To provide protection for the new bamboo flooring installed last year, a thick paper is tapped over the entire floor throughout the kitchen and living room and then, cardboard is taped over the paper in the areas that I will be working.
(b7-ca-desert-2017-0217.1837) Desert House Floor Covering
Next, I begin cutting a window between the kitchen and living room and rebuilding the wall in the kitchen
Cutting A Hole in the Kitchen Wall
Kim asks Richard, Since the kitchen is so small, can a pass-through window between the kitchen and living room be cut out to make the kitchen seem larger? When Richard asks me if the opening can be made, my answer is, Sure it can be done, but it will probably also require moving some electrical wiring.
When the hole is cut, sure enough, several wires need to be moved and rerouted, but by opening the kitchen wall in this way, we are able to add some badly needed receptacle circuits in this area of the kitchen.
(b7-ca-desert-2017-0127.1223) View from the Living room into the Kitchen
The Stove Cabinet
Richard and Kim had purchased a new cabinet to install next to the stove under the kitchen pass through window. This cabinet is installed first.
The pass through window will latter be transformed into a bar where several people can sit to eat a meal while Kim shows off her cooking talent.
(b7-ca-desert-2017-0127.1315) A New Cabinet next to the Stove
The Sink Cabinet
After removing the old counter top and while the cabinet is open, I take the opportunity to replace the old sagging pressboard shelves with plywood shelving and paint the inside of the cabinet.
(b7-ca-desert-2017-0127.1046) Installing the Sink and Counter
Also, I install new partitions between the sink section and the shelf and drawer sections. It is a black hardboard that I will later paint white to match the rest of the cabinet interior. Next, I begin work on installing the new countertop and sink.
(b7-ca-desert-2017-0127.1312) Painting the inside of the Cabinet
(b7-ca-desert-2017-0127.1313) Painting the inside of the Cabinet
Kim is still painting the cabinet doors and they will be installed later.
(b7-ca-desert-2017-0127.1314) Painting the inside of the Cabinet