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2019 Journey, The Restoration

The 2019 Journey, Palm Avenue Rental Restoration
The Last Tenant
It is evident from the condition of the rental, that the tenant who had recently moved out (because Richard requested her too) had never once cleaned the carpet in all the ten or more years that she had lived in this rental.
She apparently did most of here eating in the living room on the her sofa because this area was one of the worse in the rental, the entrance area was also extremely nasty.
Additionally, she must have had animals because the smell from the animals are so apparent and this has made everything much worse.
Too, Richard told me that the rental property was in good condition when she moved in, the carpets had been cleaned and were golden tan in color. I found in the bedroom closets, two pieces of the original carpet, untarnished from her stay.
So Much to Do
The following sections are in order somewhat of the tasks completed. The first task will be to remove all of the old floor covering and haul it to the dump.
I will be removing the flooring, loading it out to the deck for us to load in his truck and then Richard will take it to the dump.

The 2019 Journey, Palm Avenue Rental: Flooring Clean Up
The first tasks that he wants accomplished is to remove the flooring. That task alone, however monumental should not take me more than a day or two.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-0930.0838) The Rental on Palm Avenue
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-0930.0839) The Living Room Carpet
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-0930.0840) The Bed Room Carpet

Removing the Carpet
The removal of the flooring includes: (1) removing, rolling and stacking the carpet; (2) removing, rolling and stacking the pad; (3) removing the tack strips; and (4) cleaning the floor of all remaining dirt, adhesives, nails, and debris.
Most instances of this task, each of the four steps are equally as hard.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-0930.1201) Removal of the Carpet
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-0930.1203) Rolling and Stacking of the Carpet and Pad
However, because of the neglect from the tenant and the condition of the carpets, the last step proves to be the hardest of the four because the years of dirt, food, sand and other contaminates have piled up, hardened and attached to the flooring below. This buildup will need to be scrapped from the floor while on my knees, which I do and spent the majority of the floor removal time doing.
The pad in the worst areas would not pull up, but needed to be scrapped from the floor for it to be remove. Then, the built up and hardened debris still needed to be scrapped from the previous floor underneath.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-0930.1337) Scraping the Floor to Remove the Built Up Debris

The Kitchen Floor
This floor has a black look because one of the tenants installed a vinyl square floor over the original floor and the glue holding that floor has turned black. I have swept and mopped it on several occasions and the most recent time, after re-wetting the floor, Richard noticed a smell in the kitchen.
He says that most likely, the tenant did not clean the old flooring before he glued down the vinyl square which resulted in bacteria to begin growing in the glue and debris, causing the glue to become the black color it is now.
He also says that this must be dealt with or the bacteria will continue to grow under the new vinyl we install. So, he goes to the hw-mart to purchase a gallon of oil based clear sealant to cover the kitchen floor, sealing in the bacteria which will eventually kill it.
I really enjoy working with Richard as I always learn much from him.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1119.1127) The Floor in the Kitchen is Black from Bacteria

Sealing the Kitchen Floor
A few days later, when Richard returns from his work-a-way, he begins to roll on to the kitchen floor the shellac paint sealer. It does not take him long to seal the entire kitchen. I tell him that some of the living room floor has disintegrated and should be sealed as well. He continues out of the kitchen and into the living room.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1120.1119) Sealing the Kitchen Floor
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1120.1805) Sealing the Kitchen Floor

The 2019 Journey, Palm Avenue Rental: Bedroom Work
There are several things in the bedroom that need to be repaired and everything needs a good cleaning.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1105.1456) Closet Shelf and Hanger Repair

The Cleaned Floor
After more than a dozen hours working on my knees, I began mopping to get up the remaining dirt which never seemed to go away. Bucket after Bucket of dirty water poured down the drain was required to obtain a somewhat clean floor, one that would now allow adhesive to hold the soon to be installed new floor.
Since the Bedroom is the least damaged floor, the new flooring will be installed in it first.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1103.1149) The Cleaned Bedroom Floor
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1105.1500) The Floor Trim Strips Removed

