a wayfarer is actually walking on the Appalachian Trail. Days off the trail and Zero days are not counted in this total.
   BR Acronym. Before Retirement. (color: Azure) 1. A designation of the period of time before one retires, usually in anticipation of the event. (expressed as: Days BR or DBR)
   BT Acronym. Before Truth. 1. A designation of the period of time before one learns the truth about the soon to come paradise earth that God promises. (See JD)
   DA Acronym. Days Alive. (color: Medium Blue) A designation of time (in days) a wayƒarer has been living. Psalms 90:10 says we have seventy years (25,569 days) or eighty years (29,221 days) of life expectation.
   DR70 Acronym. Days Until Journey On to 70 years old. (color: Slate Blue) A designation of the period of time (in days) a wayƒarer has remaining until he reaches seventy years of age, the first number of years Psalms 90:10 tells us that we have to live.
   DR80 Acronym. Days Until Journey On until 80 years old. (color: Navy) A designation of the period of time (in days) a wayƒarer has remaining until he reaches eighty years of age, the second number of years Psalms 90:10 tells us that we have to live.
   IP Acronym. In Port. (color: rust) 1. A designation of the period of time a wayƒarer spends waiting in Oak Harbor, Washington for his home to sell prior to the Journey On.
   JD Acronym: Jehovah′s Day. (color: wine) 1. A designation of the period of time afterwhich God′s Kingdom takes control of the rulership of the earth bringing the promised paridise. Matthew 6: 10
   JO Acronym: Journey On. (color: electric violet) 1. A designation of the period of time during which a wayƒarer begins (or resumes) the annual migration. (See Journey On) 2. A period to one thousand days, which is also called a Journey of a Thousand Days. (See Journey On)
   RL Acronym: Real Life. (color: purple) 1. A designation of that journey of a thousand days to quest for the Real Life. This time period is after TS but before the JD during which a wayƒarer desires to not only know Jehovah but for Jehovah to know him.
   TB Acronym: The Love of the Brotherhood. (color: flirt) 1. A designation of that Journey of a Thousand Days to quest for the Blessings upon Loving the Brotherhood. This time period is after the JO but before TG during which a wayƒarer desires to serve in locations where he may come to know and learn to love more of the grandest brotherhood this earth has ever known.
   TG Acronym: The Love of God. 1. (color: dk burgundy) A designation of that Journey of a Thousand Days to quest for the Blessings upon the Loving God Wholeheartedly. This time period is after the TB but before TN, during which a wayƒarer desires to expand his knowledge of God, learn more about His will and how to apply it fully in his life.
   TN Acronym: The Love of Neighbor. (color: burgundy) 1. A designation of that Journey of a Thousand Days to quest for the Blessings on Loving Neighbor as the Self. This time period is after the TG but before the RL, during which a wayƒarer desires to improve his ability to help others to come to know the True God, Jehovah and to help them to receive the abundant blessings He provides, including the blessings of the coming paradise.
   TS Acronym: The Love of God′s Son. (color: bright red) 1. A designation of that Journey of a Thousand Days to quest for the Blessings on Loving the Son of God, Jesus Christ. This time period is after the TN but before the RL, during which a wayƒarer desires to improve his ability to follow in the footsteps of the Son of the True God, Jehovah and to help them to receive the abundant blessings God provides through his Son, including the blessings of the coming paradise.
   UTC Acronym: Coordinated Universal Time. 1. This is a modern designation of the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time, but which does not adjuste for daylight savings time. Previously called Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
2. PST in the US is equal to UTC - 8 hours.
3. MST in the US is equal to UTC -7 hours.
4. CST in the US is equal to UTC -6 hours.
5. EST in the US is equal to UTC -5 hours.
time line n. 1. An accumulation of events shown in a linear display. (Example: BCE, CE, BT, BR, IP, AR, JO, TB, TG, TN, TS, RL, JD.)
timeworn (time·worn) n. 1. Worn or deteriorated by long use.-adj. 2. Commonplace; trite; hackneyed
tittle (tit´tle) n. 1. A very small bit, an iota.
toilworn (toil·worn) adj. 1. Worn by or showing the effects of toil.
