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On Cholesterol

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In this day and age, with all the law suit crazy people in this world, we here at TWJ must needs put the above information in it′s place for everyone′s protection.
Yes, it has become a sad state of affairs when doing such becomes not only necessary but also the norm.
Too, you will see the above Important, Before Continuing information repeated on each and every page where we are endeavoring to provide help to our neighbors.
  A Wayƒarers Quill Strokes
That being said, all of the information provided within the Appendix Passage, especially in this section called A Wayƒarer′s Quill Strokes is free for any and all to access. Never have we or will we ask for a membership fee or a purchase price for any information that is presented in the Appendix Passage on this web site.

The National Tragedy
What is Cholesterol?
What is cardiovascular disease? (CVD)
What does the pharmaceutical industry say causes CVD?
Why does the pharmaceutical industry promote a drug cure?
Why treat only the symptoms?
What is the real cause of CDV, particularly heart attacks?
How do you treat the cause of heart attacks?

For Answers to these questions, please see the below sections.
For more information, click on any blue links on this page.

The Cholesterol
Has this Ever Happened to You?
"I JUST CAME FROM MY DOCTOR′s office and he told me that my cholesterol is too high and that I will have to take a medicine to control it or I will have a heart attack."

According to The Health Industry?
According to the Health Industry, "High cholesterol is one of the major controllable risk factors for coronary heart disease, heart attack and stroke." Too, this is a common health problem in the US, and that people exposed to saturated fat and cholesterol in their diet are more likely to have cardiovascular disease (CVD).
According to the Health Industry, CVD is the biggest killer of Americans and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol is the bad guy in this national tragedy, clogging arteries and triggering heart attacks and strokes.
Furthermore, the Health Industry claims that taking a LDL cholesterol lowering statin medication 1 is a scientifically proven strategy for people diagnosed with heart disease and that these statin drugs also help to clear blocked arteries or other blood vessel blockages.

Is What the Health Industry Saying, True?
No, the truth of the matter is that this entire approach to so called good health is nothing more than a scam perpetrated by the Health Industry.

The Cholesterol Scam
The Cholesterol Scam
This scam involves drug company propaganda stating that people exposed to saturated fat and cholesterol in their diet are more likely to have heart disease.
Due to these Health Industry claims, medical professionals worldwide tell their patients that to prevent heart disease, the blood cholesterol level must be reduced and thus hundreds of millions of people are prescribed LDL cholesterol lowering statin medications (drugs), adding fourteen billion dollars ($14,000,000,000.00) to pharmaceutical company coffers Each and Every Year.

The Real National Tragedy
Sadly, a very large majority of these people have not been diagnosed with a CVD, but instead have had a simple blood test showing that the patient has high cholesterol and then their doctor, following the direction of the pharmaceutical companies prescribes the drug to those who now believe this will prevent the from having a heart attack or stroke.
Shockingly, an article in the British based publication The Pharmaceutical Journal says that it is time to "Rein In the Prescribing of Statins" 2
Maybe this is the case because of the adverse side effect of statin drugs. Statin use has been associated with a wide range of side effects, including: cataracts, cognitive impairment, diabetes, impotence, kidney failure, liver damage, myopathy and heart failure.
The New Truth about Cholesterol!
In fact there is a small core of doctors, researchers and health professionals who believe that cholesterol and fat have been wrongly convicted as the primary promoters of heart disease who state: "We believe that this emphasis on cholesterol has caused us to take our attention off what we believe to be the true promoters of heart diseases: inflammation, oxidative damage, stress, and sugar." 3

The Cause of Heart Attacks
What is a Heart Attack?
The real cause of heart attacks starts when cholesterol attaches to the inside of the artery which then hardens causing a gradual narrowing of the opening that blood flows through.
As more cholesterol attaches to the arterial wall, albeit slowly, the arterial opening continues to be reduced in diameter.
Blood clots naturally flow in our blood but when the artery opening becomes smaller than a blood clot, the resulting abrupt blockage of blood flow caused by a blood clot in such a narrowed area of the artery is a heart attack.
This is why plastic pipes are used at springs because metal pipes become clogged with minerals causing the water flow to stop.
The Cause of Heart Attacks