Final Work prior to Bedroom Floor Install
The next steps is to unroll the vinyl flooring and begin cutting it to size, a task that should begin soon, however, Richard tells me that he is going to paint the ceiling and walls before we install the floor and while he is doing that, I clean the bedroom windows.
Then, I clean the floor again, scraping the paint, sweeping all the debris, mopping once with TSP and then three mopping with clear water.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1119.1126) Bedroom windows have been cleaned
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1119.1128) Bedroom walls painted and vinyl carried in

The Bedroom Floor Install
Compared to other floors, vinyl flooring is one of the quickest type to install, however, like other floors, it is imperative to start with a clean smooth surface. Once that was achieved, we begin by talking about the best way to install this floor. The plan is to align the flooring along the east side of the mobile starting at the rear of the trailer. In the photo above, that would be in the closet on the left side where the rolled vinyl now lies.
First we roll the vinyl out from left to right, cut off three inches so that the first line on the left will be under the floor trim and a whole tile will show along the east wall of the bedroom. Richard insisted that it look like this and I agreed with his logic. In the photo below, Richard is using my Buck scissors to cut the vinyl to fit the corner.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1119.1231) Richard is Cutting the Vinyl to fit the First Closet
The install continues, we move to the second closet, trim the vinyl to fit there, then down the west wall to the next corner, then into the next closet. However, the vinyl is a couple inches short of making it to the back wall of the closet so we use some of the remnants to piece in the last tiles along that wall. Finally, we arrive at the entrance way to the bedroom and we finish the trim having the entire vinyl lying flat on the floor.
Richard then gets a call from Kim telling him that our supper is ready, so he leaves and brings back a very tasty meal for us to enjoy. After we eat, Richard drives to the hw-mart for a few items and upon return, we decide that since I have already worked twelve hours today, it was time to wrap it up for the day and save the glue down for tomorrow when we are both rested.
We put up the tools, close down the restoration for this day and when Richards leaves, I get into the hot water, after which, I get into the jammer for the evening.

The Glue Down
We get started late in the morning and use up one bucket of glue very quickly, so Richard goes to the hw-mart and purchases two more and then we continue until the entire room has new vinyl flooring, including all three closets.
It was a very sticky part of the job, meaning, my hands were covered with glue and I did not want to take any photos until the end after I cleaned all the glue off of the tools and myself. I now take a couple of photos and see that I still have to put back the doors and floor trim but that will have to come tomorrow.
Then, I go out for Mexican food.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1120.1804) Bedroom Floor is Glued Down

The Final Touches
I begin early and plan on working another long day, starting with putting the final coat of paint on the floor trim. While waiting for the paint to dry, I begin installing the doors, all four of them and add stops on both sided of each of the doors.
Next, I begin installing the floor trim, have to cut one new piece that was missing part of it. I nail each piece, sink the nails, spackle the holes and then and clean up the excess glue all the way.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1122.1738) The Bedroom is Now Done
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1122.1739) The Bedroom is Now Done

Bedroom Done
Richard told me previously that he was going to buy two new slats to put in the two single closets and he has yet to buy the new heater vents. I have still have to install the bedroom entrance door and need to cut and install one stop for the double closet door, but I can now call this room done and go on to the next room to complete.

The 2019 Journey, Palm Avenue Rental: Living Room Work
The Flooring Clean Up
Next to the kitchen, the living room floor was the worst requiring many hours scraping, with constant sweeping, and mopping to get it to a workable surface. We concentrate on get the living room ready to next lay the flooring and after many long hours, Richard and I are gluing down the vinyl.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-0930.1440) Scraping the Floor to Remove the Built Up Debris
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-0930.1558) Scraping the Floor to Remove the Built Up Debris
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-0930.1651) The Floor near the Entrance is the Worst