torpid (tor´pid) adj. 1. Mentally or physically inactive; lethargic. 2. exhibiting or characterized by torpor.
torpid (tor´pid) n. 1. A state of mental of physical inactivity; lethargy.
tossing of coin idi. jour. 1. An idiomatic expression used by the wayƒarer. (See Episode One, page 141, 234, 366) (also used as: toss coin) -n. idi. jour. sym. 2. Disposing of unnecessary possessions.
tp n. Acronym: 1. Toilet paper. 1. An acronym long used by the wayƒarers, most of which began during their days of Scouting.
trail 1. The place where a wayƒarer spends his time when going from one place to another. 2. See hike on the trail.
trailhead (trail·head) n. 1. The place where one picks up walking on the trail. -n. fig. jour. 2. Baptism. 3. The place or time when one begins walking in the truth.
tramp v. 1. Step or walk on. n. fig. jour. 2. The path of the unrighteous as they seek out the temporary enjoyment of the lower realms of the self.
transit n. astr. 1. A type of conjunction where an inferior planet, appearing as a black dot, crosses in front of the Sun′s disc.
transliteration n. [abbr: translit.] 1. The process of transferring a word from the alphabet of one language to another. 2. A transliteration is used to help pronounce words and names as they would sound in the original foreign language.
tread v. Step or walk on.
treebare adj. jour. new. 1. An area on the mountain which is void of trees. (exam: The mountain is treebare above the treeline.)
treeline n. 1. A natural division on the mountain above which trees do not grow and where views abound. -n. jour. 2. The place where a wayƒarer desires to take steps upon the way. -n. fig. jour. 3. The period in a person′s life where one keeps a clean conscience while walking with God. (This act is expressed as walking above the treeline.) In his endeavor to encourage fellow Christians to keep a clean conscience, the Wayƒarer uses the expression: See ya above the Treeline!
trekker (trek·er) n. 1. A person who spends much of his time hiking long distance trails. This type of person usually begins by completing the AT, then moves on to the PCT and by this time either has become mentally addicted to the need to be backpacking on the mountain or possibly just has not found a place where it seems to be a good stopping point. Once a person becomes a trekker, that person usually sets the goal to acquire the Triple Crown. (See also thru hiker)
triple-digit giant n. jour. 1. The time a person has to wait, for something to occur or for some event to arrive, when the wait remaining until the event is a large number of days.
triple-digit midget n. jour. 1. A person that is waiting for something to occur or for some event to arrive and the wait until the event has slowly dwindled down to only a few days, but still more than ninety-nine days, which, at that time the person becomes a double-digit giant.
troth n. 1. Faithfulness and loyalty. 2. Truly, verily, truth (when used in the phrase “in troth”.) 3. One’s pledged word; promise (when used in the phrase “plight one’s troth.”.)
trough n. 1. A long narrow open container. 2. a depression or channel through an area.
true need n. jour. 1. During E1V1, after many long meditative days walking with Solitude on the Appalachian Trail, one of life′s most important guiding principles is discerned: "The true needs of a man are five, even six: sustenance, clothing, shelter, work, companionship and for a few of us, worship of God." (Order not definitive.) Also, see Life Lesson Two.
truth n. 1. The state or quality of being true. -n. sym. jour. 2. That that which is established as fact, faithful, true, trustworthy, as understood from God′s Word. -n. pure. jour. 3. The only way of worship accepted by the most high God. ( Psalms 83: 18)
The Truth -n. Bib. jour. 4. Interpretation of the Bible as explained by the faithful and wise slave. (Matthew 24:45: Luke 12:42)
tumult n. [late ME, 1375-1425] 1. highly distressing agitation of mind or feeling; turbulent mental or emotional disturbance. 2. excitement, perturbation.
turkey n. 1. A domestically raised bird commonly known to be stupid. 1a. A land bird usually raised at fish farms and gorges on fish entrails. -n. US slang. 2. An inept, naive or stupid person. -n. sym. jour. 3a. A person who shops at the road side gift stores, spends lots of money and gobbles up lots of expensive, valueless souvenirs. 3b. A person or family, who when camping, brings all of their things strapped to the outside of their vehicle; always buying the latest and newest gadgets. n jour. 4. Part of the dichotomy used by Appalachian Trail thru hikers to distinguish themselves from all the other non thru hikers. (See also goofer, weekend warriors) -n. fig. jour. 5. Those who are not interested in the truth.
turkey shoot n. 1. A place where turkeys are shot for sport. -n. jour. 2. The place where some people go to be fleeced of their money. The worst turkey shoots are found at locations where tourist and vacationers often frequent, where prices are quadrupled. -n. fig. jour. 3. The churches of Christendom.
twain n. arch.[OE] Two. (exam: Never the twain shall meet.)