Why does the Cholesterol attach to the Arterial Walls?
A normal healthy arterial wall lining does not allow for the cholesterol to attach and harden into a plaque forming into atherosclerosis. So why does this happen?
The arterial walls are lined with a thin layer of cells that keeps them smooth and allows blood to flow easily. This layer is called the endothelium. Atherosclerosis occurs when the endothelium is damaged and scar tissue is created. This scar tissue then allows cholesterol to gain a foothold to the arterial wall. The more the endothelium lining is damaged, the more places the cholesterol has to attach and increase.
What caused this damage to the Endothelium? In most all cases, the cause of this damage comes from the food we eat, specifically those foods with sharp edges on its molecules. These knife sharp edges cuts the wall lining and leave it to become scar tissue. As scar tissue continues to increase, the amount of cholesterol that attaches increases which slowly begins to close the artery opening.

What Food Causes Damage to the Endothelium?
The food product causing the most damage is High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) and the reason behind why it causes the damage to the arterial wall lining is that shape of the molecule is a sphere with many sharp knife blades sticking out.
HFCS causes the most damage to the endothelium tissue (also called provoked superoxide production in the aortas) which has been shown to be so in numerous studies. (For Example: See Sage Journals and Nat. Inst. of Health)
The Methinks on
High Fructose Corn Syrup
(a5-methinks.hfcs) HFCS viewed under a Microscope.
If a person continues to ingest the food that cause the arterial endothelial lining damage, eventually, the plaque on the wall lining will grow until it closes the artery from inside and cause a heart attack. Logically, wouldn't we avoid eating food that causes this to happen? Especially when so much is available for informing us about the dangers of eating HFCS.
Since HFCS is included in almost all processed foods, is it any wonder why there are so many CVD deaths each year.
There are other substances which result in the same type of damage to the arterial walls. One substance is chlorine from city tap water and another is fluoride which is also added to some city tap water. There could be more substances that do the same damage and when my research reveals these, they will be included here in the future.

Can the Hardened Cholesterol be Removed?
Not with statin drugs as they do not remove the hardened cholesterol nor increase the arterial size.
However, the hardened cholesterol plaque can be removed with cardiovascular antioxidants which after removing the plaque, these same cardiovascular antioxidants then heal the inner endothelial lining of the arterial walls restoring the lining to good health and thus prevents further attaching by the cholesterol.

The Drugs Treat of Symptoms, not the Cause
Why Treat Only The Symptoms?
The drug companies claim that high LDLC is a symptom of heart disease which needs to be lowered so as to prevent heart disease, but the facts of the matter is that your blood cholesterol level has absolutely no effect on whether you will have a heart attack or not. Many people with low cholesterol have heart attacks. Too, many people with high cholesterol don't have heart attacks.
Most people think of cholesterol negatively, as if it were a poison. However, cholesterol actually plays a very important role in the functioning of the body and is found in every cell in our body; without it our bodies would not function properly.
"Cholesterol lowering via statin drugs has become a national obsession to such an extent that many think cholesterol is the primary cause of heart disease. Yet 50% of heart deaths have normal cholesterol levels. There are many more serious and common causes that are ignored, yet curable without drugs." 4
Most would agree that true healing and a healthy lifestyle is the real quest here and want reasonable and scientifically proven cures for life, not merely bludgeoning a symptom with the latest pharmaceutical ridden with side effects.
That these drugs have proliferated the market the way they have is a testimony to the power of marketing, corruption and corporate greed, because the odds are very high, that if you're taking a statin drug, you don't really need it.
Yes, ninety-nine percent of those take who LDLC lowering drugs do not really need to take them.