The Windows
There are five windows in the living room, each requiring the screens to be removed, old trim discarded, moving parts lubricated, the frames scrubbed and glass cleaned. Next, new trim boards are cut, primed, painted and installed. Finally, the screen frames are put back in their place.
Too, as part of the walls, the many holes above the windows cause by numerous window covering installs all need to be filled, sanded and primed. A new top frame board will be added to prevent future damage to the walls.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-0930.1651) Windows on the Driveway Side

The Walls
Originally, there were two places for wall sconces but the lamp installed did not have switches and required screwing and unscrewing the bulb for lighting.
Richard and I went shopping and found two switched sconces to install on the living room wall. These were then installed and have been providing light for the work being done.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1128.1333) Windows on the Driveway Side

The Flooring
After I have restored all the living room windows, Richard begins painting the walls. After the walls have been painted, it is now time to bring in the vinyl flooring. So, Richard and I go out to the tool room, lift the roll of flooring, bring it into the living room, roll it out sideways folding it over on itself and then turn it ninety degrees to spread it lengthwise through the room aligning it as we go.
Soon after allowing it to warm up to room temperature, we begin to cut it into room.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1128.1208) Cutting the Vinyl Flooring into the Living Room
It takes all the rest of that day to cut the entire piece of vinyl into the living room and Richard and I decide this to be a good stopping point. We will begin on the next day to glue the vinyl down.
After another long day of work, we clean up and have the second floor of this rental glued to the floor.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1128.1334) The Living Room is Now Done

Double Done!
Like the bedroom, when we say that a room is done, there is always a few more things to do, but for the sake of my short time left, those few things have been delegated to tasks to be done by Richard, or more likely, when I return next year.

The 2019 Journey, Palm Avenue Rental: Kitchen & Dining
The Kitchen Restoration
One of the areas of the home where there is not to much damage is the kitchen, well, except for the sink. There is also one cabinet door that has been cut short, for what reason, Richard and I have no clue. Later, we determine that the kitchen originally had a cook top range and a cabinet oven. The oven filled in the space where there is what looks like a short door.
Richard wants to replace the flooring in the kitchen as well and he will begin shopping for the new roll vinyl materials for the flooring upgrades.
However, what the kitchen needs most is to be cleaned thoroughly because it is apparent the tenant never did it.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-0930.0841) The Kitchen at the Palm Avenue Rental
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1003.1924) Sink Cabinet at the Palm Avenue Rental

Kitchen Sink Restoration
As for the kitchen sink cabinet, Richard wants to keep the cabinet, but just replace the countertop and faucet. That will be after the flooring clean up is done.
When I begin working on the sink cabinet, one of the first things that I do is redesign the corner vent pipe cover, changing it from an angle board to a smaller two inch square wrap around which will allow me to have a more finished countertop back splash.
Also, I rip some 2 by 6 boards and create a two inch by one and a half inch structure board around the top edge of the cabinet to better support the new counter top. The previous structure was on 3/4 inch and would not have held the added weight of the new countertop.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1004.1853) Sink Cabinet Removed, Install New Supports
Richard and I talked more about the kitchen and he tells me that when selling a home, the kitchen should be the show spot. He decided to buy a new sink, a new sink window and replace the receptacles and switches with new ones.
I told him that I agree and suggested that we put a new white board on the wall behind the sink, that the space is four foot by eight foot and would fit nearly an entire board, except for the window cutout. He agreed and bought the board. I began marking it for the cuts around the cabinets, the window and the electrical and determined that what remained would be very flimsy.
Then, I examined the cabinets and found them both to only be held onto the wall with about a half dozen screws each. I pulled both down and found the wall space perfect now so I do not have to cut the white board as much. However, I will have to wait for Richard before lifting the board to attach it to the wall.
With the upper cabinets off the wall, this gives me that opportunity to clean then, repair some broken boards, and paint the inside with a primer.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1011.1803) Rebuilding Cabinet, New Electrical Receptacles
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1011.1804) Wall Cleaned. Upper Cabinets Removed, Cleaned
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1014.1343) White Board installed on Wall
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1014.1622) Upper Cabinets Reinstalled
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1022.1715) Countertop, Sink and Plumbing Installed