TWJAcronym. The Wayƒarers Journal. 1. Used primarily to reference a writing from The Wayƒarers Journal website.
TWJE1Acronym. The Wayƒarers Journal, Episode One. 1. Used primarily to reference a writing from Episode One of The Wayƒarers Journal collection. Other episodes and volumes can likewise be referenced to by change the acronym to reflect the number of the episode or volume. (Exam.: TWJE1 p. 366)
twsAcronym. The Wayƒarer′s Spice © 1. A recipe for a blend of spices that can be used on most all foods. (See spice mix)
type speciesn. Scientific Nomenclature. 1. A species name with which the name of a genus is considered to be permanently taxonomically associated. 2. The species that contain the biological specimens for a genus. (Example: The whooper swan, Cygnus.cygnus) (See also taxonomy)

The Glossary U Go Down Go Up
Acronym: United Kingdom. 1. A designation for words that are chiefly British (or possibly also used in the United States) in nature and usually not used in other English speaking lands.
umbra (um´·bra) [Latin: shadow] n. astr. 1. Shade, shadow. astr. 2. The innermost and darkest portion of a shadow of a celestial body that occludes direct solar radiation. An observer within the umbra experiences a total occultation. 3. the shadow that one celestial body casts upon another celestial body. see also penumbra
umbraphile (um´·bra·phile) [Latin: shadow lover] n. astr. 1. A person who spends effort, time, and resources to travel in order to be onsite when the moon′s umbra passes through a specific location during an eclipse. n. astr. [US] 2. Eclipse chaser.
unabated (un´a·bat´ed) adj. 1. Undiminished, unrestricted.
unbeknown (un´be·known´) adj. 1. Occurring or existing without the knowledge of. -adv. 2. Unbeknownst to.
unbidden (un·bidd´en) adj. 1. Not commanded. 2. Not invited, unasked.
unduly (un·du·ly) adj. 1. Improperly, unjustly.
unfeigned (un·feigned) adj. 1. Sincere, genuine. -adv. -edly.
unremitting (un´re·mit´ting·ly) adv. 1. Persistent, unceasing.
untoward (un·to´ward) adj. 1. Unfavorable, unfortunate. -arch. 2. Unruly.
URLAcronym: universal resource locator. 1. An acronym that represents the address to which one would go on the internet to reach a web site. (exam: The URL for this web site is
USAcronym: United States. n. 2. Of or pertaining to the United States. 2. An acronym used to indicate a type of interstate highway supported by federal funds. (exam: US 83)
[US]Acronym: United States. 1. US when in brackets is a designation for words that are chiefly North American in nature and usually not used in other English speaking lands.

The Glossary V Go Down Go Up
Abbreviation: verb. n. gram. 1. A word expressing action, existence, or occurrence, or used as an auxiliary or copula (linking verb) and usually constitution the man element of a predicate (exam: give, build, run, be, happen, do, have, would, seem).
va.Abbreviation: verb, auxiliary. n. gram. 1. A verb used to help form the tenses, aspects, voices, or moods of other verbs. (exam: will, have, do, be, should, must.)
VA n. Acronym: Veterans Administration. -n. jour. 1. The government organization that provides many disabled veterans with a small monthly benefit due to being injured during the time in the military.
vagabond (vag´a·bond) adj. n. 1. A person who travels from one place to another with no fixed abode. 2. A wanderer. -vi. 3. To wander (See footnote at Journal entry)
vagabondage (vag´a·bon·dage) n. 1. One caught up in life of wandering.
