Day of the Meeting
We were all in quite suspense on the day of the meeting, when Thom arrives and after shaking hands with many of his close friends, he walks to the front of the room, sets his coffee cup down on the table and turns to look at all present.
He begins by saying,
I am so very grateful to have as many good friends that I have been blessed to enjoy fellowship with, but especially all of you who have come here today, and truly look forward to our sharing much together.
Still, is it not true that we all look forward to meeting those new friends who would join us in our worldwide brotherhood. In fact, he says,
just the other day, while answering a text message from a woman who responded to our offer of a free copy of Episode One, it was during that text conversation, when she asked me "Would you like to be my Friend?" to which I answered her, yes.
I have not really gotten to know her yet, but by coming into acquaintance with myself, she will also have the opportunity to become acquainted with our spiritual fellowship, and in doing so, doesn′s she stands to gain quite bit more precious possessions and received blessings than just a free book. Yes, for her to become a part of our worldwide brotherhood will provide her much more of the gifts of God that all of us here already have begun to experience and now treasure.
Friends and Fellowship
Continuing, he tells all in attendance that the new Quest of
The Wayƒarers Journal will include a theme, which is Friends and Fellowship.
This quest, he says,
will include our endeavor to help more and more people come to know about the
brotherhood of the
that we all here have come to learn about and hold dear to our hearts. Too, by our sharing with them these blessings of our fellowship, we also hope to help them to come to know the God who we worship.
He then reminds us that it is the heart felt desire of all of us here to do the will of God and then asks,
Would we not also wish to include this desire to do his will in our secular affairs? That, my dear friends, is the new Quest of our website, to make known to others the most high God, Jehovah, who we serve.
(Psalm 83:18)
The Quest of this Website
Thom continues,
In the past, this website had allowed paid advertising in order to help support our costs, much like the world does, which the way the world does it, to me is annoying and often makes their websites look cluttered. However, on our website, from this point forward, and in keeping with the admonitions at Proverbs 3:5-10, The Wayƒarers Journal will no longer accept paid commercial advertisements, and we are doing thusly so that our website may stand apart and different from the greedy commercial industry of this world.
Previously, the website for The Wayƒarers Journal has never charged a fee for any information provided within the Appendix Passage and all such information will continue to be free of charge with no advertisements upon any of its pages.
I know that currently, we allow for the crew to advertise and sell some of their possession at
TWJ store. However, so as to remove all connection to the commercial industry, this too will be discontinued immediately. Instead, any of us here, and that includes myself, who wishes to sell their possessions should use other venues in the future. Talk to me later if you need suggestions.
Too, until this change goes into full effect, we will still be selling the remaining proof copies that we still have in stock, but even these will be sold at our cost.
When the last of the paperback books in inventory are sold, then The Wayƒarers Journal website, will only provide digital copies of our publications, allowing the paperback versions, if and when they do become available, to be sold through the commercial printers and sellers.
The Wayƒarers Journal will continue to provide the digital version of each of the Episodes, and these will always be available for free on our website. However, for anyone who wishes to do so, there will also be a button provided for donations.
Final Words
Thank you all for coming today, I will be here for a bit longer to answer any questions you may have. Then, I must needs return to my work of giving praise to the most high God. If I do not get to spend much time with you today, then we will have ample time in the
paradise to do so.
Godspeed on your journey and may all of God′s blessings be forever upon you. See ya above the Treeline!