The New Window Installation
When Richard arrives with the new window, we decide when we will be able to install it and when that time comes, it only takes an hour or less.
The next step will be to install the trim and I await for Richard to purchase the trim he wants to use.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1113.1644) The New Kitchen Window Installed
After the install of the kitchen sink window, I needed to await for Richard to purchase the trim that he wanted to use. Once the trim was at the rental, I began to install it as he requested and it came out better than I expected.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1209.0553) Kitchen Window Trim
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1209.0554) Kitchen Window Trim Completed

Now the Oven Side
Once the oven is moved out of the kitchen, the cabinets on both sides and above the oven need to be thoroughly cleaned and most of the doors need to be removed for me to clean them. This work take me many long hours. Also, the hood vent in the wall has been removed and is soaking in Tri-sodium-phosphate (TSP) solution as well as the hood cover.
The wiring for the hood light and the vent came out of the wall and were run exposed through the cabinet space to the hood light and vent. Really, they are not supposed to be exposed like that, so I redo the wires and install them in a wall electrical box and then run the wires through the wall to the hood light and vent.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1102.1629) New Electrical Box for Hood and Vent
Next, I clean the vent, reinstall it in the wall and then begin cleaning the cabinets, wall and ceiling to remove many years of accumulated dirt, grease and roach remains.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1103.1145) Re-install the Cleaned Vent

Cleaning the Cabinets
After many long hours of scrubbing each door and then each cabinet with TSP, painting the primer on the cabinets, then priming the ceiling with stain blocking sealer, Richard comes into the kitchen and paints the ceiling with the finish paint.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1113.1643) The Oven Side, Cleaned, Primed & Ceiling Painted
Too, except for the three of the four top burner grates, the stove has been cleaned and awaits to be put back in it′s place, well, after the new flooring is installed.
However, the work in the kitchen is not over, there are still the bottom cabinets to clean, prime and re-install. There is also one more window that needs total restoration and of course, the flooring to do. So, on with the work!
The Oven Light Hood and Vent
This small piece of kitchen ware is often overlooked but not in this restoration. This hood was removed more than a month ago and has been soaking in a large container of TSP, during which I have on several occasions, pulled it out to scrape off more of the debris, grease and several coating of paint.
Richard had purchased a gallon of primer which works super well on adhering to all surfaces and I used it to prime the hood and then painted semi gloss paint over that. Also, I took the lamp apart and bought a new one for under five dollars, installed the new lamp and then the hood is ready to install back under the cabinet.
Previously, the vent was removed, cleaned, replaced to fill the hole in the wall and had been sitting there in a bare metal condition. I used the same primer and semi gloss paint on it as well and then reinstalled it as well.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1130.2026) The Oven Hood Light and Vent

The Kitchen Floor
Richard and I have been looking forward to doing this floor, at least we have been talking about it for several days now. Too, the rolled vinyl was brought out of the tool room and rolled out on the living room floor not long after the living room was glued down. This was done so that it could warm up to room temperature and flatten out. Too, I had only recently removed all of the bottom cabinet doors so that we would have better access to under the cabinet toe kicks.
Then, we cut off the excess from two ends turned it ninety degrees to align it to the direction that it would be installed and began making measurements, marks and cuts so that it could fit onto the kitchen floor.
Once we come to a point where it can be moved to the kitchen, we roll it up again, carry the vinyl into the kitchen and begin unrolling and making more cuts. After about four hours, we have the vinyl flooring nearly flat with only a few section still turning up the walls, still uncut. Richard tells me that he is going to Temecula, California to look for a piece of vinyl flooring for the bathroom and heads home to get Kim.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1130.2020) The Kitchen with Vinyl Flooring
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1130.2021) The Kitchen with Vinyl Flooring
I continue cutting the kitchen vinyl until all the edges are laying flat on the kitchen floor. Then, with the many remaining cut of pieces, I continue measuring them and cutting then to fit into the bottom of each cabinet and then I install these pieces inside the bottom of each cabinet. This really improves the looks of the cabinet bottoms.
Next, the kitchen vinyl flooring will be glued down.
The Kitchen Floor Gluing
I begin late in the afternoon on a day that there is a meeting in the evening and do not expect to complete the glue down but I would at least like to glue the kitchen area and then do the dining room area at another time. I roll back the vinyl flooring to just past the room break walls, set out the glue and tools and then get down on my knees and begin spreading the sticky stuff.
After I spread about sixteen, I stop wash my hands, move to the dining room side and roll the vinyl flooring over the spread glue. Then, I move back into the kitchen and spread another sixteen inches or so and repeat the process. By the time I have rolled back all of the vinyl flooring, wiped up all the excess glue and then cleaned my hands, it is time to begin the pack out for the meeting.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1203.1655) Gluing the Kitchen Vinyl.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1212.0741) The Kitchen is Done!
After this floor, we will only have one left, the bathroom floor.