  (valley plain)
n. 1. A place of unrestricted commercialism where many go to obtain worldly possessions in excess. (See also lowland)
var.Abbreviation: variation. n. gram. 1. A word that is a variation of another word. (exam: Oft is a variation of Often)
vainglory n. 1. boastful vanity; ostentation; empty pomp or show. -n. 2. A boast.
variance (var´i´ance) n. 1. Strife, bitter quarreling.
vaunt vi. 1. To boast or brag. -n. 2. A boast.
venus belt n. astr. 1. An atmospheric phenomenon seen at sunrise and sunset, when the the sky has a pinkish glow (or anti-twilight arch) that extends roughly 10°–20° above the horizon, cause by backscattering of reddened light from the rising or setting Sun. This glow is often separated from the horizon by a dark layer or shadow, know as the dark segment. 2. Also know as Venus′s Girdle and Venus′s Belt. 3. A very similar effect can be seen during a total solar eclipse. (See also the Venus Belt Gallery)
venus transit n. astr. 1. A rare astronomical phenomenon seen from the perspective of earthbound viewers when the planet Venus, travels across the face of the Sun. Never view this event without special protection for the eyes.
verdure (ver´dure) n. 1. The fresh green of new growth.
verdurous (ver´dur´ous) adj. 1. Covered with or consisting of verdure.
verily (ver´i·ly) adv. arch. 1. In very truth, truly. 2. Indeed. (exam: Verily, he was the Son of God.)
veritable (ver´i·ta·ble) adj. 1. Being such practically or in effect. -adv. Veritably.
verity (ver´i·ty) n. 1. Principle or belief taken as fundamental and permanent truth. < -pl -ities/td>
vi.Abbreviation: verb intransitive. n. gram. 1. A verb that does not require a direct object.
vicinage (vic´in·age) n. 1. The region near or about a place; vicinity. -n. arch. 2. Neighborhood.
vie vi. 1. To contend for superiority. -vying
view n. jour. 1. What a wayƒarer goes to see above the treeline. -n. fig. jour. 2. Blessing from God that come from taking steps upon the way above the treeline. 3. The view becomes majestic as you approach the peak.
vl.Abbreviation: verb, linking. 1.n. gram. 1. A verb that functions chiefly as a connection between a subject and a predicate complement. (exam: appear, be, become, seem.)
VS, VSOAcronym: Veteran Services) n. jour. 1. A local government office, usually county, that provides housing, food, medical and other services to veterans. VSO Veteran Services Officer.
voice n. 1. Thoughts from within made verbal. -n. sym. jour. 2. The thoughts within one′s self. -n. fig. jour. 3. The conscience when it communicates with a person. (Isaiah 30:21)
voice of God n. lit. Bib. 1. Voice heard by Moses and Israelites in the Wilderness. (Deuteronomy 4:33) -n. sym. 1a. During the times of the Kings of Isreal, God sent the prophets to speak the Word of God. (Jerimiah 35:12 - 13) -n. fig. 2. God′s Word the Bible. -n. fig. 3. Faithful and wise servant. (Matthew 24:45)
VS n. Acronym: Veterans Services. -n. jour. 1. A local government organization, (usually a county office) that provides many disabled veterans with a several services including: housing, food, fuel, and more.
vt.Abbreviation: verb transitive. n. gram. 1. A verb that expresses an action thought of as passing over to and having on some person place or thing, etc. A verb that takes a direct object. (exam: The moon illumes the night sky.)

The Glossary W Go Down Go Up
n. Acronym: US Wilderness Area 1. A large expanse of land, usually attached to a NF or NP, which has been designated as an area that can not be developed.
waft vt. [late ME] 1. To cause to go gently and smoothly through the air or over water. -vi. To float easily and gently, as on the air. -ting -ted
walk on the
n. jour. 1. The Journey of The Myselƒ. -n. sym. jour. 2. The quest for the truth. -n. fig. jour. 3. Walking above the treeline in such a manner so as to avoid the obstacles on the way. 4. Searching to find out "Who is the Faithful and Wise Servant." (Matthew 24:45)
wanderlust n. [German equivalent to OE wandrain + OE lust] 1. A strong innate desire to travel.
