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Personal Note From the Owner
In this day and age, with all the law suit crazy people in this world, we here at TWJ must needs put the above information in it′s place for everyone′s protection.
Yes, it has become a sad state of affairs when doing such becomes not only necessary but also the norm.
Too, you will see the above Important, Before Continuing information repeated on each and every page where we are endeavoring to provide help to our neighbors.
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That being said, all of the information provided within the Appendix Passage, especially in this section called A Wayƒarer′s Quill Strokes is free for any and all to access. Never have we or will we ask for a membership fee or a purchase price for any information that is presented in the Appendix Passage on this web site.
What is Ketosis
Ketosis is a natural metabolic process that occurs when the body burns fat for energy instead of carbohydrates. This happens when the body does not have enough carbohydrates to burn for energy, so it breaks down stored fat and produces ketones as a byproduct. Ketones are chemicals that the body can use for fuel and are eliminated in urine.
What are the symptoms that Ketosis has been obtained?
1. Bad Breath: elevated levels of ketone, spcifically the keytone acetone
that exits the body in you urine and breath.
2. Weight Loss: low carb diets are highly effective for weight loss.
3. Increased blood Ketone level: One of the hallmarks of a keto diet
is a reduction in blood sugar levels and an increase in ketones.
4. Appetite suppression: normally, there is a decrease in hunger
during a low carb, keto diet.
5. Increased focus and energy: when starting a low carb diet, there
is often the effect of brain fog, feeling sick and tiredness.
However, long term keto dieters often obtain increased focus and energy.
First Seven Days in a Keto Diet
Day One:
Your body will begin absorbing all the extra protein and begin repairing
and building muscle, plus you will enjoy cooking and eating steak.
Day Two:
Depending on your previous diet, you will start craving bread, grains, sugar
or soda; but your body is beginning to adapt to a carb free diet.
Push through the cravings, because tomorrow you will enter ketosis.
Day Three:
You enter ketosis and start burning fat instead of carbs for energy.
Your muscles continue to be repaired from the extra protein.
Day Four:
You continue to adjust to eating less calories but more protein.
This means you′re maintaining muscle mass but also burring fat.
Day Five:
Chronic inflammation in you body from grains and carbs is reducing.
This means there is less pains and aches, less brain fog, but more energy.
Day Six:
Chronic inflammation continues to decrease.
You will feel good with high levels of energy all day long.
Day Seven:
All symptoms of Chronic inflammation are not gone.
You will wish you started this a long time ago.
Proportions are Very Important
Methinks, the ratio for good health is two thirds vegetables to one forth lean meat and a small amount of good fats such as avocado, coconut, and nuts but the best ratio will be discussed in detail as more research is done.
As it is understood currently, the most accurate formula for a plate of living food is as follows. First, 60 percent of the plate should be greens, vegetables, and salads. The lean meat should cover 30 percent of our plate. Then, about 8 percent should be good fats, which leaves 2 percent, which can be anything of our own choosing, as long as it is on the list of Living Food below.
Too, drinking a liquid, either water or herb tea should precede the meal.
This proportions formula can be adjusted to one′s preferences. However, if you are trying to reverse a disease, then the food specifics and amounts should be kept as close to the Living Food list and proportions as possible.
Ongoing Research
The following list has been developed from current research but continues to remain subject to change as new information is obtained through ongoing research.
Tips for Shopping
Always Read Labels
1. Check ingredient list for unwanted
2. Look for foods with one or two ingredients.
Check the PLU codes, those little sticker on fruits and vegetables.
1. If it is four-digit number code, it is conventionally grown product.
2. If the four-digit number is preceded with a 9, it is an organic food.
3. If the four-digit number is preceded with an 8, it is a GMO food. Avoid!
Always Buy Organic:
1. Buy only those items whose PLU code begins with a 9
2. Buy these items when it’s labeled 100% organic
3. Buy these items that are labeled GMO-free
Food To Enjoy
Anti Inflammatory:
Foods listed in green has high anti-inflammatory attributes.
Foods listed in magenta have high prebiotic attributes.
Information Page:
Foods listed blue-italic are a link to that food′s Information Page.
Some blue-italic links will direct you to a recipe.
beverages, alcohol: [in moderation] red wine
beverages, powdered: almond milk, coconut milk, coconut cream
tea: [non caffeinated] herbal tea, chia, cinnamon, licorice, green tea, tea tree tea
water: [high alkaline] sparkling, spring
(pH above 7)
broth: bone broth, vegetable broth
condiments: baking powder, coconut aminos, coconut flakes, horseradish sauce,
mayonnaise, mustard (Dijon, spicy, stone ground, yellow)
hot sauce: Cholula, Tabasco, etc
sea salt: [in moderation-no white] blue, brown, pink. Adding salt to food is not necessary as most vegetables naturally have sufficient salt for humans. Like sweeteners, all salt should be eliminated when trying to cure disease.