The 2019 Journey, Palm Avenue Rental: Bathroom & Hallway
Besides replacing the flooring, the bathroom needs a new sink faucet and a new tub surround. The faucet, because it was leaking quite badly was replaced immediately. The surround came a little later.
Also, the window mechanical parts needs to be repaired, a new screen made and then the entire window opening cleaned and painted.
The Bath Restoration at
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-0930.0837) The Bathroom at Palm Avenue Rental

The Tub
The tub was in relatively good shape and has the retro color of peach. The black discoloration was almost entirely in the caulking. What little there was in the ceramic could be easily concealed and thus the tub itself would not have to be replaced, just the surround. When I began work on the surround, I immediately ran out of adhesive and need to wait until obtaining more.
The Bath Restoration at
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1030.1242) The Tub Surround, First two Panels
The Bath Restoration at
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1101.1412) The Tub Surround, All Five Panels
What still remains is to wrap the surround with trim, clean up the window, install the tub fixtures and then redo the floor.

The Tub Trim and Towel Rack
New plastic trim is install around the tub surround and then caulked into place. This finishes the look of the newly installed surround. A leak is found in the window and that too is corrected.
After Richard purchases the trim, I cut, install and paint the tub surround trim. I have previously installed the hand grab hardware, shower curtain rod and towel rack where my shower towel currently hangs.
The Bath Restoration at
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1209.0552) Tub Surround with Trim Installed and Painted
The wall areas adjacent to the tub was water damaged and so that too was corrected for the finish touches in the bath room tub. Now, on to the floor.

The Floor Preparation
This is the last floor that will have the vinyl flooring installed and if we include replacing the hall at the same time with the same piece of vinyl material, it will be the hardest one to cut into all the closets, corners and under objects. Richard is still looking for the right piece of vinyl material for the bathroom.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1203.1627) The Floor Preparation
Since the bathroom has previously had a one-quarter thick piece of plywood laid over the existing floor, there was need for me to build a gradual ramp from the hall into the bathroom. Too, I scrap all of the old flooring off of the subfloor and finally remove the toilet. I take it outside to the deck and clean it thoroughly and then go back into the bathroom to find out why the toilet was elevated with a second one-quarter inch board above the subfloor.
After I remover the toilet secondary board, it turns out that there are a couple nuts on the toilet attachment bolts that were not allowing the toilet to seat all the way down to the lower subfloor. A minor correction to these bolts corrects this problem and now the toilet will sit directly on the bathroom subfloor.

The Hallway Flooring
It took several runs to find the right vinyl flooring material but Richard was persistent until he matched the new vinyl with the already installed vinyl in the bedroom. We talked about this installation at length and finally decided, due to so many cuts, that the hallway and bathroom floor will be installed in separate pieces and seamed at the door.
Richard separates the hall piece from the bathroom piece and then the initial cuts on the hallway piece for the exit doorway. He then, leaves for his work in the city. I continue the hall way by cutting it into the two closets, into the bathroom and make the two cuts on either end.
I make all of the cuts to align the vinyl with the floor but do not glue anything. I want to wait until Richard returns so we can do the glue down together.
The Bath Restoration at
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-20191206.1008) The Hallway Vinyl Floor
The Bath Restoration at
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1206.1111) The Hallway Vinyl Floor