wanderlusts n. jour. 1. The travels a person undertakes. 2. Wanderings n. fig. jour. 3. The account of how one comes to be in the truth. 4. The story of how one comes to the trailhead.
want n. 1. Something desired. A craving. -n. jour. 2. That which during the normal course of life can be done without. -n. fig. jour. 3. That which must be suppressed to insignificance by a wayƒarer prior to embarking upon the journey on.  Compare: need
wanton adj. 1. Without regard for what is right, malicious, licentious. adj. jour. 2. extravagantly or excessively luxurious, as a person, manner of living, or style. wantonness -n. jour. 3. The desire or want to possess many things, especially luxurious ones.
wan.Abbreviation: wane, waning. v. 1. To grow gradually less. v. astr. 2. The phase of a heavenly body when it′s apparent size is decreasing.
want of heart old. idi. [early ME] 1. Without good motivation or morals. 2. Void of understanding. Lacking good discernment or judgment. Also: Lacking heart, without heart.
wastv. arch. 1. A second person singular past tense of be. (exam: The vagabond wast footloose.)
wax.Abbreviation: wax, waxing. v. 1. To grow gradually larger. v. astr. 2. The phase of a heavenly body when it′s apparent size is increasing.
wayn. jour 1. The path a wayƒarer, during his life journey strives to walk upon. 2. See steps of the way definition 3.
Way, Then. pure, Bib. [OE, before 900 CE] 1. The path that leads to everlasting life. (Proberbs 6:23; 23:11; Isaiah 30:21; 48:17 -18; Jeremiah 21:8; Matthew 7:14)
wayƒarer (way´ƒar´er) n. [from way+fare, Late ME] 1a. A foot traveler, one who travels on land as compared to a seafarer. 1b. A land traveler, one who travels and lives full time in an RV. -n. arch. 2. A migrator, who in man′s early days, walked the earth exploring the land. -n. old poet. 3. One who wanders a path in life. n. lit. 4. One who wears out shoe leather while slogging through all types of weather, hazards and topography as long as each footfall is a step taken in a place never before journeyed. -n. Bib. 5a. A life seeker, one who walks a path in search of everlasting life. (Isaiah 30:21; Psalms 32:8, 10) 5b. The one who travels on the Way of Holiness (Isaiah 35:8) searching to know God and do his will as discerned from the daily reading of God′s Word. (John 17:17)  6a. -n. sym. jour. One who is a disciple of Jesus. -n. fig. jour. 6b. One who serves in the work Jesus Commanded, that of publishing the Good News of God′s Kingdom.
wayƒarer amidst
n. fig jour. 1. The brotherhood of true Christians. (See wayƒarer, definition 5a, 5b, 6 and 7)
n. 1. A phenomena experienced by a wayƒarer or others of similar vagabondage calling, whereupon there is a momentary confusion in that one′s awareness as to where on earth that one is. (See Day 788 JO)
wayƒaring (way´ƒar´ing) adj. n. 1. Traveling across land by whatever method available. -n. Lit. 2. What a wayƒarer does by slogging across the land while reading the Bible daily to come to better know God and striving to help others to learn the truth. -n. sym. jour. 3. Joy in profound abundance. (See also jouissance.) -n. fig. jour. 4. Serving where the need is greater.
wayfinder (way·find·er) n. 1. A person in search of a specific way.
waymark (way·mark) n. 1. A guide post. Marker
Way of
n. Bib. 1. (Isaiah 35:8) n. pure 2. The path that leads one away from mundane things to search for God. -n. sym. jour. 3. That part of a wayƒarer′s life when he is walking on the path above the treeline in quest of more meaning in life. -n. fig. jour. 4. One′s life of dedicated service to God, doing the work that Jesus did.
wayworn (way·worn) adj. 1. Wearied by travel.
weal n. arch. [OE, before 900 CE] 1. Happiness, well being, prosperity. (Exam: weal and woe)
wealth n. arch. A person′s advantage.
weath. Abbreviation: weather n. 1. Observation of the Earth to determine the state of the atmosphere at a place and time as regards heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc.
weatherworn (weath´er·worn) adj. 1. Worn and/or damaged by exposure to the weather. Weather-beaten.