sweeteners:Stevia, monk fruit [and in moderation
2] raw honey (unfiltered)
vinegar: apple cider, balsamic, coconut, red wine, white wine
flour, grains: sprouted grain flours
flour, nuts: almond, coconut, pecan and walnut
flour, roots: arrowroot
powder, super foods:
acai powder,
acacia powder,
baobab powder,
barley grass,
blueberry powder,
cacao ([cocoa] nibs or powder),
camu camu powder,
elderberry powder
gogi berry powder,
green banana flour,
greens powder,
hemp protein powder
maca [raw] powder,
maqui berry powder,
matcha power,
moringa powder,
pomegranate powder,
red beet powder,
wheat grass
powder, mixes:
golden milk
fruits: avocado, red apple peels, prickly pear
fruits: [in moderation] apple, apricot, banana, raw green, cantaloupe, camu-camu, currents, figs, grapes, gooseberry, kiwi, papaya, pears,
persimmon, pineapple, pomegranate, raisin, watermelon
fruits, berries: [dried or raw] blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, goji berries, raspberries, strawberries, tomatoes, wild blueberries (true berries, compound fruit, epigynous fruit)
fruits, citrus: [in moderation] grapefruit, kumquat, lemon, lime, orange, tangerine
fruits, stone fruit (drupes): [in moderation, dried or raw] apricot, cherry, date, mango, nectarine, peach, plum
olives: [rinse to remove salt] black olives only, Nicoise
grains: [in moderation
3 sprouted] amaranth, barley, buckwheat, bulgur, farro, kamut, oats, quinoa, spelt, teff
herbs [dried or fresh]: allspice, basil, bay leaf, black pepper, capers,
cardamon, caraway seed, cayenne pepper, celery seed, chili pepper, chives, cilantro, cinnamon, coriander seed, cloves, cumin, curry, dill, fennel, garlic, ginger, mint, mustard, nutmeg, onion (granulated, powder) oregano, paprika,
parsley, peppermint, red pepper flakes rosemary, sage, tarragon,
thyme, turmeric, vanilla (extract)
spice mixes: Garam Masala, Mrs Dash,
3 [sprouted only] lentil and mung beans
eggs: [omega 3, organic, pasture raised, not cage-free] eggs
meat, fish: [wild caught with omega-3] anchovies, Arctic char, Atlantic mackerel, black cod (sablefish), grouper, haddock, mahi mahi, Pacific halibut, rainbow trout, red snapper, rockfish,
salmon, sardines, shad, shrimp, tuna
(yellowfin and
meat, fowl: [organic, range or pasture raised, wild] chicken (bone broth, breast, liver), duck, quail, pheasant, turkey
meat, mammals: [organic, grass fed, range fed] beef (bone broth, flank, sirloin), bison, lamb, goat
meat, game: [wild] caribou, bison, elk, venison and most other game
mushrooms: [edible fungi]
King′s Trumpet,
Lion′s Mane,
Turkey Tail,
White Button;
nuts: almond, beech nuts, Brazil nut, coconut, coquito, chestnuts, gingko, hazelnuts, hickory, Macadamia, pecans, pignoli, pine nut, pistachio, and walnuts
nut butter-spreads:
seeds: [preferably sprouted with omega-6
3] chia (ground, whole), flax (ground, whole), hemp (hearts, hulled), pumpkin, sesame
seed butter-spreads: sesame (tahini), sunflower
[extra virgin, mechanically extracted and unrefined]
oils, essential: [non-solvent extraction method]; bergamot, clove, eucalyptus, frankincense, ginger, lavender, myrrh, oregano, peppermint, rose rosemary, tea tree oil,thyme, yarrow
oils, nut: almond, Macadamia, walnut, coconut, flaxseed, grape seed, sesame
oils, seed: black seed (nigella sativa), coconut, flaxseed, grapeseed, sesame
oils, vegetable: avocado, olive
vegetable, allium [Latin: garlic]: all incluing chives, garlic, leeks, onions
6 (green, raw, red, sweet, yellow), scallions, shallots
vegetable, cruciferous [cooked only]: bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage (green and red), cauliflower, collard greens, daikon, kale, horseradish, kohlrabi, maca, mizuna, mustard greens, radish, raspini, rutabaga, turnips, turnip greens, wasabi, watercress
vegetable, fresh: artichoke, asparagus, celery,
cucumber, dill, endive, eggplant, fennel bulb, Jerusalem artichoke, raw, jicama, mint (leaves), pumpkin, red chili (seeded), rhubarb, squash (acorn, butternut, spaghetti, summer, yellow), zucchini, water chestnuts
vegetable, lettuce: arugula, butter head, red leaf, romaine
vegetables, leafy: all including beet greens, celery leaf, chard (green, rainbow, red), chickweed, cilantro (coriander), dandelion greens, mustard greens,
parsley (flat-leaf, wrinkle-leaf), plantain, red clover, rutabaga, spinach, turnip greens, watercress
vegetables, seeded peppers: bell (orange, green, red, yellow), chili (chipotle, jalapeño, poblano, red, serrano)
vegetables, root: arrowroot, beet, brudock root, carrot, celery,
cassava, chicory (raw) garlic, ginger, jicama, Konjac root (elephant yam) onion, parsnip, parsley root, radish, rutabaga, sunchokes, sweet potato, tumeric, turnip, yacon root, and yam
vegetable, juices: [fresh blended or from broth]
microalgae: blue green algae, chlorella algae, marine phytoplankton, spirulina
seaweed: [unprocessed dried marine algae] Atlantic dulse and others (flakes or veggy strips)
supplement all: [organic, cold pressed and/or whole food based]
supplement oils: [omega 3] fish, krill
supplements: primary grapefruit seed extract, grape seed extract, plant enzymes, raspberry keytones, wellness formula
supplements: secondary bilberry, bromeliad, CoQ10, citrus bioflavonoids, curcumin and etc.
supplements: types
amino acids,
anti inflammatory,
bioactive compounds,
essential nutrients,
fatty acids,
CLEAN FIFTEEN (Non Organics are Normally Safe)
Avacados, Asparagus, Broccoli,
Cabbages, Cantaloupes, Cauliflower,
Eggplants, Honeydew Mellon, Kiwis,
Mushrooms, Onions, Pineapples
Three others not included because they are on inflammatory list are, Sweet Corn, Papayas, Sweet Peas.
List last revised: 20 January 2021
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This Page Last Updated: 11 January 2025
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