The Sink Cabinet
Once the hallway flooring is cut and laid into place, I look at what needs to be done in the bathroom before doing the bathroom floor cutting and decide to complete much of the restoration work in the bathroom first before installing the vinyl flooring.
Then cabinet has three sections: a laundry shoot to the left, a bank of drawers to the right, and a open section in the middle.
I remove the cabinet doors and drawers, move them to the living room to be cleaned later and then start the restoration of the cabinet only to quickly find out that the sink drain plumbing is leaking and must needs be replaced.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1206.1402) Bathroom Cabinets Cleaned, Scrapped and Sanded
After a run to the hw-mart for a new p-trap and sink drain, the bathroom sink is fitted with new plumbing, I exchange the old thin metal pipes with plastic ones. Once the leak is stopped, and the inside of the cabinet dries out, this allows me to return to the sink cabinet restoration.
Next, I wash the face of the cabinet with TSP, scrape it to remove loose paint, sand the surface and then prime it with the Bin brand primer. After the primer dries overnight, I paint a finish coat of semi gloss paint on the cabinet face boards.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1208.0911) Bathroom Cabinets Primed
On the laundry shoot, I clean it thoroughly, prime the wood and then paint the entire inside with semi gloss paint. Thus, the laundry closet with a hinged horizontal top opening is restored back to a workable cabinet. I recall that when I was a child, we had one of these cabinet and I use that cabinet to hide in when we played hide and seek.
For the bank of drawers I also clean the inside components and find it in good condition, with the exception of some previous floor water damage below. Instead of having to spend the time repairing the floor, I will install a divider panel between the drawer bank and the middle section which will take the floor damage in the drawer bank out of site.
The middle section is the one that will require the most work, which is typical to most all sink cabinets. Here to, the floor has previous water damage and after removing the old floor tiles, a new drop in floor board is installed over the old sub floor, As for the old sub floor, all of the wood is allowed to completely dry, cleaned up, primed and painted with white paint.
Then, all the newly installed wood in the inside of this section is also cleaned, primed and painted with white semi gloss paint.
Also, so as not to have to deal with covering the flooring for painting the bathroom walls, ceilings cabinets, wall shelves and medicine cabinets, I decide to paint all of these before installing the new bathroom flooring.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
, (b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1210.1755) Bathroom Ceiling and Walls Painted
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1210.1756) Bathroom Ceiling and Walls Painted

The Bathroom Flooring
When Richard arrives, he asks, Are you ready to do the bathroom floor? to which I tell him, Yes, lets get it done. I begin by measuring the bathroom and calling out measurement to Richard. He looks over the vinyl material atop the living room floor and then I come into the living room and we determine how to cut the bathroom vinyl material. We measure it out, mark it with a marker and as Richard begins making the initial cuts, I go back into the bathroom to sweep the sub floor one more time. We then carry the piece of vinyl into the bathroom and begin making more cuts in order to make it lay down flat.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1211.1534) Bathroom Vinyl Initial Cuting
The work of gluing the bathroom flooring begins, with myself doing the honors of pushing glue with the trowel across the floor, which goes quite well. When we finish with this glue down, Kim shows up to pick up Janie, their dog to take her home for her evening meal. Kim looks over the rental and comments several times, two of the comments are Really Nice! I tell her that I am so happy to receive not one but two Really Nice! from her. When she leaves, Richard and I resume the glue down work and Richard gets the honors for gluing the hall way flooring.
After both the bathroom and hallway are glued and we have cleaned up all the edges of excess glue, I tell Richard that we still need to finish gluing the dining room and he says, you have′nt finish the kitchen? I tell him, No, I have been waiting for you to help me and he says, Let′s get it finished.
We then go to the kitchen, I roll up the vinyl and hold it for him while he gets the glue under the vinyl back to the previously glued portion. While he then finishes gluing the dining room, I do a repair above the furnace in the hallway.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1211.1629) Bathroom Flooring Being Cut Into Place
Finally, the bathroom entrance door, linen closet door, cabinet doors and drawers are thoroughly cleaned and put back into their places.