web n. 1. A woven network of a spider. -n. sym. jour. 2. A snare or trap carefully woven by the master bird catcher (fowler), Satan. (Psalms 91:3) -n. fig. jour. 3. Obstacle on the Pathway to Life: The snare of Occultism which includes: astrology, divination, fortune tellers, I Ching, Magick, numerology, palmistry, Satanism, tarot, tea leaf reading, witchcraft, Wicca, and many more. (Deuteronomy 18:10 , 11, 12) -n, fig. 4. Obstacle on the Pathway to Life: The snare of Nationalism.
n. [US] 1. One who, usually on a week-end, does something just for the thrill that can be obtained. 2. A person who is out to obtain as much gratification as possible on a given weekend regardless of what damage may be caused to the campground, environment, trail or even others.-n. jour. 3. Part of the dichotomy used by Appalachian Trail thru hikers to distinguish themselves from all the other non thru hikers. (See also goofer and turkey.) -n. fig. jour. 4. Those who reject the truth of God′s Word.
well-nigh adv. 1. Very nearly, almost.
well-worn adj. 1. Used up, wore out.
wend vt. 1. To proceed on (one′s way).
wet side n. 1. A geographical climate region located in continental North America, where such areas have more than 25 inches of rainfall annually. (See also Dry Side)
whence adv. Lit. 1. From what place? (exam: Whence comest thou?) 2. From what source, origin or cause? (Whence has he wisdom?)
whereby (where·by´) adv. arch. 1. By what, how? -conj. 2. By which, by means of which.
whereupon (where´u·pon) conj. 1. At which. -conj. arch. 2. Upon which.
wherewith (where´with) adv. arch. 1. With what? -pron. arch. 2. The things with which.
wherewithall (where´with·al´) n. 1. The necessary means, especially financial means.
whilst conj. Lit. [Chiefly UK] 1. While.
whit n. [ME, respelling of Wiht] 1. The least bit. (chiefly in negative construction. Exam: Not a whit the wiser.)
whither (whith´er) adv. arch, used rhetorically. 1. To what place? 2. To what end, point, condition, result or action? (exam: Whither goest thou?)
wholly (whol·ly) adv. [ME] 1. entirely; totally; altogether; quite. 2. without exception; exclusively.
WiFi n. 1. A facility allowing computers, smartphones, or other devices to connect to the Internet or communicate with one another wirelessly within a particular area. n. 2. W-mart
wile away (wile a·way´) v. 1. To while away time (by confusion with while).
windjammer (wind´jam·mer) n. naut. 1. A large sailing ship, so called originally in contempt by the seamen on early fast moving steamships to describe an older slow moving, sailing vessel. 2. A crewman on such a ship -n. jour. 1. The founder′s vehicle during his travels which vehicle fits the description as being an older slow moving large vessel. (It is also known as the jammer)
windjamming (wind´jam·ming) v. jour. new. 1. A method of wayƒaring. 2. That which a wayƒarer does when he takes to the road during the journey on. 2. The time when traveling cross country in the windjammer.
winter blues n. 1. The dress worn during winter. (See blues)
winsome (win´some) adj. 1. Charming. 2. Well arranged, beneficial.
wise. Abbreviation: wise men n. Bib. jour. 1. The wise men of the world.
wise men n. jour. 1. Modern university trained scholars who give the impression they know-it-all, when in fact, they denigrate and ignore the most important knowledge available, which is the Bible. 2. -n. jour. Those of the churches of Christendom who have university degrees and claim that their interpretations of the Bible is the correct one, but, under close scrutiny, fails to ring true.
within the
n. fig. jour. 1. The figurative location for those who are part of the brotherhood of the wayƒarers who share the spiritual paradise.
witchcraft (witch·craft) n. 1. Practice of spiritism, druggery. (See also web)
withal adv. 1. In addition. 2. besides, moreover. -arch. 3. With that, therewith. -prep. arch. 4. With. (Used at the end of a clause of sentence.)
woodhenge (wood·henge) n. archea. 1. A henge monument consisting of a circle of upright timber poles. (See also henge)
woe n. [OE, before 900 CE] 1. Grievous distress, affliction, or trouble. -int. 2. Exclamation of grief, distress, or lamentation.
wont adj. [ME, from OE gewunod] 1. In the habit. -n. 2. Customary practice.
wontedly (wont´ed·ly) adv. Lit. 1. Usual, force of habit.