The Side Effects
The American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs list for statin medication, the following side effects: anemia, acidosis, cataracts, chronic fatigue, Coenzyme Q10 deficiently, immune depression, exercise intolerance, high blood pressure, irritability, memory loss, myalgia (muscle pain), peripheral neuropathy (tingling, numbness or pain in the extremities), sexual dysfunction, sleeplessness, and thyroid disruption.
This journal goes on to state that this drug may also cause: cancer, stroke, diabetes, autoimmune disease, digestive problems, kidney failure, liver problems, Luo Gehrig's disease, lung problems, Parkinson's, weight gain and death.

The Real Cure for Heart Attacks?
What is the French Paradox?
In the early 1990's, a paradox in France received worldwide attention when it was observed that the French people, although normally consuming large amounts of high fat and high cholesterol foods, experience better health than Americans, particularly much lower incidents of hearth attack and cancer.
The only notable difference in life style is the fact that the French drink red wine with all of their meals.
Beginning from childhood, this lifelong everyday consumption of red wine with meals by the French people when compared with those of people in the United States was found to be the primary reason for this difference.

Cardiovascular Antioxidants
Red wine contains, primarily from the seeds and skin of red grapes, natural phenolic antioxidants such as oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes (OPCs), resveratrol, and flavonoids which are cardiovascular antioxidants which help remove both the damaging food molecules from the blood and the hardened cholesterol plaque from the arterial walls. Then, after cleaning the cell wall of all the hardened plaque, the same cardiovascular antioxidants then repair the damage previously done to the lining of the arterial walls. Yes, it is only these heart healthy nutrients that can remove the hardened cholesterol plaque from arterial walls and then repair any previous damage done and not anything from the pharmaceutical companies, especially not the statin drugs.
OPCs helps maintain healthy blood pressure already in the normal range and promotes healthy endothelial function by healing the lining of the arterial wall. OPCs improve or reduce symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency, diabetes, endema, high blood pressure, hemorrhoids and more.
Resveratrol has been shown in lab tests to neutralize free radicals associated with a wide variety of beneficial physiological effects including cardiovascular health. It is also associated with helping maintain healthy endothelial function.
Flavonoids help protects against bacterial infections and free radicals, which contribute to early aging, as well as the development of a number of health problems, including diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
Also, vitamin E and linoleic acid are highly concentrated in grape seeds and skins.
Further, while there is nothing wrong with drinking moderates amounts of red wine every day, and doing so would most likely prove beneficial to your health, for most adults, the amount red wine necessary to consume so as to get enough cardiovascular antioxidants required to correct the damage cause by a normal lifestyle and become heart healthy would be four to five gallons of red wine every day for many years.
The benefit of grape seed and grape skin extract over red wine is that the extract provides all the healthy benefits found in red wine without any of the negative effects of sugars or alcohol. Instead, it would be more advantageous to begin taking the grape seed extract supplements immediately and even double the recommended dosage.

The Conclusion
Immediately stop taking any statin medication you are on and toss the prescription in the garbage.
Drive to you local d-mart, or better yet, the local hg-mart and purchase a bottle of Grape Seed extract. Normally a bottle of sixty capsules cost seven dollars or less. Begin taking this supplement with double or triple the recommended dosage.
If you still feel that you would like to lower your cholesterol, then eat cholesterol lowering foods. The three foods that help lower cholesterol more than any other are red apples, beets and red grapes, but remember to buy organic. Also be aware that if it is red and shaped like your heart, then it is probably good for the heart.

Statins available in the US include: Crestor, Lescol, Lipitor, Mevacor, Pravachol, Rosuvastain, and Zocor. Statins are also found in the combination medications Advicor, Caduet, and Vytorin.
J. Alexander Bralley, Ph.D., Co-author of Laboratory Evaluations in Molecular Medicine - Nutrients, Toxicants and Cell Regulators.

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