The 2019 Journey, Palm Avenue Rental: Outside Areas
The Front Fence
While waiting to finish the kitchen sink counter top, which I hope to get done early next week, Richard has set me up for a couple of other tasks to do while he drives into the city to pull three twelve plus hour shift-days at his work.
In the cool of the morning, I begin outside working on the front fence. First, I redo the gravel and install a brick edge. Next, I cut some boards to use to connect the two fence pieces and next, Using a bucket of water to soften the sand, I dig two holes, one at both end to the small fence section.
Then, I cut the treated boards to create two posts, screw them to the fence section and set the entire fence in the holes, level it and secure it with some angle boards.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1018.1133) Palm Avenue Rental: The Front Fence.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1018.1134) Palm Avenue Rental: The Front Fence.
Finally, I mix concrete and pour it into the holes to cement the treated posts in the ground.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1018.1254) Palm Avenue Rental: The Front Fence.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1018.1255) Palm Avenue Rental: The Front Fence.
The third section, in the photo above, leaning against the front of the mobile home, I plan to use on the right side near where the jammer is currently parked.
Later, I dig a hole for the post, cut the fence section to size and cement the treated post into the hole. Also, I brace up the inside of the shed with another two by four, then mount the hinges on the gate, and then attach the hinges to the shed.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1101.1646) Palm Avenue Rental: Side Gate.
I find that the gate drags in the gravel so I disconnect the hinge from the shed and raise it another inch higher and this works just right. I then screw an eye hook on top of the post and one on the gate through which I install a padlock.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1101.1647) Palm Avenue Rental: Side Gate.
Both the front fence section and the side fence gate are easily detached so that they can be cleaned and/or painted.

The Front Porch Deck
As can be seen on the first photo directly below, on the left side of the trailer, the tenants had built some wall panel enclosures on the front porch. All of these wall panel need to be take out so that the green carpet can be removed, rolled and stacked for hauling to the dump. Then, the deck wood surface needs to be cleaned and sealed with some sanitizing sealant before any future carpet can be installed.
I begin with removing the interior wall sections and stack all the wood on the front trailer tongue. Next, I stack much of the lattice there as well.
You can also see in this same photo directly below, that to the right of where my white van is currently parked, there are no lattice panels installed to block the sun. So, any uncut four 4 by 8 foot lattice panels that I remove from the left side of the trailer will work well to use on the right side of the drive way car port to give some shade relief from the hot desert sun for any vehicles that will park there.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-0930.0838) Palm Avenue Rental: The Front Porch.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-0930.0838) Palm Avenue Rental: The Front Porch.
After all the wood and debris has been removed, then I begin pulling the green carpet, cutting it into workable sizes, rolling it and stacking it on the trailer tongue with the other garbage. Next, I sweep up a decade of dirt that had worked its way through the green carpet and even have to scrap some areas where the dirt has been packed down hard. When I can see wood on the entire surface of the deck, I begin putting away the tools and packing out.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1018.1530) Palm Avenue Rental: Removing Green Carpet
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1018.1628) Palm Avenue Rental: Removing Green Carpet
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1018.1629) Palm Avenue Rental: Wood Deck now Visible
I have been here working for about ten hours and after cleaning up, I go into the bathroom and take a much deserved hot shower. Finally, I drive to the d-mart and write my journal entry, write about the work done today and upload photos.
It is eight this evening when I have finished pounding keys and head back to the rental to retire for the evening. Tomorrow will be another long day doing more of the outside work.