WR n. Acronym: wildlife refuge 1. An area designated for the protection of wild animals, in which hunting and fishing are either prohibited or strictly regulated.
wreak v. 1. To cause to undergo or bear, as something unwelcome or damaging.
wrest n. 1. Act of effort, force, or labor. -v. 2. To acquire by laborious effort.

The Glossary X Go Down Go Up
n. 1. The 24th letter of the English alphabet, a consonant.

The Glossary Y Go Down Go Up
n. int. 1. An exclamation shouted in expression of success or excitement.
yea adv. 1. Used to express affirmative. Also, ay.
yestereven n. [ME. {from OE geostran + efen} 1. Yesterday evening. 2. Also: yestereve and yesterevening.
YSTWV n. jour. Acronym: Your sunglow time will vary. Depending on your latitude, the start of sunglow, called even, varies greatly. (See Journal Entry on Day 296 JO)
YMWV n. AT Acronym: 1. Your Mileage will vary. n. supplements 2. Your Mixture will vary. n. jour.3. Your Months will vary.
yore n. Lit. 1. Times past.

The Glossary Z Go Down Go Up
(ze´nith) n. astr. 1. The top of the celestial sphere above a given point or observer. 2. The point directly opposite the nadir. 3. A highest point or state; culmination.
zephyr (zeph´yr) n. Lit. [ME, before 1000] 1. A gentle, mild breeze. The west wind.

This Glossary has been abridged to provide the words, expressions and abbreviations that are used in The Wayƒarer's Journal, which includes this web site and journals written by the wayƒarers. The definitions listed in this Glossary are those as used by the wayƒarers regardless of whether the word has other definitions, even ones more common. Throughout this website, the many words within found in green are direct links to the definition of that word in this glossary. This glossary is primarily for the founder, Thom who has CRS and is often required to go in search for a dictionary.
© 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
Emphatic Diaglot by Benjamin Wilson. Published by Fowler & Wells Co. Publishers, NY 1864
[Greek: σταυρος Transliteration: starós, English: stake],
Examining the Scriptures © & Published by: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
Most cities are located in a lowland areas or on the coast, which location is much lower in elevation than the mountain. From the perspective of a mountain dweller, people in the city appear to be low life.
In the King James Version, (KJV) God′s name is found in the text at only four location. (Psalms 83:18, Exodus 6:3, Isaiah 12:4, and Isaiah 26:4) Also in the KJV, there are three other locations where God′s name is used in conjunction with the name of a location. (Genesis 22:14, Exodus 17:15, Judges 6:24) Furthermore, God′s name, in it′s abbreviated form, JAH, is found in the KJV in just one location. (Psalm 68:4)
However, in the original Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic text, God′s person name appeared at least 7216 times. Why then does the King James Version and other versions use it so few times?
The preface of the Revised Standard Version answers the above question by stating: "For two reasons the Committee has returned to the more familiar usage of the King James Version:
(1) the word ‘Jehovah’ does not accurately represent any form of the Name ever used in Hebrew; and
(Methinks that their own opinion of what is appropriate has been used as the basis for removing the personal name of the Bible′s author. Too, neither have they given consideration to the fact that God′s name appears in the original Hebrew more often than any other name or title. By their own admission, they mimic the example of the traditions of Judaism, of whom Jesus said: "You have made the word of God invalid because of your tradition." Matt. 15:6.)
(2) the use of any proper name for the one and only God, as though there were other gods from whom he had to be distinguished, was discontinued in Judaism before the Christian era and is entirely inappropriate for the universal faith of the Christian Church."
(Methinks, maybe that is why Jehovah cast off the Jews who had been a people dedicated to his name. 1 Kings 9:7, 8; Jeremiah 12:7; Jeremiah 22:5; Matthew 21:43. Furthermore, Jehovah will cast off all of those, who although claiming to be Christian, have not become a people for his name. Acts 15:14, Matthew 7:21-23)

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This Page Last Updated: 11 January 2025

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by Thom Buras
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