The Outside Lighting
One of the very first jobs that I completed was to replace the two front lamps, globes and bulbs. These are the night lights that I now leave on every night and turn off each morning. Too, the front entrance has a motion detector light but it is barely attached to the outside wall, so I suggested to Richard that I restore the light up to current code and he agreed.
About a week later, I said to Richard " Now that I am complaining, but the driveway side is very dark at night, and it would probably be good to install a motion detector light on that side also." He said that I had a very good idea and asked me to make a list of necessary parts. He then went to the hw-mart and purchased all of the parts that very day.
I began working on installing the light the same day Richard and I finished cutting the vinyl for the bedroom. I finished updating both side lights two days later.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1121.1209) Living Room Windows w/o Outside Lighting.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1122.1427) Living Room Windows with Outside Lighting.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1122.1744) Palm Avenue Rental: Nighttime Lighting

Do You See What I Noticed?
After installing the driveway lighting, I walked across the street to take a photo and when I opened the photo up on my computer, I noticed something that need to be done. Do you see what I noticed? The front of the rental is well lit, the driveway is well lit but the front entrance on the deck side has very low lighting. I need to update the light bulbs to the new LED lights like are in the other two areas.
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1211.1543) Palm Avenue Rental: The Lung Doc & Jamie
Restoration Work at the
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1212.0740) Palm Avenue Rental: The Tool Room.

The 2019 Journey, Palm Avenue Rental: Final Clean Up
The Clean Up for the Final Photo Shoot
I spend the entire morning at the rental finishing up a few tasks and cleaning up all the tools and materials in the kitchen, living room and bathroom. After I get these three areas cleaned, I then take numerous photos, especially showing the newly installed vinyl flooring.
My work of restoring the rental is done for now because I had told Richard that I would stay for as long as it takes to get all the vinyl flooring installed. And since we glued the last sections on Wednesday, officially, today, I am on my own time and do this to get some final photos of the restoration.
A couple of things that I would like to note that would make it look look like the job is not finished. One is the cabinets and some walls in the dining room which still look more yellow than white. Those areas have not yet been painted with the white semi gloss paint, a task that Richard will do later. Also, on some of the cabinets, there are some areas of wood putty that have yet to be sanded, stained and finished. Those too, are for Richard to do, even though I did get the putty on most all the cabinets that needed repair.
Also, in the bathroom, the inside of the linen closet is a peach color, that too will be painted with the white semi gloss paint by Richard. Further, Richard is planning on priming and painting the entire outside of the rental this winter. However, he is working full time in the Los Angeles area and getting the time to accomplish all this work is the reason he asked me to come this fall to help him. Now, since the leaves have changed to fall colors, the weather here in Hemet, California can only be getting worse, more wintry and therefore, I am heading east to find a winter hiatus to get out of the cold and wet.
I did tell Richard that I could come back in the spring and continue helping him, but he said that he hopes to be finished by then and have this rental sold. I told him, We will see!
Meanwhile, here are some photos of what has been done so far.

The Kitchen, Dining and Living room
All three of these rooms have the exact same vinyl material with the only seem at the doorway between the kitchen and living room which matched up so well, I do not believe Richard plans to put a metal cover strip there.
The Restoration Work at
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1212.1606) Palm Avenue Rental: The Kitchen
The Restoration Work at
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1212.1607) Palm Avenue Rental: The Kitchen
The Restoration Work at
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1212.1609) Palm Avenue Rental: The Kitchen
The Restoration Work at
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1212.1610) Palm Avenue Rental: The Kitchen
The Restoration Work at
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1212.1615) Palm Avenue: The Kitchen From Living Room

The Bathroom
The vinyl flooring is the same material as the bedroom and matches up at the seem between the hall way and bedroom, almost good enough so as not to need a metal cover strip. The seem between the hall way and living room will require because the vinyl is two entire different materials.
The Restoration Work at
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1212.1617) The Bathroom Toilet is back in
The Restoration Work at
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2019-1212.1727) The Bathroom Toilet is back in
The Restoration Work at
Palm Avenue Rental
(b7-ca-palmavenue-2020-0523.1400) Exterior Paint by Richard and Kim

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See Ya above the Treeline!

This Page Last Updated: 26 September 2024

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The Wayƒarers Journal © ::: Come Join the Journey ™
by Thom Buras
Come Join the Journey ™